Who is "it"?

Ye Ran suddenly thought of the slender black shadow that suddenly flashed outside the tent before crossing the moat.

Or is there something else?

Ye Ran held the photo in his hand and had a vague guess.

What Wen Jin wanted to leave them was not this notebook or any of the contents inside.

On the contrary, the most important contents in this notebook had been torn out by her long ago.

The things left behind seemed very important, but in fact, nothing was leaked, and they happened to be the most insignificant things.

What Wen Jin really wanted to leave behind was a warning.

And it was a warning that only the little brother would know how to find.

But Wen Jin said that "it" had been following them all the way.

They didn't notice it at all.

Could it be that "it" turned into Panzi?

Or was it A Ning?

Or, "it" was simply a non-existent thing, and what Wen Jin wanted to express was a deeper meaning.

In short, everything around him became unreliable.

But can Wen Jin really be trusted?

Why should he believe what Wen Jin said?

Many thoughts flashed through Ye Ran's mind in an instant. He turned around and looked at the young man beside him, and was about to speak.

Suddenly Pan Zi's voice rang out:

"Master Ye? Zhang the Mute?"

"I called you twice. Why didn't anyone answer?"

"I said, there are two roads ahead, which one should I go left or right?"

Pan Zi said, and shone the flashlight over.

Before the flashlight shone over, Ye Ran moved quickly, put the photo back into the notebook, and handed the notebook to the young man.

Ye Ran said, "We have all read the notes, but the little brother hasn't read them yet."

"That's right."

Pan Zi scratched his hair, his voice a little confused:

"That Qilin, Master Ye, have you two finished reading it?"

"If you have, come and show us the way."

Ye Ran hummed, agreed, and walked forward with the little brother.

There were indeed two entrances in front.

Ye Ran used the sixteen-character secret technique to quickly deduce it, and just as he was about to speak, he heard the little brother say in a low voice:


The four entered the entrance on the left, went down a few steps, and continued to move forward.

After walking a distance forward, Ye Ran realized that the layout of the underground palace was different from what he had imagined at the beginning.

It seemed that they had not yet entered the real underground palace.

The further they walked forward, the lower the height above their heads became, and the narrower the road became. When they walked to the back, they had to bend over to move forward.

Panzi was physically strong, and he was walking in the front, the lowest height, and his voice was a little aggrieved. He came from the front:

"The owner of this forbidden land is too stingy. He built the house so low even after he died. He is lying down, but we are still standing!"

Ye Ran felt a little funny. He shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this is not a real underground palace, but an underground passage. If I'm not mistaken, this passage should be used to dredge the underground river and pay tribute to the underground palace."

Since they entered this passage, there were broken pots on both sides of the road.

Fortunately, there was no corpse king in it.

So Ye Ran guessed that these pots should have been used for tribute at that time.

The passage they are walking in now can also be called the earliest drainage system in ancient times before the owner of the forbidden land died.

"I'll go."

Panzi, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped.

He took a deep breath and said, "Zhang Qilin, is the road you lead us to? If we go any further, I'll be squeezed into a can."

During this journey, the young man's face had long returned to normal.

His expression did not change, and he remained calm, as if these things had nothing to do with him.

Hearing Panzi say this, the young man said two words calmly.

"Hurry up."

"Fuck, how can I not want to hurry? This place is so crowded that I can't even lift my head, I can't see the road clearly, and I can't walk fast."

Panzi complained, and suddenly said "Huh".

"Oh my goodness, we finally reached the end. I thought we were going to be squeezed to death, but I didn't expect that after getting through the most crowded place, there was a lot of space in front. What kind of devilish underground palace is this?"

Ye Ran said: "I've said it before, this is actually a drainage system. It is used to control the flow of underground rivers during the rainy season when the water level is particularly high. Some places are made very narrow, which is normal."

As he said this, the four of them got through.

After Ye Ran stood still, he looked around.

After getting through, it was indeed much more spacious.

You can also see the traces of activities in the underground palace thousands of years ago from here.The signs became more frequent.

There were lifelike murals on the walls.

These murals were only swept by Panzi's flashlight. Ye Ran only had time to see clearly that there seemed to be many snakes of different shapes and colors painted on the walls.

He took out the flashlight and wanted to take a closer look, but suddenly there was a sound of breaking under Ning's feet.

"Be careful!"

Then Ning's voice sounded, with a hint of nervousness in her coldness:

"There are all earthen jars on the ground, and some of them are sealed and have not been opened yet..."

If they are opened, who knows what is inside?

It could be the Corpse King, or it could be poison gas accumulated for thousands of years, or it could be something else.

Although he now inherited the blood of the Vermillion Bird, this blood should have an anti-toxic effect.

But Panzi and Ning did not.

Ye Ran slowed down his pace, walked carefully to the side of the mural, and looked at it in detail with a flashlight.

These murals are completely opposite to the style of the spires of snake heads in the imaginary space. They have no realistic features and are very twisted and magical.

The paintings are actually in the shape of snakes with women's heads and faces on them, which looks particularly charming.

And under these monsters with human faces and snake bodies, there are full of earthenware jars.

Some residents knelt around and raised their hands devoutly.

It seems that they are praying, asking for something, or offering something...

Ye Ran frowned. What this mural wants to express is really too weird. He wants to take a closer look.

After all, this is definitely related to the underground palace they are going to go deep into next.

At this moment, Ah Ning suddenly said "Hmm?"

Strangely, he said:

"Pan Zi, what's on your head?"

"Why are there so many white crumbs? Shouldn't you wash your hair?"

"What a joke! I've been to all sorts of dirty and messy places, and I'm used to it."

Pan Zi said, and raised his hand to touch his head.

The next second, Pan Zi pulled off a long string of things from his head.

The moment they saw this thing, everyone in the underground passage changed their expressions.

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