Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1121: : Life and death together

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"So, A Sheng let me out, immediately."

Jiang Liu was very distressed about Hua Sheng and never embarrassed her. Since crossing the door, she has always followed her temperament.

What she did not want to say, Jiang Liu didn't ask, and what she didn't want to do, Jiang Liu didn't do.

She doesn't like to eat, and Jiangliu doesn't eat, and people she doesn't like, Jiangliu also hides.

Now, for the first time, he threatened Huasheng with such a tough attitude, but it opened his eyes.

She knew that Jiang Liu wouldn't laugh, she would really bump into it, she didn't dare to take risks, so she could only turn on the soul lamp and let out the Jiang Liu.

At the moment of release, Jiang Liu hugged Huasheng tightly and refused to let go.

"A Sheng, Tian Muhe will give us a ray of life, but we don't jump, I don't want to reincarnate, I don't want to be separated from you, I don't lose my memory, I don't think of you."

"it is good."

"A Sheng, we enter the gate of evil spirits, whether it is life or death, I don't care anymore, you are by my side, my life wish is gone."

"it is good."

Huasheng lowered his head and couldn't say anything more. He could only say a good word with difficulty.

"A Sheng, on this way, you are protecting me, crossing the mountains of fire and the valley of snakes, I have always hated myself for not helping you one cent, do you know how uncomfortable I am?"

Hua Sheng was silent...

"So, this time, no matter what, do you face it alone?"

"it is good."

Hua Sheng said the third good, Jiang Liu loosened her shoulders, the two held hands and walked to the door of evil spirits.

The white light flashed in Huasheng's hands, and a silver sword was in his hand.

"You hold this."

"What about you?" Jiang Liu looked at her sideways.

"I have this." After that, Hua Sheng spread his palms, it was a seven-color ribbon, and Jiang Liu didn't know what it was or what it was for. But that thing, Hua Sheng's hands, can shine with rainbow-like seven-color light, this ribbon must be unusual.

Jiang Liu took the long sword from Hua Sheng, "I actually have a good skill, and I can finally play."


"Good boy, call her husband."

Taking advantage of Huasheng's stunned god, Jiang Liu stole a kiss on her forehead. The speed was extremely fast, and the pro-Huasheng was startled.

"Husband... You must be careful after I open the door for a while."

"Good." Jiang Liu smiled tenderly.

"You are behind me."

"That won't work. I'm a man. I'm your husband. I must be in front."

Seeing Jiang Liu insist on insisting, Hua Sheng sighed slightly.

Then close your eyes and whisper a mantra to break the enchantment on the evil spirit's door.

Only a bang... The door of the tens of meters high, slowly opened.

The face of the evil spirit on that door was also torn in half... the face looked even more terrible.

When the door opened to a third, I only heard a howl inside, and then the evil spirits rushing toward the door.

Both Huasheng and Jiangliu saw scalp tingling.

The couple held their hands tightly and looked at each other.

Then he rushed in unconsciously, and opened the killing ring.

Huasheng is such a flourishing woman, gentle and indifferent, usually people who can't even kill ants.

Where would you think that one day you will be in the gate of evil spirits, holding the seven-color ribbons, and fighting in the blood among thousands of evil spirits.

And Jiang Liu is also holding the mortal heart, and the posture of dying with the beloved is drowned in the door of the evil spirit that the devil retreated.

Hua Sheng was not reconciled, and the death of the two outnumbered in this last purgatory.

She took the white jade comb she carried from the cuff and threw it into the air. The jade comb suddenly emits an aperture, illuminating a large area of ​​dark Shura.

Hua Sheng was irritable and the consequences were terrible.

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