Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1116: : That fool

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Everyone listened silently and silently.

"I don't actually know who A Sheng is, not even herself, but she is a powerful person who can speak to Lord Pluto. Many of you have been blessed by her. Xie family Poisoned several times. I was seriously wounded... Hua Zhi was bitten by a deadlock and was poisoned by a dead body... Hua Lin Your child can be born, you have to thank A Sheng, you don’t know she sacrificed for your mother and son How much... and ginkgo you... You were born to be blessed and weak. Originally, you were not married to a wealthy man, but how many Buddhist scriptures did she write on her back, and how many oil lamps did she add to your blessing and longevity, don’t you know? "

Ginkgo's eyes were already crying red, and he shook his head out of breath.

"I... don't know, I... the lady seldom talked... never said that."

Feng Xi smiled again, "This person, A Sheng, is actually very soft-hearted, but does not recognize her kindness. Yu Ping is her first friend in this city."

Yu Ping, who was named, stunned slightly, his thoughts suddenly returned to a long time ago, when Hua Sheng first came to the National University.

"Yu Ping you were born poor, because you were the life of the next nine layers, destined to be a life of poverty. But you met A Sheng... she fortunetelling for you, even secretly changed your life for you, you can Know why she asked you to have a facelift?"

Yu Ping touched her face and felt a little sad. She used to think that because she was particularly ugly and affected the city appearance, Hua Sheng let her go for a facelift.

"I'm too ugly..." Yu Ping sobbed softly.

"No, A Sheng doesn't care about other people's ugliness. She wants you to change your facial features. She has contacted your cosmetic surgeon privately and told the doctor where to give you the degree. In fact... it's up to you Feng Shui Bureau is set on his face."

"It turns out this way...I also said, why did I suddenly become lucky? I can fall in love with Yuan Bo... I can own a house and a car, and I can get rid of my superb family members. Now I have a new one. Life, it turned out to be A Sheng..."

Yu Ping has always respected Hua Sheng like a teacher. She never dared to forget how Hua Sheng pulled her out of the sea.

Now after listening to Feng Xi's words, I feel very uncomfortable.

"My five sisters, she... is an excellent person." Hua Lin burst into tears. She and the child were no longer a thank-you word, and they were able to pay back their sentiments.

"So you ask me who she is, then I will tell you now, A Sheng she is... the first fool in the world... there is such a powerful bunch, with a special skill, can save us from fire and water, But I never said that now I am desperate to save the river."

"Feng Xi, don't you say that my five sisters are familiar with Pluto? The soul of the river, and her own soul... how come I can't come back?"

In the end it was Hua Zhi, and the response was quick.

After listening to Feng Xi's words, I reasoned out this BUG.

The wind shook her head hard. "She is not in the underworld, and the river is not in the underworld. I asked... I asked my 18 Feng family members of the Qingfeng Yushi in the underworld. I even saw my grandfather, but... ..."

"Not in the underworld, where can I go?"

Everyone is stunned, don't you want to go to the underworld after death?

It is commonly known by mortals as being under Jiuquan, also known as Huangquan Road.

The wind finally couldn't control it and fell in the arms of Qin Wanyu.

"She...they entered the road of reincarnation...they might...will disappear forever in these three realms...and never come back."

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