Forces of Temptation

Chapter 45: Sand, Sand, Sand (10)

In the school, almost all teaching buildings are about five floors, and most of the student apartments are no more than four floors, and the rows are connected in sequence.

None of the heights require an elevator.

In such a large campus, there are not many places to install elevators.

There are international student dormitories.

There are medical and chemical laboratory buildings of slightly higher level that require a lot of equipment handling.

There is an administrative office building with a height of about 24 floors.

There are also two new high-rise dormitory buildings that were completed less than three years ago.

One is the teacher's dormitory.

…The other building is the dormitory building of the Department of Mathematics.

The reason why the Mathematics Department can exclusively enjoy the benefits of the elevator dormitory building is because the Mathematics Department originally lived in one of the oldest and dilapidated dormitories in the whole school.

Secondly, the president of Jingjing University was originally a professor of mathematics.

And among their existing seven people, there is exactly one mathematics department.

…Xie Xiangyu.

The original broken relationship chain has a faint connection.

But this connection is not enough to prove anything.

Li Yinhang asked: "There is an elevator in the dormitory building of the Department of Mathematics, can it prove that the person who left the recording is from the Department of Mathematics? Department of Medicine, Department of Chemical Engineering, and even administrative teachers in the office building, It can’t be completely ruled out.”

When she asked this question, Nan Zhou and the others were in the stairwell on the highest floor of the mathematics dormitory.

The stairwell is sunny.

However, when the autumn sun shines on me, it is always cold.

Nanzhou jumped down from the stairs.

He went back to the dormitory this morning, and even thought about matching himself with a new dress.

The soles of his lace-up Martin boots hit the ground, causing a crisp echo up and down the stairwell.

Nan Zhou looked up at the still dim lamps in the corridor, and said, "There is still a clue in the recording."


"When he escaped." Nan Zhou said, "In the background, there is a voice."

Li Yinhang tried hard to recall, but to no avail.

She had just dipped into the darkness at that time, and her whole spirit was highly tense.

Nanzhou looked towards Jiang Fang.

Jiang Fang nodded and affirmed Nan Zhou's judgment: "Yes. The sound of 'humming'."

Li Yinhang: "..." So the big guy has a tape recorder in his head, right?

She thought deeply based on this clue.



Nan Zhou looked up at the lights just now...

Li Yinhang was suddenly enlightened: "Light-sensing and voice-activated lights!"

Suddenly, the surroundings were bright.

…this is the subtle burning sound of tungsten wire.

The light bulbs in the school corridors and corridors are all provided by the same company, and the surfaces are coated with light-sensitive materials.

That is to say, the time when the person who left the message is very likely to be late at night.

Late night.

There is an elevator.

And the person who left the message is obviously very familiar with the room distribution here.

Familiar enough to use elevators and unlocked rooms to avoid rustling sounds.

It's like living here.

These elements are brought together, and it is not difficult to draw conclusions—

The place where the messager disappeared is most likely the dormitory building of the Department of Mathematics.

In the space where they are.

This stairway.

Li Yinhang's hair stood up and paid tribute.

She bit her head and asked: "It's also possible...the person who left the message stayed in the laboratory building, office building, etc. in the middle of the night...and, at night, running like this in the dormitory building, Why didn't he come out to help him? Why didn't he ask someone for help? Since he is from the Department of Mathematics, there must be people he knows and knows in the whole building, right?"

Nan Zhou: "Then prove it."

Li Yinhang: "How..."

Nanzhou: "Find that room."

If the person who left the message last appeared in the dormitory of the mathematics department, there must be an empty, unlocked room in a corner of the dormitory, near the elevator.

There is a tin cabinet in the room where you can hide someone.


The three stood in front of a room on the fifth floor.

During the daytime on Friday, math students went to class or to the library.

The seniors who don't plan to study hard are also nesting in bed at this time, happily lingering with the quilt.

Therefore, the hallways of the dormitory are less crowded during the day.

There is a suffocating silence.

Nan Zhou held the door handle, imitating the people that night, and slowly pressed the handle down.

For fear of disturbing the ghost in the dark.

The lock spring made a hoarse and jerky popping sound, the sound was so small that it could be ignored.

But for the messager who tried to escape from death that night, this movement may be thunderous.

The door was not locked, as they expected.

After a gust of cold wind passed, the door opened inwards.

In front of the three, it slowly unfolded the whole picture inside.

No one has been here for a long time.

The evidence is a thin layer of ash on the light colored floor tiles.

