
Ye Ran met his starry, fiery eyes.

He felt a familiar pain in his waist.

He knew this look very well.

This was the look of a lion in the primeval forest catching its prey, with a bit of primitive instinct and a strong desire for exclusivity.

More importantly.

He had seen this look many, many times in the ancient building just now...

Ye Ran took a deep breath.

The vague evil fire in his heart rose again.

Is this man done?

Raising his hand, Ye Ran pointed at the door and said unhappily:

"Get out."


After two seconds of silence.

A tall black figure stood up from the bedside, took long steps, very obediently, and walked towards the door with a bit of grievance.

The little brother usually walked very fast, with a bit of sharp cold wind.

But at this moment, there was an obvious sense of dawdling in his steps.

Slowly walking to the door, the young man did not choose to open the door and leave.

Instead, he stopped again and looked back at him.

His thin lips moved, as if he wanted to say something but stopped.

"..." Ye Ran asked, "What?"

The young man was silent for a moment.

He moved his thin lips slightly, lowered his eyes, and his voice was a little hoarse.

Obviously, his face was always expressionless, but Ye Ran read a very subtle grievance and flattery from his indifferent tone.

The young man slowed down his tone and said:

"Wait until you finish eating."

"Wash the dishes."

Ye Ran: "..."

Is the twenty-four filial boyfriend up again now?

Do you know to take the initiative to wash the dishes after eating?

Then who was the one who only bullied him with red eyes in the ancient building just now!

Ye Ran wanted to complain.

But when he met the young man's dark eyes, his heart softened inexplicably.

Suddenly, I felt that he was taking advantage of his favoritism and indulgence to throw a tantrum without any reason.

Is he a little too much?

Ye Ran thought silently.


Why should he lie here and drink porridge?

Who gave this to me?

Ye Ran was a little helpless, turned his head to look at him, thinking about what to say.

At this time, the sun was setting.

The night outside the window gradually opened, and the plane passed through the layers of clouds, and the last bit of the sunset light was sprinkled in through the clouds.

The figure of the young man leaned against the window, and the superior and handsome side face was sprinkled with a layer of sunset through the clouds, a unique light purple-pink golden light.

The long eyelashes cast a light shadow on the cheeks.

It was beautiful, just like in a painting.

"In fact, a person does not shine, but your love in your heart has coated him with a layer of golden light."

At that moment, Ye Ran could not find any suitable adjective.

He just, in vain, described this scene in his mind many, many times.

This amazing scene was actually fleeting-

The purple-pink color of the setting sun was actually very short-lived.

In a blink of an eye, the sky outside the window darkened.

The young man seemed to be unaware of his gaze, but he was also very tactful and did not mention Ye Ran's request for him to leave the room. He just glanced out the window and said:

"It's half past seven."

Seven forty was the time they landed at the airport.

The plane had begun to taxi downward. Ye Ran followed the young man's gaze and looked at the ground outside the window. He saw countless lights like starlight, twinkling and fine and crystal.

Ye Ran laughed and said:

"This worldly atmosphere is really beautiful."

The young man hesitated.

With a low "hmm", the young man turned around, bent down to help him wipe the corner of his lips, and their cheeks rubbed together intimately.

Ye Ran heard the little brother's breathing pause, and said in a low voice:



"Go home."


Finally home.

This time at the Banai Drum Tower was really thrilling, and he and the little brother almost died.

Maybe it's been too long since he left City A and that little house.

Ye Ran was also full of emotion at this time.

Instinctively reached out and hugged him.

The room was quietly heating up.

Soon, the plane landed.

When walking out of the airport, Ye Ran gradually realized something.

The conversation between him and the little brother just now was really hypocritical and... stupid.

He saw it on the plane at that time.

It was a ghost of the human world!

Where did the human world come from in this remote private airport!

The airport was surrounded by reporters and media.

As for the fascinating lights they saw on the plane, they were the flashlights they were carrying.time.

Ye Ran's face turned black.

Countless footsteps and cheers came like a tide.

The flash lights flashed into a white light, and the decibel of screams was almost as powerful as a thousand-year-old corpse!

"Master Ye!"



"We've finally waited!"

"Can you accept our interview? It will only take two minutes of your time..."

"We are from XX TV station..."

Countless voices surged around him, and Ye Ran instinctively turned his head and raised his voice to ask the crew members around him:

"Where is your Master Huaer?"

This kind of situation where reporters and media are squatting.

Shouldn't we prepare in advance?

"Uh, the boss is still in the plane..."

For some reason, the crew member blushed when he heard Ye Ran ask about Huaer Ye, and stammered:

"Just now, Hei Ye went to see our boss."

"Should, should be, there are some personal matters to... deal with."


Ye Ran was a little helpless. He turned around and walked towards the outside of the airport with the little brother. The reporters and media like a tide had already surged in front of the two of them, and their expressions were excited to the point of being ferocious.

Looking at the expressions of these reporters and media.

Ye Ran always felt that something was wrong.

Although there were countless reporters and media blocking the way out of the forbidden area last time, it didn't seem so exaggerated.

Many shots this time were not broadcast live.

Shouldn't it be less popular?

Why are they so enthusiastic?

Did something happen that he didn't know about?

Did the program team buy topics and popularity for them? Not really, right?

Ye Ran was still confused when he saw a microphone handed to him:

"Master Ye, can you tell me what you think about this forbidden area?"

Ye Ran hesitated for a moment, but still took the microphone.

He pondered for a moment before speaking:

"...This forbidden area is very thrilling and special."

"I encountered a lot of dangers, but for me, the gains far outweigh the dangers, and I think it's worth it."

The young man found his memory.

They also confirmed each other's hearts.

Ye Ran felt his cheeks burning, and a familiar big hand gently held him, and he continued:

"I know that there are many scenes that cannot be broadcast live. For me, those are some very special and personal memories..."

"Wait, where are you shooting?"

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment, and he finally realized why something was wrong.

The media finished shooting his face.

The camera began to move down slowly in tacit understanding.

This is shooting his... Waist? ? ?

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