Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1055: : Robbing while on fire

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"If the Hua family goes bankrupt, I am willing to support the entire Hua family for your life."

After Jiangliu said this, let alone Huasheng, even Ginkgo was moved.

But Ginkgo also joked, "People who can say this have at least two mines at home."

Both Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu laughed...

In a private hall in the northern suburbs, a handsome man was lying on the massage chair with his eyes closed.

The following is a foot-washing girl who carefully trimmed her nails and looked at the expression, but it was very comfortable.

"Mr. Ling, the Chinese family is in great trouble now, and your chance is here." A greasy man next to him said flatteringly.

Ling Xiao opened his eyes, "What is the situation of the Hua family now?"

"Huaqing combined with an outside force to occupy the board of directors. After coming up, there was a big exchange of blood, almost all the people related to the Hua family were replaced, and even the family members were overhead. Hua Feng was caught in negative news and could not guarantee itself. . Hua Zhi has withdrawn from the circle, and the influence is not as good as before. Hua Lin’s husband’s family is a working class and has no power. She is the most powerful Miss Five. She has never made any moves and does not know what she is fighting. I was very irritated. I heard that I was still in the intensive care unit.

"What about the stock market?"

"The stock market should have collapsed, but unfortunately, the Jiang family and the Wang family united and tried to turn the tide."

"Jiang Liu? Wang Junxian?"


"Oh, they are willing to be for women."

"Yeah, Jiang Liu is very fond of Miss Wu. This is known to the whole Jiangcheng, but what I didn’t expect was that Wang Junxian’s smart man would also be planted in Hua Zhi’s hands. It seems that the hero is sad about beauty. The sentence is true."

"Hehe." Ling Xiao smiled coldly, don't know what this means.

"Mr. Ling, do we need to do something?"

"What do you think?"

"I think Miss Wu needs help now. If you shoot at this time, you will definitely become her noble. If there are any requirements in the future... then it will be much simpler, what do you say?"

Ling Xiao narrowed her eyes and touched her chin.

Hua Sheng is the woman he really wants to get. This is true.

But anyway, the woman almost never gave him a good face.

The attitude towards him is not as good as that of a spare tire, Xie Dongyang, so Ling Xiao has always been resentful.

"What do you think I do, can she be grateful?" Ling Xiao asked.

The greasy uncle gave advice and whispered in Ling Xiao's ear, "It is said that the girl of the Feng family was injured by the Nanyang wizard. Miss Wu and the girl of the Feng family are friends. Naturally, they will not stand by. If the Ling family shoots, they will deal with those foreigners from Nanyang. Intruder, Miss Five must be grateful."

Ling Xiao nodded, but this was true.

If he can help Huasheng take revenge, he must be remembered.

But he didn't take advantage of it, did he do it?

"It's a good idea, but before I do, I have to go and see Hua Sheng. Don't finish it by then, people don't admit it."

"That's it, then I'll check the whereabouts of those Nanyang ghosts?"

"Well, you go."

Ten miles of spring breeze

Jiang Liu was taking a bath, Hua Sheng was sitting in front of the dressing table, wiping skin care water.

Xie Dongyang's WeChat was also sent at this time.

Xie Dongyang: Sheng Sheng?

Huasheng: En

Xie Dongyang: Sheng Sheng, are you okay?

Huasheng: Fortunately

Xie Dongyang: The Hua family has such a big problem. As a friend, I will not stand idly by, so Sheng Sheng, what can I do for you?

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