Forces of Temptation

Vol 2 Chapter 273: wish (2)

In the test server office, the supervisor looked at the returned screen, closed his eyes and pondered for a while.

Very crafty condition.

This human being code-named Jiang Fang, although he still does not know the existence of high-dimensional, but he may have touched the edge of the truth.

On the original abandoned copy, Gaowei took over "Gravity" as the basis of the world view and built a large copy world.

Jiang Fang guessed that "Gravity" will not end here based on the constantly improving game system.

Its game territory will inevitably expand, and eventually expand to ordinary humans.

So he said it very slickly, between the lines, that is, he refused to be thrown into other games, just tested "Gravity", and never left this game he was already familiar with the basic rules Circle, and asked them to bring Nan Zhou back to him and complete that inevitable "reunion" with him.

But what's the use of this little cleverness?

At that time, the supervisor did not think that Jiang Fang could make any waves.

What he saw was an ant, with its tentacles recklessly, clamoring to fight them.

If the windmill had life, Don Quixote, who was holding a tattered spear to fight it, would probably be in the same mood as this supervisor.


Jiang Fang, who looked at him calmly and didn't realize he was funny, suddenly had an interesting idea.

He told his fellow researchers, "I have a great idea."

The supervisor narrowed his eyes, and his tone was obviously intoxicated by the whims of his own hands.

Nanzhou's body was helpless, swaying and swaying, as if it was a purposeless boat release in the sparse galaxy glow.

His mind, like his body, opened a piece of duckweed in the vast world.

But Nan Zhou always felt that there was a thread of thought entangling him, and he never let him go completely free.

Before he realized the meaning of the line, he was the first to whisper: "Brother Fang..."

This self-talk made him suddenly fall from the dream, fall heavily, and his body suddenly bounced off the ground.

A tree, a field, and a pool of ripe red sunsets.

The scene on his side is exactly the same as that on Jiang Fang's side.

But there is no Jiang Fang here, he is alone.

Nan Zhou raised his hand and stroked his chest.

The blood is still fresh and warm, but the pain in the chest has disappeared. This is a good thing.

Before he lost consciousness, the inferior shrapnel had been rubbed open in his internal organs, and with the movement of blood vessels and muscles, it had cut open every part of his internal organs.

Suddenly, a small but warm body jumped up on his shoulders, and gave a "chirp" in surprise.

Nan Zhou couldn't figure out the situation in front of him, but he still took the initiative to touch the fur on the top of his forehead.

"...South Pole?"

Nanjing Xing followed Jiang Fang back to the church synchronously.

He thought that Jiang Fang would bring Nanzhou out soon, so he stayed outside vigilantly and became a small security guard, trying to make up for his sleepiness and playfulness these days calamity.

Later, Jiang Fang did appear.

…but with Nanzhou’s body.

Before Nanji Star recovered from this nightmare-like shock, Jiang Fang began to talk to himself in the sky, like crazy.

The strange thing is that with his words, Jiang Fang's figure slowly disappeared into the air.

After Jiang Fang disappeared for no reason, Nanzhou Xing stumbled down the tree, rammed all the way, and bumped into Nan Zhoushang's warm body without thinking.

He squatted beside Nan Zhou in a trance, raised his small paws, and touched his face lightly.

The tiny claw tips were quickly stained with blood.

Nanzhou didn't have any intention to respond to him.

A dull and unfamiliar pain swept through the heart of Antarctica.

The pain drove him into a frenzy.

He bit Nan Zhou's cuff and shook his head violently, trying to wake him up.

—You are not allowed to sleep! stand up!

Nanzhou did not move.

He no longer closed his eyes and flicked his forehead with his index finger when he was disturbing him to sleep.

Nanjing Xing was biting his cuff with tears in his eyes, and when he had no masters, an irresistible force dragged Nanzhou and Nanyang Xing into chaos.

After comforting the almost stressed Nanxing, Nanzhou tried to stand up while supporting the tree.

At this moment, from the sky like Rotten Tomatoes, a double eyelid suddenly popped open, revealing huge pupils.

Behind this grand visual spectacle, is Mr. Supervisor with a loudspeaker.

With a clear voice, he said leisurely: "Mr. Nanzhou, congratulations on getting here. You have a chance to receive a wish reward."

Nan Zhou frowned suspiciously.

Faced with such good luck, he humbly asked: "Why? I am obviously dead."

Mr. Supervisor: “…”

Nan Zhou's reaction was too bland, it can be said that he did not please him.

It stands to reason that if you escape from death and get another chance to make a wish, you should seize it first, and then ask others?

But Mr. Supervisor is not discouraged.

His God's perspective is enough for him to make up similar lies.

"Because Jiang Fang saved you. He did the same thing as the character Priest Keith, he summoned the demon Amy and gave you his life force for free. Congratulations, Nan Mr. Zhou, you have become the only customs clearer."

Nan Zhou lowered his head.

Mr. Director pointed the camera at Nanzhou, eager to see the panic, frustration and pain on his face, and looked forward to the result after he followed his good manners.

Nan Zhou's guilt will definitely drive him to make the choice he wants.

In this way, the self who takes the initiative can propose the creative "price" to him.

