Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1136: : Mysteriously missing

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"You are kind enough to be kind, you can give your life to Huasheng, for the people of Jiangcheng, you can cut the demon and eliminate the demon, and even for the Feng family, you can be the patriarch and inherit your grandfather's great cause. What about me? Fengxi, you do it for me What have you done?"

The wind is dumb, indeed, she and Qin Wanyu have been together for so long.

She seems to be spoiled, she doesn't need to do anything, even if the oil bottle is poured, it won't help her.

Qin Wanyu was so attentive, so I thought about everything.

Even when the Qin family mentioned two marriages, they were directly rejected by Feng Xi, who did not give Qin Wanyu's parents any face.

But even so, the wind did not give Qin Wanyu a promise.

Now for Huasheng, she is planning to fight against the Heaven Tribulation together. She may die in a few minutes, but she did not explain Qin Wanyu.

Does wind like Qin Wanyu?

Of course not. It's just that she doesn't like sensationalism. She feels that if she said those words, Qin Wanyu would only feel uncomfortable, and might as well say nothing.

"You can resist the Heaven Tribulation for Huasheng, you can sacrifice your life, and then you can not give me an explanation, right?"


"Very good, hehe, it’s up to you, I don’t care whether I’m dead or alive, anyway, you have nothing to do with me from now on, you are listening to the wind, at this moment, Qin Wanyu has nothing to do with you. relationship."

After finishing speaking, Qin Wanyu left his sleeves...without giving the wind a chance to finish talking.

Looking at the back, the wind was uncomfortably dying, and the tears in his eyes were forcing.

Just now, she actually wanted to ask-Qin Wanyu, if I don't die this time, can you marry me?

But in the end, Qin Wanyu did not give her the opportunity to speak.

She knew she was sorry for Qin Wanyu, but what could she do? Huasheng still needs to be saved. Without Huasheng, he was destroyed by the **** cat monster in the garage last time.

Don’t be a human being, know the Entu newspaper, right?

"Miss Fengxi, are you okay? Are you arguing with your boyfriend?" Gingko asked carefully while holding the afternoon tea cakes. In fact, Ginkgo rarely sees Qin Wanyu losing his temper, especially against the wind.

"Forget it, let him go."

Feng Xiqiang endured the emotions in his heart, and continued to incense the ancestors of the Feng family.

That night, Heaven Tribulation came, and no one knew how many days thunder struck the people in the spring wind of Ten Miles.

Because these Muggles can't see such a fast speed, why doesn't Lord Pluto come forward?

Because Heavenly Tribulation is everyone’s own karma, others cannot replace it. In fact, staying in the wind is indifferent.

Even if she used puppets to exchange her and Huasheng's bodies, it was still useless.

That day Thunder shot down one after another, the dazzling light made the wind unable to open his eyes.

"A Sheng, you have to hold on, you have to hold on... even for the river."

The wind was crying, and the fear was never there.

Eventually, she also lost consciousness when the sky thundered. When she woke up, it was already three days later.

When the wind opened his eyes, it was the ceiling of the hospital.

"Are you awake in the wind?"

Feng Xi lifted her eyelids hard and looked at Hua Zhi in front of her eyes. She put on a delicate makeup, but she looked lonely.

"Hua Zhi." Her breath was weak.

"God, you have been sleeping for three days and scared us to death." Hua Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hua Zhi, is Asheng okay?" The wind said hardly.

Hua Zhi listened for a moment, "The whereabouts of my five sisters... don't you know? You were with her that night, but when we arrived, we didn't see her, only you were unconscious on the floor of the bedroom. "

Listen, Feng Xi's body stiffens again, Hua Sheng...she is missing?

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