Li Yinhang just wanted to go in, but Yu Guang saw that the two Nanjiang guys didn't want to go in, and immediately shrank to the back.

Nan Zhou said softly, "No."

Then he looked at Li Yinhang again.

Li Yinhang felt that he was a mediocre student who was picked in the high school class and just wanted to fish.

As a last resort, she bit her head and looked at the ground in front of her like the two.

Probably because she was flustered, she looked at it several times, but she couldn't see anything special.

This is a total utility room.

Three or four cabinets stand in the room.

One of them is a transparent office bookcase, with glass sliding doors, through the dusty light gray glass, you can vaguely see a few empty dark blue file boxes stacked horizontally.

Other cabinets have the same specifications as the standard lead-grey iron wardrobes in the school dormitory.

Broken and redundant wardrobes will probably be moved to this abandoned place.

There are several brooms that are either split or missing parts in the corner.

Stacks of express cartons.

Six or seven chairs with the "Jingjing University" logo.

There is a pot of dead succulents on the windowsill.

The curtains were drawn so tightly that no light could pass through.

The plant was forgotten in the curtain, thirsty and silent.

…it's a dingy dump.

After watching for a long time, a faint coolness climbed up Li Yinhang's ankle like a snake, making her very uncomfortable.

Li Yinhang tentatively said: "...Well, this should be the last hiding place of that person?"

Nan Zhou nodded, looking at her, waiting for her to follow.

Li Yinhang: “…”

Just staring at each other for a long time, Li Yinhang felt a little embarrassed.

She rubbed her head: "I'm quite procrastinating, and I really didn't find anything. Otherwise, Mr. Nan, you can say it directly..."

Nan Zhou said coldly, "Take a good look."

Li Yinhang's back muscles subconsciously tightened.

There is no other reason. This kind of overwhelming aura that belongs to a teacher, even for Li Yinhang, who has long left the campus and entered the society, has an indelible, muscle memory type fear.

Until now, Li Yinhang has no doubts about Nan Zhou's identity as a teacher.

Nan Zhou said: "This copy is very difficult."

Nan Zhou said: "You must have the awareness and ability to protect yourself."

Nan Zhou said: "Take a good look."

Li Yinhang couldn't help stunned, he didn't dare to pin his hopes on Nanzhou, concentrated all his energy and looked towards the room.

After she settled down, a sense of disobedience quickly rushed into her heart.

…Where exactly…

She turned pale and lost her voice: "Footprints!"

After hearing the answer, Nan Zhou's eyes turned back to the room.


No footprints.

No one has come to this room for a long time.

The party was held a week ago.

Then, if someone really escapes here, the footprints on the dust will extend all the way to the tin cabinet.

…so, why are there no footprints?

Li Yinhang muttered: "Did that person not hide here? Did we find the wrong room?"

At this time, Nan Zhou stepped into the room.

After taking a few steps, he stepped on the light-colored floor tiles and looked back.

The footprints are exceptionally clear.

Nanzhou turned around and walked towards the metal cabinet closest to the door.

Standing in front of the cabinet, Nan Zhou lowered his head, thoughtful.

Since entering the copy, they have tried various methods.

They look for Hu Li, they look for clues from themselves, they try to live step by step, they go to classroom 403.

They haven't been able to find any valid leads.

But that's not how games should be.

This is a copy of the game, there will always be solutions and clues.

Even if it was originally an unsolved problem, the programmers and GM hiding behind it will try to come up with a reasonable solution.

It's like…

Nan Zhou closed his eyes, and the broken picture quickly passed in front of him.

A full moon on the horizon.

Smiling, or kind, or malicious faces.

A sharp, burning pain as the current flows through the body…

Mysteries are meaningless without answers.

The so-called game is exactly that.

Nanzhou exerted her strength and opened the tattered iron wardrobe in front of her.

The inside was empty, save for a rotten rag curled up in the bottom corner of the cabinet, emitting an unpleasant, rotting milk smell.

He heard Li Yinhang's regretful sigh behind him.

But he didn't stop and opened several cabinets one after another.

This is the case inside.

Nothing to gain.

Because there are no footprints, Li Yinhang is not so sure that this is the room where the man hid before disappearing.

She consciously looked at Jiang Fang.

If Jiang Fang said to go, Nan Zhou would listen.

Jiang Fang was leaning against the door and had no intention of leaving.

He fixedly stared at Nan Zhou's back, with star-like trust and appreciation in his eyes.

Nan Zhou noticed the sight behind him and turned around.

Jiang Fang gave him an encouraging nod.

