Cai Jing is just an ordinary person, and Gu Qing wants to brainwash him, but it is very easy.

With Cai Jing in the imperial court, as Gu Qing's puppet, her power has reached a peak.

Next, Gu Qing took advantage of Cai Jing's cover and began to recruit troops in the people.

This kind of behavior, although very hidden, always attracts the attention of some people.

If Cai Jing had not covered for Gu Qing in the dynasty, I am afraid that the emperor would have now known that the Power Gang was preparing to rebel and ordered troops to be sent against him.

And now, even if the emperor occasionally shows his concern for the power gang, Cai Jing will persuade that it is just a quack force.

Plus Fu Zongshu was covering on the side.

Fooling this mediocre emperor who only knows how to have fun is still no problem at all.

Even Zhuge Shenhou sensed that something was wrong and discovered Gu Qing's ambition.

But there is nothing to stop it.

Because Gu Qing's power is too big!

The speed of the rise is too fast!


As the saying goes, shooting people first shoots horses, and thieves first capture kings.

Of course, Gu Qing understood this truth.

So after she waited for her own power to develop, she was going to take the next step.

The goal of this step is to control Emperor Zhao Shu.

Then let him abdicate to make way for Xian.

Since ancient times, it has not been easy to ascend to the Ninth Five.

What's more, she is still a woman.

In this case, her own martial arts level is no longer the most important decisive factor.

After all, not everything can be solved by killing and killing.

The most important thing is the hole card in your hand!

That is, the forces under his command.

And now, the power of the power gang is so great that Gu Qing can say that the imperial city is temporarily under the control of Emperor Zhao, and outside the imperial city, it completely belongs to her Gu Qing!

At that time, even if all the Manchu dynasties oppose it, it will be of no use.

Because she's done!


Outside the Imperial City.

Under the moonlit night.

Li Buyi looked at the silhouette that sneaked in.

Speechless for a long time.

In the end, he couldn't help but sigh: "Once the hero draws his sword, it is another ten years of calamity."

"The world prospers, the people suffer, the world dies, the people suffer."

"Was my original decision right or wrong?"

At the beginning, if he was outside the power gang altar, he could really stop Gu Qing.

Maybe the latter things will be different.

Unfortunately, now that Gu Qing's general trend has become a reality, even he can't do anything.

Of course, Gu Qing didn't know that Li Buyi was outside the imperial city and peeping at her.

The purpose of her trip was only one, that is, to infiltrate the imperial city and control Emperor Zhao Zhi as her own puppet.

He then ordered his abdication to make way for Hyun.

For ordinary people, the imperial city was heavily guarded, but for Gu Qing, it was like entering a no-man's land.

However, when she arrived at the emperor's residence, she saw that the door was open, and inside was an old man with long white hair and beard, sitting on a chair and waiting.

Behind him, there were three others.

The first one, with a resolute face and arms in his arms.

The other person, with a jumpy temperament, but also showed a solemn face at this time.

The last man, with long hair and chest and a handsome face, was sitting in a wheelchair.

It was Zhuge Shenhou, and his three disciples.

Known as the iron hand of the four famous catches, chasing after life, ruthless!

As for the last cold-blooded, he has long died in the hands of 'Rolling Dragon' Lou Hua.

It is also equivalent to indirectly dying in Gu Qing's hands.

Among these three, what interested Gu Qing the most was not the chase of life with superb leg skills, nor the iron hand who practiced the "Consistent Divine Skill".

On the contrary, it is the ruthlessness of shallow internal strength, even paralysis of the lower body, and can only be spent in a wheelchair for life!

This person is the veritable head of the 'Four Famous Catches'!

When he was a child, his whole family was tragically destroyed, and he was raised by Zhuge Zheng and me, and he was the eldest apprentice of Zhuge Shenhou.

Among the four, he started the youngest, but he was younger than the second junior brother Iron Hand and the third junior brother, and older than the fourth junior brother in cold blood.

Thoughtful, intelligent, and emotional.

Although his legs are disabled, he has made a light effort.

The body is weak, but the one-handed dark kung fu is rarely matched in the world.

Due to his congenital weakness and internal qi, he could not practice martial arts, so he only relied on a pair of skillful hands to resist the giant enemy with the world's most powerful dark weapon and his own refined palanquin mechanism.

His legs were wasted, but with incomparable perseverance, he practiced peerless light skills.

With the two stunts of light skill and dark weapon, he is ruthlessly praised by people in the rivers and lakes as 'walking thousands of miles without legs, and a thousand hands cannot be prevented'!

Considered the most difficult of the four!

Among the rivers and lakes, the only ones who can be compared with the ruthless dark weapon level are the original Liu Wuliu Suifeng and the Tang Gate Tang Jue.

There is a ballad that has been widely sung: 'The left is ruthless, the right follows the wind, don't forget Tang Zhongjue'!

It is the three people with the highest level of dark weapons in the rivers and lakes today.

When Gu Qing saw the four of them, he knew that this should be a trap.

But she didn't care at all.

Because she knew that Zhuge Shenhou would definitely not sit still.

And now, it's his last chance.

So he's going to give it a go no matter what.

Before coming, Gu Qing had expected this situation.

However, Gu Qing was not worried.

Because she already had a way to deal with it.

said lightly: "Zhuge Shenhou, I have been friends with you for a long time, and now I have finally met."

Zhuge Shenhou stared at Gu Qing, and his eyes were also complicated.

"I had a hunch that you would plot against you, but I didn't expect you to rise too fast."

He already felt deeply powerless.

Now, it's his last chance.

If he couldn't stop Gu Qing, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Even if he really repelled Gu Qing, it was just to ease the situation.

Gu Qing: "Zhao Zhi is incompetent, and if he continues to occupy that position, sooner or later he will still be destroyed by the golden people."

"Instead of letting these thousands of miles fall into the hands of foreign races, if this seat takes over it, it will definitely be able to sweep the universe and build a huge empire!"

Chase sneered disdainfully: "You are also too pretentious, do you think anyone can sit on the throne?"

Gu Qing didn't pay attention to him, but just stared at Zhuge Shenhou and said, "Everyone in the world says that Zhuge Shenhou is loyal and courageous, upright, and has the world in mind.

"But I have a different view."

Zhuge Shenhou raised his eyebrows slightly and said strangely: "Oh? What does Gu Gang Master mean?

Gu Qing continued, "In my opinion, Shenhou is really a traitor!

"I can include anyone, but I won't dissuade you, because you're already on my kill list."

Zhuge Shenhou: "You and I have a grudge?"

Gu Qing: "Earlier, I set foot in the rivers and lakes with only one purpose, that is, revenge!"

Zhuge Shenhou: "For whom to avenge?"

Gu Qing: "Li Shenzhou!" "

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