Hearing Ye Ran ask this.

Wen Jin's pale face suddenly froze.

Her dark eyes stared at Ye Ran, and after a while, the corners of her mouth stiffly raised, revealing an extremely unnatural smile.

Wen Jin shook her head, "No, I'm not the Queen Mother of the West, you're wrong."


Ye Ran looked at her and laughed.

"Since I entered this meteorite jade, I always have a strange feeling in my heart."

"At first, I thought it was a physical reason that caused my mental state; but now it seems that my intuition is still sharp."

"My brother and I were both blinded by the notes you left behind."

Ye Ran stared at Wen Jin in front of him, his face cold, and took a step forward.

"Your notes say that you have never been deep into the underground palace. You also say that you have been living in the forbidden area, and there is an unknown "she" looking for you..."

"Although I don't know what the agreement between you and the brother was, you must know that the brother who sees this note will definitely look for you, even if he doesn't remember anything."

"But what about your notes?"

"How much is true and how much is false?"

"I want to ask you, if you really have never entered this meteorite jade, why do you know everything about it?"

"Why do you know that this meteorite jade will only have a drastic effect on people with immortal blood?"

"Why do you know that the person in the cocoon under the throne is the ancestor of the Zhang family?"

"Why do you know that the ancestor of the Zhang family has been here for 4,000 years? Even the brother needs to use the Zhang family's unique secret language to communicate with him, and you, Wenjin."

Ye Ran looked at Wenjin's increasingly pale face and slowly raised the corners of his lips.

He asked:

"Wenjin, if you are not the Queen Mother of the West, how do you know all this four thousand years ago?"

"Don't you think it's strange? You entered the meteorite with my brother, but you look like the owner of the meteorite now."

"You knew all this a long time ago, but you deliberately brought him in."

"If you are not the Queen Mother of the West, then fine."

"Wenjin, are you still the same Wenjin as before?"

"Who are you? Are you dead or alive?"


Wenjin stood there, saying nothing.

Her facial expression was completely frozen, like a sculpture, motionless.

Only her dark eyes looked at Ye Ran steadily, with a complex and calm look that made people feel creepy.

Ye Ran looked at her coldly.

"I don't care what your purpose is, or why you brought my brother here."

Ye Ran paused when he said this.

He endured the intense boiling of blood and pain, and said:

"Whether you are Wenjin or Queen Mother of the West, it has no effect on me. The only thing I have to do now is to take him out."


Wenjin seemed to have just reacted.

She gently turned her neck, looked in the direction of the little brother, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of her lips, saying:

"You are wrong."

"I am not Queen Mother of the West."

"But, you are right."

"I am indeed no longer Wenjin."

"Maybe, I am really Queen Mother of the West... No, this is impossible, I can't be her."

"Who am I, who am I?"

Wenjin held her face, and suddenly talked to herself like a lunatic, and then screamed and laughed "chuckle".

"I am her, and I am me..."

"I hate her, I hate her, and I became her again."

"Ha, ha ha..."

"What did I do wrong again?"

Wenjin's eyes were suddenly full of bloodshot.

In this scene, she looked more like a living person, but she held Ye Ran's arm tightly. Her arm was cold and sticky, like someone who had died for many years, giving people an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

"You are very smart."

Wen Jin said:

"You are very similar to Zhang Qilin back then... but you are stronger than he was back then."

"I am very relieved about this."

"Tell you. Ha, it doesn't matter if I tell you, anyway, I am already in this meteorite."

"I won't die, but I won't live like a human anymore... You can think that I have eternal life, but the eternal life I have is far more painful than death."

At this point, Wen Jin's pale face showed deep sorrow.

"When I was young, I used to go to a tomb with my former lover, Zhang Qilin, and my friends..."

"It was an underwater tomb."

"I was knocked unconscious in that tomb, and the man fed me and a friend named A Ling a small red pill.”

“After returning from the underwater tomb, my friend and I gradually underwent some changes in our bodies. We will not age or die, and a strange fragrance will appear in our bodies.”

“Yes, we will gradually become a monster we have seen before - a forbidden woman, a monster that is immortal and has no independent consciousness.”

“My friend, A Ling, has been in a nursing home forever, but I escaped.”

“I came to the forbidden area of ​​the Queen Mother of the West, hoping to find a way out... But I soon discovered that since three years ago, I have had many memories that do not belong to me in my mind.”

“Those memories are from 4,000 years ago.”

Wen Jin smiled sadly and said:

“I seem to have eaten something extraordinary.”

“If I guess correctly, the pill I took should have belonged to the Queen Mother of the West.”

“That pill contains nothing else but all the memories of the Queen Mother of the West from four thousand years ago.”

“I am confused. Sometimes I am Wenjin, sometimes I am the Queen Mother of the West... I inherited all her memories, but I am not her."

"As you said, the Queen Mother of the West is indeed not dead."

"She is still on the throne, in the meteorite, in that huge cocoon."

"She is sleeping in a strange state, similar to the ancestor of the Zhang family."

"Her consciousness has been looking for me, and I am hiding from her... But in the end, my body really can't hold on. If I don't enter this meteorite, I will become a forbidden woman, just like A Ling, a monster."

"So, I came, I brought all the memories of the Queen Mother of the West four thousand years ago, and I came."

"But who can tell me who I am?"

"I am Wenjin."

"I am a forbidden woman."

"I am the Queen Mother of the West."

"I am alive, but also dead. I want to live, but I don't want to become a forbidden woman. Is this wrong? "

Wen Jin choked up. She looked like she wanted to cry, but the body of a forbidden woman would not shed tears.

Her expression looked a little funny, but Ye Ran could not laugh at all.

Although Wen Jin's words were rather confusing.

He himself had a splitting headache, as if countless echoes were ringing in his ears, and he could not hold on for much longer.

But he finally understood what happened to Wen Jin.

That is to say, Wen Jin took a strange pill many years ago, and then she had some memories of the Queen Mother of the West, and was about to become a forbidden woman.

This meteorite jade has the side effect of prolonging longevity and preventing the body from becoming a forbidden woman.

So after she had avoided the search of the awakened consciousness of the Queen Mother of the West for many years, she had no choice but to come.

Ye Ran raised his hand.

Slowly opening his palm, there were seven red pills in his palm.

It was the seven stars in a row that he had seen on the jade plate in the previous underground palace!

He looked at Wen Jin and asked:

"Is this the pill you are talking about? "

Wen Jin's face suddenly changed!

"How come this...this thing is here with you? !"

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