Not only did Sister Baoer notice something was wrong.

Ye Ran himself also felt it.

Just now in that dark passage, the little brother in the river pushed him up hard, and he rolled down from the cliff.

At this moment, he could hear Sister Baoer talking, but it was pitch black in front of him and he couldn't see anything.

Sister Baoer said that he was in the wall?

How is this possible?

Could it be that the owner of the forbidden area had predicted thousands of years in advance that he and the little brother would roll into the tomb from a cave, and deliberately made a mezzanine in the wall of the tomb?

If this is true, this mezzanine must not be empty.

These thoughts quickly passed through Ye Ran's mind, but he had more important things to do at the moment.

"Little brother, where are you?"

The first thing Ye Ran did when he stood up was to tentatively call out the little brother, but there was no response.

He stretched out his palm and roughly groped around, only to find that the gap he was in was extremely narrow, and he could barely stand alone.

He came in, but where is the brother?

Is he still in the river?

The river was extremely turbulent, and it was unknown where it would rush to. What if...

"I'm here."

Just then, a strange sound suddenly came from behind Ye Ran, as if someone had rolled down from the cave, followed by a low voice.

Ye Ran felt a wet body coming up behind him.

It was so close to him that he could even hear the brother's breathing.

"Don't move."

The brother's bony fingers grasped his wrist, stopping him from reaching for the flashlight, and his voice rang low in his ear.

"Find a mechanism."


Hearing the three words from the brother, Ye Ran reacted immediately.

According to what Sister Baoer had just said, she and Black Glasses seemed to be in a large space, and there was a large "hot pot".

That should be the tomb of the owner of a forbidden area, and it was quite large.

In this case, they should have accidentally come to the tomb where Sister Baoer and the others were, either in the crack of the tomb wall or in a dark room.

The young man didn't let him turn on the flashlight, probably because there was something inside, and turning on the light would probably wake that thing up.

If this is really a dark room, it must be where the tomb owner used to store things, and there must be a mechanism.

If there is no mechanism, it is probably just a layer of the wall, just break it directly.

The two of them fumbled on the stone wall for a while.

Ye Ran really found a stone brick. When he touched it with his fingers, it had a slightly frosted texture, which was a little different from the surrounding ones.

He turned his head and whispered, "Here."

The young man stretched out his slender fingers and rubbed the stone brick for a while, and then he pulled the stone brick out of the wall with a slight force of his two slender fingers.

There is indeed a roulette-shaped mechanism inside this stone brick!

Ye Ran turned the wheel, and the stone wall made a "boom" sound. Then, the huge stone wall in front of them slowly moved away.

At the moment when the stone wall moved away.

Ye Ran was greeted by the shovel that Sister Baoer had just raised!

"Hiss... Sister Baoer!"

Fortunately, Sister Baoer saw the stone wall move away, and she should have restrained a lot of strength. Ye Ran reacted quickly and raised his palm directly to catch the shovel out of thin air.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, the shovel would have hit him in the face.

This is a big deal that will disfigure him!

Sister Baoer is really unique. She gave him such a big surprise when they met.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow."

Sister Baoer looked at the shovel in her hand being steadily caught by Ye Ran, and her big gray eyes widened.

She put away the shovel and gave Ye Ran a thumbs up:

"Ye kid, you can actually catch my shovel with your bare hands, you are awesome!"

Ye Ran: "...So Sister Baoer, we just met again after so much difficulty, and you are going to bury me, right?"

"No, no."

Sister Baoer shook her head quickly and said, "I just want to help you break the wall and dig you out. I can not only bury people, but also dig people out!"

"...Then we really thank you."

Ye Ran walked out of the dark room and raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face. He was not scared by Sister Baoer's shovel, but he really felt very hot.

This dark room in the stone wall was airtight and narrow. He and his brother were squeezed in it, almost like a game of Jenga.

"Master Ye, Zhang Qilin."

The man with black glasses also came over, pushed his sunglasses on his face, nodded slightly to the two of them, and asked with a smile in his voice:

"How did you get here?", where are Panzi and Aning?"

"They are still in the river. Sorry, the water was too strong just now."

Ye Ran roughly recounted what happened just now, and asked: "Can you see their current location?"

Hei Xiazi raised the bracelet on his wrist, looked at it for a while, then put it down and sighed:

"They are moving very fast, they should still be in the river, but they are not in danger of life at the moment."

"I, Hei Yanjing, have been in the underworld for so many years, and I have never encountered such a frustrating thing. Zhang Qilin, Ye Xiaoye, you two have to compensate me well."

As he said that, Hei Yanjing glanced in the direction of Sister Baoer and said unhappily:

"Not only can I not find any of my two teammates now, I almost died too,"

"It's been a day, a whole day, and I didn't dare to close my eyes. Do you understand what this feeling is? "

Hei Xia Zi's voice was still smiling, but with a hint of fatigue and pain:

"As soon as I close my eyes, this woman will stand beside me with a shovel, staring at me, saying that she is considering whether to bury me."

"The most important thing is that I was so angry that I took action, but after taking action, I found a more serious thing, that is, I can't beat her at all."

"I, Hei Yanjing, never expected that the biggest danger I encountered after entering the forbidden land was not the monsters in the forbidden land, nor the feng shui of the forbidden land, but your teammates!"

Hei Yanjing: Danger!


Hearing Hei Yanjing's description, Ye Ran laughed a little unkindly.

But he just laughed, and when he saw Hei Yanjing turned his head and looked at him, he quickly changed the subject and said:

"Let's not talk about this first, how did you find this place? "

This should be the deepest part of the Queen Mother of the West's forbidden land.

They stumbled along the way, exhausted, and lost Panzi and Aning before finally reaching here.

Why do Black Glasses and Sister Baoer look so leisurely, as if they are here for a trip?

"Don't mention it."

Black Glasses waved his hand and said speechlessly: "We followed the snakes in. To be precise, it was Gu Yong who came in. "

Black Glasses roughly recounted the process of their coming in.

It turned out that after they separated from Brother Ye Ran, they set up a camp to rest.

Unexpectedly, in the early morning, a large number of pheasant necks suddenly poured into the camp, and he and Sister Baoer cut off most of these pheasant necks.

After that, Sister Baoer had a sudden idea and let a pheasant neck lead the way. Unexpectedly, the pheasant neck got into a swamp. Sister Baoer directly shoveled and dug a hole on the spot, and dug directly to the underground palace of the Queen Mother of the West.

Black Blind followed Sister Baoer all the way, and the two dug a tomb, in which there was a coffin and a dried corpse.

When Black Blind opened the coffin, he didn't know what mechanism he encountered, and the tomb rotated for a while, and they came here.

When he said this, Black Blind had an expression of surviving a disaster, and he exhaled: "This woman is simply a monster, she can breathe underground! I almost suffocated to death. "

Ye Ran: "..."

Sister Baoer, you are amazing.

While the three of them were talking here, the young man had quietly walked to the center of the cemetery and lit a flare.

The flare went up into the air.

Ye Ran finally got to see the whole picture of the tomb they were in, and he took a deep breath.

He finally knew what the "hot pot" that Sister Baoer had been talking about was.

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