Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1104: : No blame

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Huasheng didn't get well early in the morning. For the breakfast made by Ginkgo, she ate two porridges and put down her chopsticks.

"Miss, isn't it delicious?"

Hua Sheng shook his head, "It's delicious, but my appetite is not very good."

"Are you going out today? Am I going to prepare the car?"

"I'll drive to the hospital by myself. You can find Xiaohe."

"Miss, my relationship is small..."

"Wrong, falling in love is big. Go ahead, silly girl. I haven't been okay recently. The fourth sister said my mother was awake. I'll check it out."

Huasheng took out a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, then picked up the canvas bag and ran away.

Light blue jeans, nine points, with flat black soft shoes.

It is plain white with short sleeves, long hair tied up, and a black baseball cap. Huasheng is always the simplest decoration.

As Hua Zhi said, even if her five sisters wear 25 yuan to spread the goods, then the special effects of the International Fashion Week can be heard. They look beautiful, and there is no way.

Recently caught in the divorce turmoil, derailment turmoil, Hua Sheng in order to be unobtrusive, brought a dark brown sunglasses.

This kind of dressing is even more trendy, and it is all full of Uranus superstar Fan Er.

When Hua Sheng drove to the hospital, Hua Zhi and Hua Lin were there, saying that the eldest sister had just left.

The accomplice Hua Qingfang Buddha evaporated the same disappeared, and no one thought to find her.

"A Sheng, come." Mrs. Hua was extra gentle to Hua Sheng after waking up again.

Hua Sheng walked silently to the hospital bed, and Mrs. Hua held out her hand to hold the little white hand of her little daughter.

"A Sheng, these years, you have been wronged." Madam Hua's voice choked a little.

"Come on, what are you doing, you take care of it, we have family matters."

Hua Zhi felt touched by her side. The most fortunate thing now is that these years, she has a teenager and her five sisters also have a lot of deposits, otherwise the family will be held by the sluts, the financial power will be frozen, and the mother’s hospitalization will cost 30,000 yuan per day Can't support it anymore.

Mrs. Hua looked tearfully at her three daughters, Hua Zhi, Hua Lin, and Hua Sheng, before slowly speaking, "I have had a very long dream these days when I was asleep. A person is looking at Jiangcheng on a large rock on the mountain. When dreaming about how many times she burned, she called her mother... and dreamed that when she first spoke, she called dad, but... these years, Our parents did too little for her, and your grandma took care of her. I used to think that she didn’t have to worry about her food and clothing, but I was wrong. Every child longs for her mother and needs her warm embrace. ......"

Hua Sheng's eyes were red and he said nothing.

Hua Zhi and Hua Lin also don't know what to say, the family owes five sisters, and everyone knows this.

Seriously, if Hua Zhi, she would have hated her family for a long time, and wouldn't have any contact with her family. Now, Wumei can still be regarded as a Chinese family member, which is really kind.

"A Sheng, your dad and I are sorry for you. If there is a chance, please let us compensate."

"Mom, I'm all grown up, it's okay, it's all over, you're well ill."

Hua Sheng pacified softly and did not have the heart to say anything that made her mother uncomfortable.

In fact, during Mrs. Hua's coma, someone did move her hands and feet so that she could see Huasheng's childhood scene in her dream.

And this initiator is Lord Pluto.

Of course, Hua Sheng didn't know it at this moment, and Pluto himself didn't know why.

He only knows that when he sees Hua Sheng as a child, he will pity her very much and sympathize with her very much.

Finally, the mother was asleep, and the three sisters opened the door to the corridor.

"Five sisters, are you okay?" Hua Zhi asked her softly.

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