Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1009: :jealous

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Every time the river flow shows a wife, it will cause envy, jealousy and hatred of the whole people...

This time was no exception. Not only was Ling Xiao jealous and crazy, but Xie Dongyang was also uncomfortable.

Although he kept brainwashing himself and told himself not to do that, Sheng Sheng was married and was the wife of Jiang Liu.

But subconsciously, I still feel uncomfortable, why is A Sheng must be a river, river did not protect her well.

A person as low-key as Sheng Sheng was still being searched all the way to the cusp of the storm, and was repeatedly pointed by the entire city.

Especially this time, Jiang Liu even leaked Huasheng photos.

So Xie Dongyang was very angry and angry. At noon, he no longer had a good complexion, and even the employees who took Dongyang Pharmaceutical suffered.

"Mr. Xie, this is our report for this quarter."

The manager of the finance department gave the data to Xie Dongyang. He was a little upset and didn’t have much thought to read the report, but he took a look at it.

"Mr. Xie, I have something to say." A male manager in the marketing department raised his hand to speak, and did not look at the timing.


"Ms. Ni Wenwen turned out to be from Ji Ji, and she hasn't even been to university. How can she come to our company as a designer? Now the company's employees are saying, I think both for you and the company's reputation, It's a lot of damage."

"Oh? What do you think?"

Xie Dongyang swept your face coldly.

"I think she should be expelled and drove away, even if she is Mr. Xie, your personal confidante, or Jinwu Zangjiao is good, although this is not good. But honestly, I am also an old man in the company. I follow you all the way. From the original venture capital to the present Dongyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., it is definitely dedicated to President Xie."

Xie Dongyang sneered, "Then I thank you chant."

"No, as long as President Xie expelled Ni Wenwen, I don't want to do business with a woman with a bad reputation."

This man is over fifty years old, very old-fashioned, indeed the old man of the company, but his thinking will inevitably be pedantic.

And looking at people with colored glasses, the company did leave a lot of messages about Ni Wenwen's previous things, but Xie Dongyang felt that as a company executive, this pattern is really disappointing. What time is it now? He died early in the morning, what is he doing?

But after all, he is no longer a hairy kid, and he is still very calm.

Although his face is not good-looking, he still said to the secretary, "You give the data after the release of women's health products to Li Jing's concept."

The secretary nodded, opened a piece of data in his hand, and slowly read it in front of the entire group. "Ms. Ni Wenwen has designed two female health care products since the company, the first one is warm shorts. It is a warm palace to drive off the cold, and has the function of sterilization and cleaning. This product has a simple design and strong practicality. It has been on the market for nine days, the sales volume has exceeded 20 million, and the orders placed by agents across the country have also passed one. Yi is the sales champion of all health care categories this quarter. The second product designed by Miss Ni Wenwen, the non-stress invisible underwear, is currently only in the testing stage, and has already received high praise and feedback from the market. The test score is 92 points. "

Xie Dongyang looked at the manager, "Manager Li, since you are an old man in the company, do you know what 92 points mean?"

Dongyang Pharmaceutical has always been strict in product testing, and there are not many products that can pass 90 points, and once released, it must be an explosion in the market, there is no doubt.

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