Forces of Temptation

Chapter 70: Full Moon Fear (4)

Other people's mentality is far less peaceful than that of a san-value monster like Nanzhou.

The scene just now is a horror fantasy that countless children have had when they stared at the window in childhood.

Even Lu Bifang was a little hairy, so he strode upstairs and reported everything they had investigated and what they had just witnessed to He Yinchuan.

He Yinchuan was very indifferent.

"I know." He Yinchuan stretched out his hand and hugged Zhou Ao's shoulder affectionately, "Little Friday discovered that thing a few minutes ago."

Zhou Ao: "..." I'm two years older than you, thank you.

Lu Bifang said worriedly: "Then what should I do?"

Zhou Ao's words are like gold: "There is a way."

"Just now, Xiao Zhou found someone eavesdropping outside and made a gesture with me. I just played a trick."

He Yinchuan blinked playfully and made a footnote to Zhou Ao's concise words: "—I deliberately chatted with Xiaoliang and Xiaozhou, saying that when we came down from the bottom of the mountain, we saw someone To climb a mountain."

Lu Bifang's tense heart suddenly relaxed.

In this way, the person who came to investigate will get false information.

Since this group of climbers cares about mountain climbers so much, they will not ignore the news.

Nan Zhou was not breathing steadily: "There are at least four of them, and they won't all leave."

He Yinchuan's understanding is very clear, and he is not very complacent: "A little less is a little bit. We are discussing what to do next."

The teammates are very worry-free, and they have arranged everything carefully, and Nanzhou is a little more at ease.

He shook his body, and barely took off his goggles with almost a struggle.

The journey back and forth more than half an hour just now, and the whole journey was bathed under the bright silver moon, which consumed too much physical strength.

He didn't make a sound, he just leaned against Jiang Fang and supported the wall with one hand, panting loudly.

Nanzhou was originally a gentle and elegant appearance. Now, after the snow on the eyelashes is quickly melted by the room temperature, it looks like a tearful and aggrieved face.

Noticing that Nan Zhou was sweating, Liang Shu frowned, and made a quick gesture to Jiang Fang.

Jiang Fang understood and picked up Nanzhou.

Nanzhou: “…”

Nanzhou never enjoyed this kind of treatment.

Like a cat being picked up belly up for the first time, he frequently turned sideways to the ground.

Not shy.

He was worried that Jiang Fang would not be able to hold him, and he would fall.

When she was carried to a room with only an empty bed frame and placed on a cold and hard bed, Nan Zhou was still a little bit unable to regain his senses.

Liang Shu is a military doctor. According to her attributes, most of the props assigned to her by the system are medical equipment.

She measured Nanzhou's heartbeat and blood pressure, and asked, "What's your normal blood pressure?"

Nan Zhou shook his head quietly.

Liang Shu was puzzled by his actions: "I haven't tested it, or I don't know?"

Nanzhou: "I haven't tested it for a long time."

Liang Shu pressed a few points on his head: "Does it hurt?"

Nan Zhou shook his head again.

After asking a few questions, Liang Shu's serious expression relaxed a little, his cat-like pointed eyes naturally curved up, returning to a charming and affectionate demeanor.

Liang Shu: "I just don't think you have altitude sickness."

Li Yinhang, who followed him all the way, was quite nervous: "What's the problem?"

Liang Shu thought about it and said, "At the moment, it seems... just weak."

Li Yinhang: "..." God is weak.

She couldn't figure out why Nanzhou had such serious discomfort if it wasn't for altitude sickness.

…It's almost like a different person.

Nan Zhou responded indifferently: "At a time like this, physical weakness will also kill you."

Liang Shu's words were indeed mostly comforting, but she didn't expect Nan Zhou to be so awake, so she couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry. It doesn't matter if you are weak or something else, according to the personality of our team He. , I will carry you too."

Nan Zhou: "It's not who is responsible for who."

Nanzhou: "The physical fitness of those climbers is very good. Comparing their physical strength alone, you may not win."

Liang Shu shrugged, half comforting and half serious: "The quality is good, but the brain may not be."

She stood up and patted Nan Zhou lightly on the shoulder, looking like she didn't want to talk about it: "Have a good rest, Team He and the others will come up with good ideas."

The quintet put them in a protective position.

This is well-intentioned and the most efficient way at present, so Nan Zhou didn't say much.

After closing the door, Liang Shu turned his face and saw Lin Zhisong by the door.

