At the same time.

On the huge screen in the live broadcast room.

The three-person team of Ye Ran, Brother Qilin, and Feng Baoer.

The points suddenly rose by 120.

Among the remaining more than 30 teams, they have already ranked in the top three!

Bingbing held the microphone in her hand and made an official explanation:

"Because the shipwreck, treasure, and corpse king are all first-time discoveries, and they are A-level discoveries, each of them will be awarded 40 points."

"Although the treasure was discovered by the other three people, they have passed away, and their relatives will receive a huge accidental death compensation from the insurance company."

"Therefore, they will no longer enjoy the points bonus, and the points will be transferred to the second team that discovered the treasure."

That is, the team where Ye Ran is.

120 points, it seems not much.

But according to the conversion rules of the program group.

In the forbidden area, 10 points can be exchanged for a bottle of water, or a bandage, a fever-reducing medicine, etc.

After leaving the forbidden area, 1 point can be exchanged for 100,000 M gold!

These 120 points are already a very generous reward.

As for the other two teams ranked in the top three, they each had their own adventures and gains.

One of them was the team of Angus and Matsushita Kuko, who had mocked Ye Ran before.

After the illusion disappeared, the two of them entered the forbidden area in anger.

Although the quality of the two was not very good.

But in terms of strength, they were indeed top-notch.

With a "squeak".

Matsushita Kuko retracted his knife.

Under his feet was a hideous lizard that was cut in half.

At this moment, seeing Ye Ran and others' points rising in the bracelet ranking, he grinned angrily.

"It's just luck, otherwise how could it be their turn."

"Good job, you dare to plot against me, causing me to lose face in front of the audience in the live broadcast room."

"In the next forbidden area, I will let them know what regret is!"


After solving the corpse-eating king, Ye Ran and the other three teams continued to walk towards the depths of the desert.

On the way, Ye Ran silently studied the "Sixteen-Character Feng Shui Secret Technique" given by the system in his mind.

I have to say that this book is indeed a collection of Feng Shui.

Especially the second volume, which is extremely profound.

Because of the lack of time, Ye Ran chose to read the first volume first.


Brother Qilin and Feng Baobao, who were walking in front, stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Ran looked up in confusion.

The next second.

He was stunned by the scene in front of him.

In the dry desert.

Suddenly a huge fracture appeared.

After walking through the fracture, you can see a huge oasis! !

However, this oasis is surrounded by fog.

There are huge, strange-shaped trees everywhere.

No matter how you look at it, it feels ominous.

"We are in the forbidden area."

Sister Baoer blinked cutely and said:

"Zhang Qilin, you have a talent for leading the way."

She thought it would take two or three days!

Sister Baoer was not the only one who thought so.

The audience in the live broadcast room thought so too.

Ye Ran glanced at the bracelet.

He found that the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing enthusiastically.

"Oh my god, it's so spectacular!"

"I never dreamed that there would be an oasis in the depths of the desert."

"Won't this oasis be dried up?"

"It looks like a mirage, so beautiful."

"Tropical oasis, hiss... not so optimistic, all kinds of mosquitoes can kill me."

"Speaking of which, the blood of that Kirin brother just now is really amazing!"

"Isn't it? A few drops of blood can scare away the corpse king, which is better than floral water!"

"The little cow sitting on the stove is so awesome!"

"Too strong, Kirin brother YYD!"

"Yes, Brother Ye Ran is also very strong, beyond my imagination, his hand paper man technique really shocked me."

At this point.

The audience was silent for a while.

Everyone has seen what Brother Qilin did just now. He is definitely very strong.

Needless to say, Ye Ran is an expert in paper figurines.

But what about that female team member?

She didn't seem to do anything except standing there with a shovel in her hand!

"What's her resume?"

"I just went to see it. Um... she's an employee of a courier company, but it's said that her body is beyond the limits of the human body in all aspects. And her age is not written. It's said that she can't remember it!"

"Good guy! She looks like she's only in her 20s. She can't remember her age? Where does her amnesia come from?"

"Yes, she looks a bit like a vase, and she's also very second-year."

"Don't talk nonsense, the above person, she's not a crazy fan, and she hasn't done anything wrong, so how can she be a vase?"

"She's a vase if she's dragging down the team, understand?"

"It's so funny. She's a girl. If you can do it, go ahead!"

"Why am I commenting on her?"To buy a refrigerator, you have to learn how to refrigerate it first? "

That's it.

The audience in the live broadcast room quarreled!

Seeing this, Ye Ran was helpless.

He said:

"Okay, stop quarreling."

"You will know how strong Sister Baoer is in the future."

He dared to say it.

The team he was in.

It is definitely the ceiling level of the forbidden area's combat power!!

He, who just got the system, was the weakest one.

Seeing the audience in the live broadcast room still quarreling.

Ye Ran was also a little speechless.

He squatted down, tied his trouser legs and cuffs tightly.

He cut a few more paper figures and went to explore the way.

The audience in the live broadcast room noticed his actions and asked:

"Brother Ye Ran, are you cold?"

"Yes, and there is no need to explore the way here, right? After all, it's not a desert, and I don't think I will get lost. "

Ye Ran shook his head.


"It's not because of the cold. Tighten your trouser legs and arms, first to prevent mosquito bites, and second to prevent skin scratches from grass and trees. "

Although he now has the blood of the unicorn.

But the rain forest will continue to rain, and the blood may be washed away.

So you still have to prevent mosquitoes and scratches.

As for the paper man exploring the way.

"There will be many man-eating swamps ahead."

Ye Ran said:

"If the quicksand well just sucked people in and suffocated them to death."

"The swamp is even more terrifying."

"It will make people fall into the mud, slowly, watching themselves sinking little by little."

"At the same time, all kinds of insects and snakes in the mud will constantly bite your skin."

"Sucking your flesh and blood."

"Until you are sucked into an empty skin with only the heart still beating..."

"Ahem! "

The audience in the live broadcast room was almost scared crazy!

Ye Ran couldn't say anything more.

He felt creepy too.

So he kept quiet and waited for the paper man to explore the way.

Just then.

Sister Baoer suddenly said "Huh".

Said in surprise:


"Ye Ran, Zhang Qilin, look."

"Was there a statue in front of us just now?"


Ye Ran nodded.

When he first entered the rain forest, he saw a statue covered with moss.

What's the problem?

"The statue is gone."

Sister Baoer pointed to the front.

Then pointed behind.

She said:

"I don't know when it ran behind us."

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