Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1032: : Rotten Peach Blossom Array

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xie Dongze's complaints about his brother were all instantaneous, because he knew that even if his brother was not reliable.

Huasheng is definitely not unreliable, that is a girl who is respected by many people.

At a young age, he started in the Chinese family and was favored in the Jiang family.

Let Hua Zhi, who is proud of everything, treat each other with heart, and let the full personality be regarded as a confidant.

Xie Dongyang, his younger brother who rebelled at home, was even more crazy and loved like crazy.

Let the little princess Xie Dongyao bite the fairy elder sister, even if it is his wife, not right, it should be said that the ex-wife Feng Yu is a woman who is full of praise.

Even, the woman whose father Xie Yun would like to thank in person, how glorious is this?

"Mrs. Jiang." Xie Dongze was a bit cautious and didn't know how to call others.

Mrs. Jiang's name made Xie Dongyang quite dissatisfied. He poked his brother directly with his finger. "You don't need to be so rusty, just call her A Sheng, she's my very good very good-friend."

Xie Dongyang didn't know how to describe Huasheng, so it was good to use three in a row.

Xie Dongze couldn't help laughing, and knew his brother's careful thinking.

Then the brothers sat down to drink tea with Huasheng, gossiping about the family.

"Sheng Sheng, my brother..."

"He has already drunk my cinnabar tea, which is already sober." Hua Sheng held the tea cup and spoke lightly.

Xie Dongze was a little ignorant and didn't know what the two were talking about.

But the brain does feel more and more sober, and it's amazing.

"Brother, you have been designed by someone, do you know?"


"Yes, the person who designed you is your beloved evening."

Because later Xie Dongze named the woman late evening, but in fact she was not really late evening.

The night that Xie Dongze liked when he was young, he was already married and had children, and it was impossible for him to have any problems with him.

Afterwards, Xie Dongyang told his brother about the ins and outs of this matter.

After listening, Xie Dongze was shocked.

He looked at Hua Sheng and his brother, "This..."

"Mr. Xie, I know you have doubts. I asked you a few questions. Do you have the following symptoms? After you were with that woman, did you feel tired all over and couldn't wake up?"

"It does." Xie Dongze nodded.

"And do you often have a voice in your head to tell you later or later, so that you will never forget?"

"Well, there will be, I thought it was thoughtful." Xie Dongze nodded.

"Did you have a bad memory recently? Except for this person at night, other people and things are very vague, including your daughter?"

Xie Dongze was a little frightened and a bit epiphany. "Yeah, I thought I had been tired recently. This is the case. Only when I saw Ning Ning would I think of my daughter, but if I couldn't see it, I would completely forget Ning Ning. this is too scary."

"Well, it’s okay, it’s all because you got the magic fox technique, commonly known as the rotten peach blossom array. The person who cast the spell is to force the woman into your mind, so that you can’t think of anything else, just watch She is good, but at this time, you are not you anymore, it is controlled by people."

"Then... what shall I do?" Xie Dongze still couldn't sit still.

Because Hua Sheng was too accurate, he never told anyone about these private things, but Hua Sheng was like a god.

"You just drank my tea, and you are already awake. Look at the middle of your chest. Is there a strange red dot?"

Xie Dongze directly opened his shirt and looked, his face changed greatly.

"God, obviously there wasn't that before, this... what is this?" He was terrified, and he was refreshed by Hua Sheng.

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