Look slowly, think slowly.

Nan Zhou stood up, thought about it, and walked slowly back to the old wardrobe he opened first.

This is the cabinet closest to the door.

If he was the one who left the message, in the situation where he wanted to hide, he would only choose the cabinet closest to the door and least likely to make noise.

I opened the cabinet again, and the rotten smell came out.

Nanzhou's eyes told him that there was nothing here except that dirty rag.

But he squatted down, leaned halfway into the cabinet, used his hands as the only carrier of perception, and groped every corner.

…The key to solving the problem will always remain.

In a few moments.

Nanzhou's fingertips touched something.

It is hard to the touch, not a rag.

Nanzhou transferred the object from the fingertip to the palm.

After repeatedly drawing and confirming its shape, he stood up, faced the two of them, and raised his palms straight forward: "I found it."

Li Yinhang was confused for a while.

…Nan Zhou had nothing in his hands.

But Jiang Fang walked into the room and placed his fingers on Nan Zhou's palm.

The two looked at each other.

So, he lost something.

The key in his pocket.

This key can be touched but invisible.

Like its owner.

As the recording says.

—"That place doesn't exist, so neither can we."

The existence of this key is obliterated from the visual level.

When a thing is invisible to everyone, it is socially non-existent.

It's the way it is.

So do people.

Jiang Fang took the invisible key and walked out quickly.

His request was simple and clear: "Find Xie Xiangyu's dormitory."

The man disappeared in the dormitory of the mathematics department.

Xie Xiangyu is the only mathematics student among them.

The connection between them will not be weak.

Xie Xiangyu's dormitory is not difficult to find.

On the eighth floor, 0814.

It's just that everyone is out now and the door is locked.

Jiang Fang took the key that did not exist in the sociological sense and tried to unlock it.

Nanzhou looked up at the famous brand at the door.

4 people live in 0814.

Xie Xiangyu, Yu Min, Liu Shuoqi.

No matter how much he concentrates, it is such a concept that is baked into his mind.

There are four people here.

There are three names on the board.

Whenever he notices that there seems to be a problem, the problem will be automatically filtered out of his mind, leaving a faint shadow.

Snake shadow like a bow dropped from a cup.

Nan Zhou closed his eyes again.

He remembered the morning.

In the morning, he returned to his dormitory.

After a cursory inspection, Nan Zhou returned to his seat.

The other three in the dormitory were busy reviewing, so it was understandable that they did not greet him.

But when Nan Zhou accidentally bumped into the roommate next to the seat, the man was sturdy and startled.

And what did the roommate say?

—“Nanzhou, you cat, you? Why is there no sound when walking!”

At that time, Nan Zhou felt a little strange.

It seems... his presence has become indifferent, and it is beginning to be difficult for others to perceive.

What if Hu Li and the disappearing commenter both encountered such a thing?

Everyone else has forgotten Hu Li, only the person who left the message still remembers a little bit.

The forgetting of Hu Li is very similar to their current situation.

These players don't even know the name of the last person who died and left a message.

…what a horrible echo and coincidence.

What's even more terrifying is that the person who left the message gradually found that all the connections between him and the world in front of him were being cut off a little bit.

No one can see him, hear him, and feel him.

All this happened after he began to hear the rustling noise.

Even if he was running and crying in his familiar dormitory corridor.

Even if he used to rock his sleeping roommate.

Even though he knocked on the other dormitory doors one by one for help.

Even if he runs in the stairwell, corridor in the middle of the night, stepping on fierce footsteps...

No one answered him, no one rescued him.

Nanzhou thought of the storage room they had just found.

Behind the door, there is dust on the ground, most likely with the messy footprints of the messager.

…it’s just that they can’t see it.

Nan Zhou closed his eyes and put his hand towards the famous brand hanging at the door.

He needs to prove his conjecture.

The nameplate is movable and can be removed.

Once the previous dormitory has moved out, or has been transferred to another dormitory, it can be dismantled and replaced with a new brand name.

Nanzhou slides the name cards out of their original positions one by one and holds them in the palm of her hand.

The nameplate is embossed.

Nanzhou touched them one by one.

Xie Xiangyu, Yu Min, Liu Shuoqi…

until he touched a name of a complete stranger.

He said the name silently in his heart.




Zuo Jiaming.

The person who left the recording finally has a name.

When Nan Zhou was about to speak…




The "rustling" sound that suddenly sounded on the side of the ear was too faint.

...Sounds like a sneer mocking Nan Zhou's self-control.

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