Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1145: : Memory Block

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

When the wind enters the underworld, there is only one thing to see Pluto, and Pluto seems to have expected it, so this meeting is very easy.

Without passing the grandfather, just let her few breeze ghosts go to get it.

Feng Xi had a divination for himself last night and felt that this time, the future was blurred.

So I wanted to see Qin Wanyu before doing this, so there was a confession just now.

What to get a certificate, what to get married, what kind of hukou, is deceptive.

Feng Xi didn't have this plan at all, she just coaxed Qin Wanyu to be happy, hoping to see his bright smile before leaving.

The silly rookie didn't know the idea of ​​the wind, so he drove away and let the people from his hometown send the account book to him overnight, thinking about getting the certificate tomorrow.


"Master Pluto, I'm here..."

"Something is ready, you take it away."

Pluto pointed to a white porcelain bottle on the table, only seven or eight centimeters high, the bottle was transparent and brightly bright.

The wind thought, if Lord Pluto could sit in this position, it must have been hidden, maybe I had already expected it.

"Thank you Lord Hades."

"You don't have to thank me. Huasheng is my friend. I should do something for her."

"Master Hades, do you have any news about A Sheng?"

"not yet."

"Then she was robbed by heaven..."


"She won't die, right?"

"will not."

With Pluto's answer, Feng Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that Pluto would also find A Sheng, but...not yet where he was.

She reached up to pick up the porcelain bottle and put it carefully in her arms.

"This is the lock-up soup I asked Meng Po to make, not to clean up the memory, but to block it. One day, I still want to open it and I can return to it. I think... Hua Sheng likes that mortal so much, if he comes back in the future, He should not be expected to forget himself."

"Yes, Lord Pluto is very high-profile." Feng Xi arched his hands and had to say that Lord Pluto was thoughtful.

"Go, use it for them. Ascension is uncertain. Maybe... there will be no news for a hundred years. They are also waiting in vain. It is better to forget."

"Okay, thank you Lord Hades."

Feng Xi is very grateful to Pluto. She originally wanted to ask Meng Po Tang to relieve everyone's troubles.

Today, Lord Pluto is ready for what kind of lock-up soup, the effect should be the same, but it can be restarted after this, which is also a good thing.

When the wind came back, he began to practice.

All the fragments of A Sheng appearing are blocked, no matter who they are, they will not remember anything about Hua Sheng.

If I go to find them one by one, and feed the soup one by one, it’s troublesome, simply, Feng Xi made a small paper-like person like Huasheng, write the character of the birthday, and then fed the soup to the small paper person, and then gave the Fengjia The unique secretary + Qiankun circulation.

Let the function of this lock-up soup begin to gradually transfer to other people's memories.

All scenes where Hua Sheng appeared have all become blank.

Either Jiangliu, Xie Dongyang, Hua Zhi or Yu Ping, neither of them will remember a woman named Hua Sheng in their lives.

Why should Feng Xi do this?

This is not long ago, Hua Sheng secretly confessed to her.

At that time, Hua Sheng knew that the Heaven Tribulation was approaching, and she had done so many things that violated Heaven's Way, and naturally could not escape this disaster.

In case there is something unexpected, I hope the wind will be for everyone to wash away all memories about her.

After doing this, Feng Xi took the last drop of lock love soup and handed it to a fresh water.

She was silent for half an hour before finally ordering, "Go, give Qin Wanyu a drink and let him forget me. Let everyone forget the story of me and Qin Wanyu."

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