Nanjing Xing was so anxious to hear him fart.

—he's talking nonsense! Jiang Fang clearly disappeared on his own!

After ten seconds, Nan Zhou raised his head.

He said calmly: "You're lying. I'm dying so fast that he didn't have time. Besides, if he did, he should be in my body now."

Mr. Supervisor: “…”

Before he could think of his next rhetoric, Nan Zhouqing asked coldly, "So, what do you want me to do?"

Mr. Supervisor cheered up and lowered his voice: "...Do you have any wishes?"

Nan Zhou said, "I want all the team members to come back to me."

"What are you willing to pay for this?"

"Why should I pay the price?" Nan Zhou asked, "You said that I am the last person to live and enjoy the reward. Since it is a reward, why should there be a price?"

The supervisor said proudly: "I'm sorry to tell you that your wish is not so valuable. You can only exchange an odd number of lives at most, and even if you want to exchange one person, you have to pay A certain price is needed to fill the gap."

Nanzhou: "That's it."

Nan Zhou: "Then why do you want to be rewarded by strong buying and strong selling?"

The supervisor snorted lightly from his nose.

Actually, he was already very upset.

The civilization they are in created the earth and this vast universe of galaxies.

They are the creators of the earth, and Nanzhou is a low-level creature born from the pen of a low-level creature, and it is the most despicable thing.

Who would treat such a low-level NPC as an equal and bargaining object?

The supervisor said, "You may not do it."

Nan Zhou shrugged: "You didn't give me another choice."

"I want Brother Fang to come back to me." After confirming that the other party was not good, Nan Zhou still did not stop, changed his wish, and asked, "What price do you want? ?"

…Finally introducing themes.

The supervisor chuckled lightly: "I want your memory. ... Don't worry, I don't care about the rest, as long as you have all the memories related to Jiang Fang."

This time, Nan Zhou was really surprised: "Why?"

Mr. Supervisor gave a high-sounding reason: "We have always been interested in you. You have been living in a closed space with no emotional response since birth, and in such a situation , How did you develop feelings? Therefore, the memory of you and Jiang Fang is of considerable research value for us."

,What should I do?"

Mr. Supervisor: “…”

If he had lungs, he would probably have exploded by now.

Now, Jiang Fang's wish has come true.

They were on the verge of life and death and picked up Nanzhou.

He came to deceive Nan Zhou, a typical white wolf with empty gloves.

But he didn't bother to fool a guinea pig.

He just wanted to make the game more interesting, but Nan Zhou's reaction made him want to kill this man again.

The supervisor refused to answer Nan Zhou's question.

Nan Zhou couldn't wait for a long time to hear back, so he buried his head and meditated quietly.

He didn't believe this strange eye that appeared halfway.

Besides, if I say goodbye to Jiang Fang without a memory, and I am still not a real person, is it worth it to say "goodbye"?

Soon, Nan Zhou got his answer.

... Bet everything, and see him again, how can you say it's not worth it.

"Okay." He said, "Okay, I will use my memory for the chance to meet him again."

He added: "I want it as soon as possible."

The strange eyes narrowed slightly because of their success: "Okay. The transaction is successful."

Nanzhou leaned against the tree and sat down gently.

He didn't take advantage of this last time to review all his memories after meeting Jiang Fang.

He looked at his wrist, and the scene when Jiang Fang took him to the "Paper Gold" bar appeared in his mind.

At that time, he said that he liked the blue morpho butterfly tattooed on DJ's arm.

Jiang Fang told him that it was very painful, and all the patterns had to be punctured with a small needle with ink.

He drew a chrysalis on his right wrist, and prayed: "Nanzhou, when you meet someone you really like, it will become a butterfly."

Now, right now.

Nan Zhou drew a butterfly on his right wrist with the still-dry blood on his clothes.

He leaned his head against the hard bark and asked himself in his heart, "When will I become a butterfly?"

…he actually turned into a butterfly.

When he was beside Jiang Fang, when he was holding his hand, when he was sleeping beside him, Nan Zhou only felt like there was a whole butterfly's nest living in his stomach A gorgeous spring.

And when his thoughts fell into romantic reverie, a mass of parsed data slowly uprooted from his mind.

The figure that belongs to Jiang Fang slowly sinks in Nan Zhou's memory.

The process of retrieving memory is complicated.

High-dimensional people must first encode part of Nanzhou's memory, filter out his brain in an orderly manner, and then purify higher-dimensional data after passing through the low-level data network of "Universal Gravity" data.

The South Pole became quiet after being restless.

He stayed beside Nan Zhou, wondering what he was thinking.

And when the complete data group got out of the Nanzhou boat and started to optimize, the South Pole Star suddenly moved.

He rushed over with all his might, and his small figure flashed through the flashing light. When he reached the ground, he rolled several times, creating a small cloud of dust.

No one knows, the absolute low-level creature in the eyes of this high-dimensional person seems to be futile and funny. The extracted memory, and cut himself into two.

Half with Nan Zhou's memory, with a violent and indifferent self, he broke into the turbulent flow of data and hibernated himself.

The other half of him stayed with Nanzhou.