He pulled Liang Shu out of a few rooms, and then cautiously asked in a low voice, " is it?"

Liang Shu knew who he was asking.

She answered truthfully: "tachycardia, hypothermia, pale lips, profuse cold sweats, and no trauma on the body. It's just physical weakness."

Lin Zhisong's eyes flickered: "Oh."

Liang Shu saw what was on his mind, and slowly put on the gloves: "Don't worry, it's not pretending."

Lin Zhisong nodded lightly.

Liang Shu: "Where did you see him, do you remember?"

Lin Zhisong uttered a syllable with unknown meaning, I don't know if he remembered it, or just made a sound to Liang Shu in response.

Liang Shuxiao.

This little brother Lin has a very strange personality.

It's not unsocial, but it's a typical inorganic man who is easily immersed in his own world.

Lin Zhisong followed Liang Shu and walked to the room where Team He was.

He suddenly asked, "Sister Liang. What did he say his name was?"

Liang Shu: "Who? Nanzhou?"

Lin Zhisong nodded knowingly, but did not speak again.

Liang Shu had long been accustomed to his weirdness, and walked forward without looking back.

Lin Zhisong silently recited this name:


Even the name is familiar.

Li Yinhang hugged the bed rail and looked at Nan Zhou, whose lips were pale, holding a pot of 70-degree boiling water that Lu Bifang had just sent with a heating rod. A lot of peace of mind.

I have to admit that with the "bronze" as the backing, she didn't consciously relax.

Although she knew that the five climbers were agile and strange, it was difficult for her to bring up a strong sense of crisis when she was with the police uncles.

Nan Zhou pretended to drink water wholeheartedly.

What was going on in his mind, no one knew.

The ubiquitous moonlight poured in from the window, inlaying his outline into a furry, soft look.

Jiang Fang easily saw through him: "What are you thinking?"

Nanzhou put down the green marching pot: "Why is the copy called 'Fear of the Full Moon'?"

Li Yinhang wanted to cut in and persuade him to take a good rest, not to think too much if he was not feeling well, but after thinking about it, she still obediently kept her voice.

She knew that neither Nan Zhou nor Jiang Fang were people who would depend on others.

Jiang Fang pointed out what he thought: "Do you think the moon is the key to breaking the game?"

Nanzhou: "Of course."

Nan Zhou made a half circle with one hand: "It must be so big, there must be a reason."

Jiang Fang laughed.

Nanzhou's ideas are always strange and interesting.

There is still some truth to it.

Nan Zhou looked at him: "... laugh at me."

Jiang Fang touched his hair: "No."

Nan Zhou turned his attention to the marching pot again.

The jug is flickering with fine silver light, holding half a jug of water and half a jug of moon.

But thinking of the giant moon of unknown origin, the remaining half-pot of water is not very attractive to Nanzhou.

He slowly screwed up the mouth of the bottle and said to himself: "Also, why do they kill people?"

According to climbers, Luna is a man-eating monster.

True believers should not remind Nanzhou and the others at all, but send sacrifices to the gods they admire.

But they obviously did not allow them to do the action of "going up the mountain".

In this way, who will pay tribute to the moon god?

Will Luna not starve to death?

Nan Zhou intuitively said this, and he wanted to make Jiang Fang laugh again.

He didn't want Jiang Fang to laugh at his own thoughts.

But Jiang Fang smiled and looked good.

…what a dilemma.

Jiang Fang took the kettle in his hand and twisted it two more times before the stopper was really tightened.

Nan Zhou looked at his movements: "You don't seem to be greatly affected."

He was referring to his fear of heights.

Jiang Fang smiled and said, "Fortunately, we are only climbing, not rock climbing."

Nan Zhou said frankly: "Yeah. I'm relieved."

Jiang Fang saw him say the word "rest assured" in such a serious manner, and couldn't help laughing casually: "Why do you care so much about me? Do you have me in your heart?"

Nan Zhou touched his chest, measured it carefully, and said cautiously, "Of course I have you in my heart."

Jiang Fang: “…”

Li Yinhang: "..." No, are they not avoiding people when they say this?

Nan Zhou asked in confusion: "Do you need to ask? Don't you have me in your heart?"

Jiang Fang: "..." He got a little tinnitus after being hit by this straight ball.

Jiang Fang coughed lowly, cheeks flushed slightly, and quickly changed the topic: "Are you hungry? I just found some compressed cookies."

Nanzhou: "Yeah."

The compressed biscuits found in the small building are surprisingly poor in texture and taste.

