Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1123: : Battle for Soul Rush

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The voice of the cut moon has just fallen, and in the mirror, Huasheng has a sixth floor of the nine-day black fire-the magic road, and the firepower is full.

Burning those evil spirits inside the evil spirits gate is a wailing.

Within the green sea of ​​fire, the pain is 100 times, the attack is 10,000 times, and the burning power is 10,000 times.

It's just a blink of an eye, within the green sea of ​​fire, there really is no bones.

The evil spirits were all turned into ashes in the end and disappeared into the Shura hell...

Hua Sheng in a white dress fell from the sky and fell in front of the river.

She lifted her head and finger, gently, and the protective cover of the river broke.

"A Sheng, don't you like this...I don't like the demonized you."

Jiang Liu was very distressed and took Hua Sheng's hand tightly.

The red in her eyes gradually disappeared, and the red lotus on her forehead also faded...

Hua Sheng took a deep breath and said with a faint breath, "River, you must live..."

The next second, she was black and fainted.

"A Sheng, A Sheng..."

Jiangliu knelt and hugged his wife in tears, not noticing that the surrounding environment had quietly changed.

When the river flows back to God again, it is already at the entrance to the road of reincarnation.

He and Huasheng are back?

Or is it the way to reincarnation and the asura hell?

Jiang Liu didn't dare to think about it. He held Huasheng in a coma, which really called Tiantian not to scream.

At this moment, a red light flashed, and a man appeared before him.

"Can you help me save my wife?" Jiang Liu didn't know this person, so he was regarded as a savior.

Cut Moon glanced at the river in disgust, "Why don't you, a humble mortal, end up like this, and give me her soul."

"you are……?"

"You are not qualified to ask me about your identity." Chai Yue was much lazy, and with a finger, Hua Sheng's soul floated gently.

Seeing that it was almost time to cut the moon, suddenly, an external force intervened.

Pulling the soul of Hua Sheng back, it was a black golden light, and the spiritual power was also extremely strong.

"Ming Yan, do you dare to take care of me?"

He almost didn't need to look at it, he knew it was the breath of Pluto. During his speech, Pluto's black python robe had come out of the darkness.

"Cut the moon, put down Huasheng, you are not qualified to take her away, she is exhausted, she should not die, she still has to return to the world to be a mortal, at least this life is not over yet."

Pluto's voice was a little cold, but clang was powerful, and he was not afraid to cut the moon.

Cut the Moon evilly, "Come and grab my soul? Ming Yan, are you busy?"

"No, this seat is just a matter of doing things. Huasheng is a mortal, that is, he is not dead, he can't reach the underworld, but you can't take it away."

"Ming Yan, what do you pretend to be with me? The name of Sheng'er doesn't even have your broken life and death book. Are you still saying that she is a mortal? Do you think the deity is a three-year-old child? I advise You quickly get out of the way. The matter between me and my woman, among the three realms and the six realms, even the old man above nine days has no right to interfere. Are you an old man?"

Cut Moon has been rampant, so this tone is not surprising.

Since Pluto appeared here, he naturally intended to stop the moon-cutting from taking Hua Sheng.

"Here is the Underworld, this seat is the Pluto, and of course the management."

"It's you alone?" Cut Moon smiled contemptuously, and really didn't put a Ming Yan in his eyes.

"What if I add another one? Do you think we are a good chance?" A clear voice came, and Bairan came out from behind Ming Yan, and the fox's tail was very proud.

Pluto was not surprised. He seemed to know that Bairan would not stand idly by.

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