Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1078: :divorce agreement

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jiang Liu silently took over the divorce agreement and looked at the lines of words, which were hand-written by Hua Sheng, not printed.

Because her typeface is very special, Jiang Liu recognized it at a glance, and it seems that she also worked hard.

It says-Mr. Jiang Liu, Ms. Hua Sheng, for more than a year since marriage, because of disagreement in personality and broken feelings, they proposed to divorce each other, and the two had no children after marriage, so there was no child rearing problem. After the divorce, the two can take away their pre-marital property, and there is no common property. "

In short, this is a simple divorce agreement that can no longer be simple. Perhaps Hua Sheng was heartbroken when he wrote it.

Jiang Liu knew that although Huasheng did not like words or expressions, she loved a lot.

"A Sheng, the ones I sent you are yours, don't return them."

"Okay, don't retreat."



"Then when will we remarry?"

When Jiang Liu asked these words, she was pitiful like a child, crouching under Hua Sheng, raised her head, blinked her eyes, and looked at her face.

The Huasheng who asked asked almost shed tears, "Soon, after the storm, my three sisters and I took care of my father's illegitimate child. On your side, my mother can understand the hardships of having no children, and we will remarry. In the end it's the two of us, don't think too much."

"But I'm afraid, I will really lose you."

"Ha, don't talk nonsense, I'm not dead."

"Don't say those words, it's unlucky." Hearing Huasheng's death, Jiang Liu reached out and covered her mouth.

"Mr. Jiang, if you believe me, give me time, I will definitely find you."

"Well, I believe my wife Mrs. Jiang." Jiang Liu nodded.

"Then don't embarrass yourself, okay, temporarily separate this time, eat well, sleep well, take good care of yourself."

"I must, Mrs. Jiang, too. When we meet again, we must be fatter than now. Promise me."

Jiang Liu's hands held Huasheng's small hands, and there was reluctance between the lines.

The eyes are all with me, and I am reluctant to leave you.

Hua Sheng nodded quietly...

"If it is not loess bones." Jiang Liu said a few words with difficulty.

Hua Sheng's tacit understanding continued with the next sentence, "Take care of your hundred years without worry."

"A Sheng, we will not be separated, never will be apart, regardless of heaven and earth, forever."

Hua Sheng had mixed feelings, and his fingers shook slightly.

"Well, don't separate, forever."

Jiang Liu stood up slightly, pointed at Hua Sheng's mouth, kissed gently, and then turned quickly.

"Can't we sleep together tonight?"

Hua Sheng did not answer...

"Well, then I will clean up my clothes, and I will move to my parents now."

"it is good."

"Mr. Jiang..."


"You haven't signed the divorce agreement yet?" Hua Sheng pointed to the document on the table.

Jiang Liu drew a black ball-point pen from the pen holder, strode the meteor to the document, almost didn't read it, and swiped a big pen and signed the name.

He knew that if the signing was slow, it would be more abusive.

"A Sheng... Don't delete my WeChat, don't black me."

"Why?" Hua Sheng smiled.

"Good boy, I’m waiting for everything to end. I’ll take you to my honeymoon. When these things are over, I’m going to take a long vacation... I’m going to take my Mrs. Jiang to an island with sunny beaches. Human life."

"it is good."

Huasheng couldn't remember when the river flow left, but after the river flow left, Huasheng cried and wept alone for a long time.

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