The taste is not much different from eating the thickened version of the straw paper.

But Nan Zhou held the biscuit bag and bit it, there was no sign of disgust.

…In short, it looks very good to feed.

Nanzhou slowly finished a pack of compressed biscuits, put the cold-scared Nanji Star out of the warehouse to breathe, fed it a few mouthfuls of cookie crumbs, and waved to Jiang Fang again , to see if he can put himself in the warehouse.

...and unexpectedly not.

The cold-proof props on Nan Zhou are all temporary props provided by the system for tasks.

According to the algorithm of the system, each cold protection prop exists independently.

Even gloves are divided into gloves (left) and gloves (right).

In other words, even if Nanzhou and the others got it, these temporary props could not be counted as part of their body.

As a result, when Jiang Fang was thinking about Nan Zhou and forcibly dragging him into the warehouse, Nan Zhou's whole body of cold protection equipment was all exploded and fell to the ground.

Outside is the deathly low temperature of about minus 30 degrees.

And looking at the angle of the moon's movement, it's not midnight yet.

The coldest time of the day is yet to come.

Otherwise, he would not even have time to put on this heavy and heavy equipment in the ice and snow, and he would be frostbitten and frozen in a very short period of time, which would affect his mobility.

This also means that if he chooses to enter the warehouse, he will hand over his fate to others.

For Nanzhou, this is not the best option unless it is a last resort.

Nanzhou walked out of the warehouse and put on the equipment again.

…I was sweating profusely.

"Pack up and get ready to go."

After the gecko man went back and reported the whereabouts of climbers down the mountain, the hammer man who looked like the captain frowned for a long time, and asked the black bear man and the gecko man to go down the mountain to check the situation.

The Hammer Man and the Ice Hoe Woman stayed.

Two hours later, the cement building disappeared out of thin air.

But the faces of the Hammer Man and the Ice Hoe Woman are as if their facial nerves have been paralyzed by the wind blowing from the snow-capped mountains, their faces are expressionless, as if such miracles are commonplace to them of.

On the vast snow field, eight figures were busy setting up tents, looking like they were planning to set up camp in place.

The Hammer Man was watching their every movement through the snow.

…They are the ones who may go up the mountain.

…their words cannot be believed.

…all lies.

Probably because of their familiarity, their windproof tent was quickly set up, and the windproof lamp inside also lit up warmly, reflecting a dazzling golden color on the snow.

It's just that the moon has taken the lead, and the gold has also been taken away by the silver, making it look a lot darker.

The shadows in the tent swayed for a while and then fell asleep.

Two of the windbreak lamps were turned off, leaving only one, and a shadowy figure showed a figure sitting in the tent.

Probably the night watchman.

If you stare at such a snow field for a long time without eye protection, it is easy to become snow blind.

But the two people who stayed at the camp just stared at the tents hundreds of meters away.

Just like the moon in the sky, there is no emotion in their eyes, just the cold light of staring and observing.

In about an hour and a half.

Bear Man and Gecko Man reappear next to the camp tent.

They shook their heads silently, indicating that they had not been able to find their target.

The hammer man lowered his head, his eyes as black as dead wood stared at the snowdrift in front of him without turning, like a corpse.

He suddenly got up, stepped on the snow all the way, panting violently, and ran towards the camp where they had been observing for nearly two hours.

Squeak, squeak.

The loose snow was crushed by his rough steps, and then quickly froze in an instant, forming dirty footprints.

...The man who was vigilant in the tent, I don't know when it started, and he didn't move again.

Rush to the tent, he suddenly opened the tent curtain—

There are several sleeping bags for first aid training stuffed with thick cold-proof mattresses.

There are also two full scale dummies in full winter clothing.

It's really even the hair.

—This is Liang Shu’s usual prop doll.

B-level props, doctor stand-ins.

It can be used both to practice first aid and to confuse you at a critical time.

Limited to 5, these are the last two.

The tent was empty.

Under Hammer Man's sullen gaze, Bear Man who followed him also saw the situation inside the tent.

Hammer man tightened his grey-blue fingers holding the hammer: "…Chase."

"Can't let them see... Luna..."

"Never. ...Never."

According to the topographic map drawn by Zhou Ao in the cement small building where they have the advantage of view, there is a snow hill 50 meters away from the small building.

According to the GPS data and the camp location data measured by Lu Bifang just now, Lin Zhisong started modeling and simulated a more accurate visual blind path specifically for the mountaineer camp perspective.

