Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1139: : The only survivor

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng's soul returned to Hua Yunluo, and memory was replaced. That kind of mode is like you accidentally replacing the contents of a WORD document.

The new memory replaced the original memory, so she couldn't remember what she forgot.

But because the river is Huasheng, or Hua Yunluo, the only man he likes for more than a thousand years.

The kind of feeling of deep love in her bones, her physical instinct retains that sense of memory, so she feels if she has forgotten anything?

"Miss, lie down for a while and take a good rest. You have just returned, and a lot of things have to tell you a little bit."

"it is good."

After drinking the awakening soup, Huasheng put down the mirror and was supported by the maid to lie on the bed and rest again.

She quietly listened to the beginning and end of Bilu telling her the story before she realized what was going on.

The Hua family, the first divination family, was jealous of many peers, especially the royal family that had been deep for a century.

Therefore, the Xiahou family of the Summoner family launched a civil war and swept through the domestic cloud, trying to pull the Hua family off and replace them.

The Xiahou family is a descendant of the 104th generation, Xiahouku, who planned a three-year conspiracy to unite those evil-monk monks and demonized beasts from other countries. The earth-shattering battle was launched together, known in history as the Battle of Skyfire.

What is Skyfire? Because the Xiahou family and the Hua family are all attributes of the fire department, the war involved a lot of innocent people, the house was burned, the home was gone, and the loss was heavy, especially the Xiahou family in that battle, I don’t know where to please The coming expert almost wiped out the Hua family.

In the end, in that disaster, the old lady and the high priest made a temporary intent. In order to stay alive, they chose to **** the smallest Hua Yunluo. Through witchcraft, she was sent to the millennium to temporarily avoid the war and wait for the battle. Later, she can come back to save the tribe.

But what I did not expect was that Hua Yunluo, who should have been awake for three years, had been sleeping for five years.

In the past five years, the Hua family has fallen, leaving only one old, weak and sick. The only real lineage is Hua Yunluo. He is still in a coma and is called a waste person by outsiders.

The victor of that battle, the Xiahou family, had already reached the top and was called the imperial master of the imperial family.

The old lady was very anxious and opened the altar again and again with the large priest, using spirits to awaken Hua Yunluo.

But it turned out to be useless. The old lady found out that the granddaughter had fallen in love with a mortal there thousands of years later.

And marrying an ordinary life, she became angry and angered, cursing her granddaughter again and again.

This is why Hua Sheng often dreams, always dreaming of an old lady, and ancient scenes.

I even dreamt of the altar, dreamed of the sacrifice, dreamed of the fire and rain in that war...

If the consciousness is weak, it will soon be awakened.

But I didn't expect it at all. The girl fell in love with a man after a thousand years and went home unconsciously.

They had to give up, and the old lady thought that after a few days, when the five-year deadline was reached, she would bury her granddaughter, and did not want to restore the glory of the Chinese family.

Unexpectedly, when they were about to give up, Hua Yunluo woke up, which was also a miracle.

Of course, they didn't know that it was the Heaven Tribulation that brought the opportunity to wake up Hua Sheng and return to the millennium ago.

The majestic green spoke in great detail. He has roughly said everything in the past five years, including who the enemy is and what the current situation is.

After Hua Sheng heard it, he said nothing and remained silent for a long time.

Finally, she raised her head and asked slowly, "So, am I the only Chinese descendant who survived that war?"

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