Even though he was broken, he retained all his tenderness and loyalty.

The fantastic adventure of Little Honey Glider begins.

But at this time, no one knows what he paid.

Even Nan Zhou didn't know.

When the strange eyes closed, Nan Zhou sat blankly in the wilderness that had returned to normal, looking at the sky, the South Pole Star, and himself.

He thought, why am I here?

Nan Zhou remembered that a group of people suddenly came to the town of Neverland, which had not been visited by players for a long time.

And he was sitting on the roof of the room where the group was hiding, chasing the apple he had dropped, and jumping onto the balcony.

Nan Zhou touched every corner of his body, but he never found anything that could remind and inspire him.

At the moment when the wish transaction was reached, his system was confiscated, and he was covered in clothes and armor.

All he had left was a comatose Antarctic star, which fell to the ground in disarray.

He took the South Pole Star in his arms and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

…Only the blood butterfly on his wrist reminded him that he should have had an unusual adventure.

Nan Zhou stared blankly at the dried blood on his wrist.

The blood will fall off after it dries.

In great confusion and anxiety, Nan Zhou instinctively wanted to keep it.

After he opened his eyes, this was the first thing he saw that was not his original self.

It looks like a token.

…a butterfly of unknown origin.

A love of unknown origin.

He lowered his head and took a golden pin from his neckline.

He remembers hearing it somewhere, quenching ink with a needle, can make a beautiful tattoo.

But in which book did you read it, Nan Zhou has forgotten.

He just wanted an eternal butterfly, a long and lasting reminder of his long, strange adventure.

Jiang Fang and Nanzhou, waiting in the relay station where they met.

They sat with their backs on the east and west sides of the same tree.

Obviously in the same scene, but in a completely different time and space.

Jiang Fang under the tree in the east closed his eyes and let the long wind ruffle his loose silver hair.

After the memory of Nanzhou under the tree on the west side was removed, his mind was chaotic and his mind was in a trance. Only a vague belief supported him. On his nerve-rich wrist, he pierced 5127 pins.

A black butterfly the size of a coin spreads its wings on his wrist.

He was sitting under the same tree with him, the vines were tangled and the roots were entangled.

They don't know each other.

With the memory of Nanzhou in hand, Mr. Manager is very satisfied.

Although the process was a little tortuous, the result was satisfactory.

He proudly showed off his erudition to his two subordinates: "The two of them, do they look like the classic tragedy "The Gift of the Maggie"?"

Researcher A, who is also studying earth culture recently, wants to deny the boss's opinion.

In his opinion, "The Gift of the Maggie" is not a tragedy.

But he thought about it and wisely chose to shut up.

Another researcher B, who did not know much about earth literature, asked curiously: "What kind of story is that?"

"It's nothing, not worth the time to read, just a story of a fool. A poor couple who want to give each other gifts, but never open their mouths to ask each other what they need, leads to a stupid the result of."

The supervisor said with a very ironic disgust: "I don't know what low-level creature it is, and will regard such a story as a classic."

Researcher A tried to divert the topic: "How do we satisfy Jiang Fang's wish and turn him into a luminous charm?"

The supervisor asked directly, "Are you an idiot?"

A fool will make another light charm.

An NPC like Light Charm has obvious shortcomings, but when it is not a full moon night, whether it is physical fitness or reaction ability, it can be called a bug.

Why would they make another monster?

The supervisor said: "Since Jiang Fang wants the 'same life form', then give him the identity of a humanoid NPC."

Researcher B asked: "So, how will their encounter be arranged?"

Mr. Supervisor: "After the server is officially launched, arrange them to enter the arena in the second half to ensure that they do not have the opportunity to compete for the first place in the zone server. Then, give them an interesting trial copy ."

He played with the memory of Nanzhou in the palm of his hand with a smile, squeezed the soft gray ball of light like a ball, and then threw it into the data garbage station, letting that precious memory, Was strangled in the turbulence of the garbage station.

"Don't they both like to be smart?" He sneered mockingly, "Okay, I'll give them this chance."

"You mean..."

"Nanzhou doesn't have any memory about Jiang Fang now, and the memory extraction has also caused serious damage to his spirit. This effect will disappear unless he leaves that place."

"So, after the server is officially launched and the dungeon is entered, for Nan Zhou, he just stayed in the town and suddenly landed here."

The supervisor gestured excitedly: "At that time, I need a confined space, a time limit, a link where players doubt each other and attack each other, and a game of fate where guessing wrong or death is necessary—Nanbsp; If Zhou is really smart, then he will find out that Jiang Fang, like him, is also an 'outsider'."

"Then Nanzhou will personally send Jiang Fang to die."

"Think about it, Jiang Fang gave up his identity and saved Nan Zhou; Nan Zhou also gave up his memory to save him. As a result, on the first side of their encounter, Nan Zhou I killed Jiang Fang—"

Mr. Supervisor was overwhelmed by his genius idea, and said with great enthusiasm, "This is a wonderful and interesting 'Gift of Maggie', isn't it?"

The author has something to say:

"Maggie's Gift" - refers to the beautiful love story of cuddling and then being handcuffed at the first meeting.

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