As long as you come to the snowy hill, you can slowly detour to the other side of the mountain and completely disappear from the sight of those strange climbers.

According to He Yinchuan's plan, they need to use the lighted tent to attract each other's full attention, then pretend to rest, turn off the two lights, and hide the figure in the dark place where the lamp shadow cannot be found , in turn, crawled out of the tent from the rear opening, hid behind the snowy hill 50 meters away, and then followed the predetermined route and moved forward in a roundabout way, leaving their line of sight.

…commonly known as "fleeing in the face".

But when the small building disappeared and tents were erected, they realized a thorny problem that they had overlooked.

Under the icy moonlight, everything from their campsite to the snowy hills was so clear at a glance.

—there is no way for them to escape without shelter.

But they are not chameleons.

The survival props provided in the small building are mostly in dazzling orange and camouflage colors that are most suitable for snow mountain rescue.

Just when they were at a bottleneck, Nan Zhou, who was generally recuperating, came up with a rather bizarre idea.

It was with his help that the plan was successfully executed.

When they fled, they were covered with shelters drawn with Nanzhou's props [Ma Liang's sketchbook].

A snow field of 8x8 square meters.

At first, the "Bronze" people were a little worried.

How to draw a fixed area of ​​snow?

…until Nan Zhou simply and rudely wrote an area calculation formula on the sketchbook.


…It turns out that it works.

However, even with the cover, they don't have much time.

[Ma Liang's sketchbook] is only a B-level prop, and the maintenance time is only 3 minutes.

Fortunately, after going around the snow hill, the visual inspection is no more than 50 meters.


Fortunately, when the dungeon officially started, there was a sudden snowstorm.

While the strong wind blew their eyes, it created a certain blinding effect for the other party, and also swept away all their footprints,

As for the "weak" Nanzhou, she was simply dragged over.

Even so, when crossing the snowy hills, Nanzhou's half pair of trousers and boots with orange-yellow trousers were still exposed directly outside the snowy hills because of the sudden disappearance of the cover.

Fortunately, Nanzhou reacted very quickly, quickly formed itself, and spontaneously rolled into the dead corner in the mound.

Touch sideways.

The next part of the road, they still dare not be reckless.

They moved very slowly, almost hunched over the ground.

Therefore, when they came to a place without risk and turned back, they could no longer see the concave gourd-shaped snow valley of each other's camp, and everyone could hardly even straighten their waists.

But no one asked to rest.

When climbing up about 100 meters, due to the further elevation of the altitude, Nanzhou couldn't breathe, resulting in slight dizziness.

The troop stopped for a while and took a simple rest.

Nanzhou barely continued to breathe with a portable oxygen bottle.

Jiang Fang didn't say anything, and gently patted his back to help him regain his breathing ability.

Under the moonlight, Nan Zhou's face was so pale that he could clearly see the fine hairs on his neck and the blue veins under his skin.

But Nanzhou always faces the moon, thoughtfully.

He Yinchuan panted low and came to pull Nanzhou's hand: "Can you do it?"

Jiang Fang politely flipped his hand, covered Nan Zhou's icy hand, and replied lightly for him: "He can do it. It really can't, and I am."

Besides Liang Shuqiang, after forcing himself to eat two compressed biscuits, he was about to ask if Nan Zhou's body could handle it, but his face changed suddenly when he got up.

In the warehouse, the item [Medical Substitute] that was originally displayed in pale gray disappeared one after another!


Liang Shu suddenly shouted: "—'Gou Jian'!"

The moment she called out the mission code, the originally relaxed atmosphere instantly froze.

Zhou Ao got up first, stood at the front consciously, and walked up.

He Yinchuan consciously detoured to the end of the team, preparing for the rear of the hall, and urged in a low voice in the roaring cold wind: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

When his body was about to touch the snow, a force pulled him straight up from the ground, hugged him with one hand, and put him directly on his shoulder.

Nanzhou: "?"

Jiang Fang hugged Nan Zhou, who hadn't reacted yet, and the gentleman said, "It's offended. Teacher Nan, don't move."

Nan Zhou obediently curled up on his shoulders, looking down at Jiang Fang's legs that started to walk on the snow.

From this angle, Jiang Fang's legs are extraordinarily long.

He couldn't help being distracted, thinking, he really looks like an arctic rabbit.

The author has something to say:

Nanzhou's fairy tale fantasy house, come in, it's very fun.jpg

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