Before he arrived at the camping site yesterday, he heard the sound of water.

At that time, he guessed that there was a large river nearby.

But because the terrain where they camped was very high.

So Ye Ran didn't take it seriously.

Just now, they walked here from the camping site according to the directions, and the sound of water that was faint last night gradually became clearer.

In front of them was a turbulent river!

According to the location, this should be the ancient moat.

But the owner of this forbidden area obviously didn't regard this river as an ordinary moat.

It is several times wider than a normal moat.

Inside the moat is a vaguely visible ancient city, which should be the center of the forbidden area.

The problem is that this moat must be passed first.

Ye Ran sighed in his heart.

No wonder Hei Xiazi said last night that there was no way.

He thought there was something strange in front of him, such as Qimen Dunjia or ghost wall, and he couldn't get through.

But on second thought, with Hei Xia Zi's strength, these things would not be difficult for him.

Sure enough, there was really no way ahead.

Sister Baoer stretched out her finger, pointed ahead, and said:

"Why is there no way?"

"Can't you walk on that bridge?"

Above the moat, there was a wooden bridge connected by iron chains.

Ye Ran shook his head and smiled helplessly:

"Sister Baoer, you are right."

"That bridge really can't be walked on."

After saying that, he bent down and picked up a stone from the ground and threw it in the direction of the bridge.


A hole was smashed directly in the bridge.

A few wooden boards scattered and fell into the moat below.

It disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ye Ran said:

"Sister Baoer, you've seen it too. The rainy season has lasted for thousands of years, and the wooden planks have been in a state of disrepair."

"I'll buy a piece of tofu and put it there. It's probably stronger than this wooden plank."

"The iron chain looks very high, but the water level of the moat is even higher now. It's probably flooded all year round, and it's rusted to the point where it's unbearable to look at. No one can get on it."

Thousands of years ago, it might have been able to carry those residents.

However, the iron smelting technology at that time was just invented, and it was barely enough.

It's great that it hasn't broken even after being flooded until now, let alone people.

Even a big rat might not be able to crawl over it.

"The moat thousands of years ago couldn't be this deep."

Ye Ran estimated the height of the moat and said:

"First, the owner of the forbidden land must have asked his residents and soldiers to dig a lot of ditches, all of which were connected to evacuate the water."

"Second, when the owner of the forbidden land was there, the global climate had not changed, and there were not so many rainy seasons."

Besides, they happened to come during the rainy season.

The rise of the water far exceeded everyone's imagination.

At this height, the iron chain bridge in the air was almost flooded!

"How to get through this?"

Sister Baoer scratched her hair. She could escape underground, but she couldn't fly!

"We can only try to take a detour first."

Ye Ran thought for a while and said, "This rainy season will not be over in a short time. If the drought demon that Angus and the others met is kept for a while, it will become a spirit, and the rainy season will stop at any time."

But if that's the case, Angus and Matsushita Kuzi can't escape no matter what they say.

Mr. Bei didn't have time to quit the show.

Four human skins, sure.

"But the wisdom of the ancients is definitely far beyond our imagination."

"Especially the owner of this forbidden area. Everything we encountered along the way seems to be within her calculations."

"This is also a ruthless person who takes one step and thinks hundreds or thousands of steps ahead."

Ye Ran sighed, and then continued:

"Then she dug such a wide moat, and she must have thought of the future climate change and high tides."

"This moat cannot have only the iron chain bridge as a way."

There must be other ways to get to the depths of the forbidden area.

In fact, when the rainy season is over, the water level of the moat will drop by at least half, and then we can find a way to get there.

But this is a waste of time.

After the other groups enter the forbidden area, they will reach the moat in two or three days at the latest.

Since it is a competition for points and things deep in the forbidden area, of course the sooner the better.


Ye Ran concluded, "There is no bridge or diving equipment here, so we really have to cooperate with Black Glasses."

Both sides of the moat are dozens of kilometers long.

It is difficult for a small team to find another entrance set up by the owner of the forbidden area in a short time.

Ye Ran told his thoughts to his brother Baoerjie.

Baoerjie looked silly.

I don't knowDid you understand?

Hearing Ye Ran finally say that he wanted to cooperate with Hei Xia Zi.

He puffed up his cheeks angrily and clenched the shovel in his hand.

Ye Ran felt sorry for Hei Xia Zi!

The young man nodded slightly and said "hmm".

Obviously, Ye Ran and he thought the same thing.

"Fortunately, this place is not far from the tent of Hei Yanjing and his friends."

Ye Ran thought of Hei Yanjing's meaningful smile last night and felt a little unhappy.

This guy, couldn't he have said it earlier?

He had to let them come over to take a look.

He was probably planning in his mind what conditions to put forward.

Ye Ran thought while picking up a few stones, tied them with ropes, and measured the water depth.

This moat is much deeper than he thought.

His thin rope is dozens of meters long, and it has fallen into the river tied with stones.

It hasn't even touched the bottom yet.

The owner of this forbidden land wants to dig out half of the sea.

Ye Ran complained in his heart.

He was about to pull the rope back.

Suddenly, his eyes swept across his feet.

They were standing on the edge of the moat.

He could vaguely see huge stones under the water at the edge of the moat.

"Why didn't Hei Xiazi let me look at my feet last night?"

Ye Ran hadn't finished speaking yet.

He saw a group of dense black beetles scurrying through the water under his feet.

Corpse beetles!

The water in the moat was actually densely packed with these things.

When he thought about how he had just taken two steps forward in the water to measure the depth, Ye Ran instantly felt that he was dirty.

He was not clean.

Before he could finish being disgusted.

The water in the river suddenly shook abnormally.

Then, a dense mass of corpse-bugs suddenly crawled up the edge of the moat.

Among the corpse-bugs, a strange pale face suddenly rose slowly.

It was a woman's face.

The black eyes stared at the direction of the three people, revealing a strong sense of malice and ominousness.

This forbidden area has not been opened for a thousand years.

How could there be a human face in the river? !

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