Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1155: : Hatred

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The Miss Qian Qian of Xiahou's family, with a pale and pale dead face, looked green in her heart.

But she was a little suspicious. Why did Miss Wu wake up this time and feel that her temperament is not the same as before?

The former Miss Five was silent and had no sense of presence.

At that time, each of the four elder sisters of the Hua family was a gifted celestial master. They followed their parents to eliminate evil spirits and protect the country.

And the young Miss Wu has been raised in the deep boudoir, few people have seen her, even Bilu feels that Miss Wu may not be able to help Adou.

How do you know that now the Hua family is full, only Miss Wu is still alive, and just now, a blue flame burned Xiahouyan's black long whip.

Because the Xiahou family is rich and enemies, so the number of doormen they raise is naturally as much as the hair, including the alchemist and alchemist.

Xia Houyan's long whip is said to have been taken from the perpetually dead vines under the desperate cliff of the Nanman Kingdom.

The deadly vine is a rare plant in this continent, because this vine is hundreds of times more tenacious than ordinary vines, so once trapped people, then do not want to break free, then a guest was lucky enough to get a growth whip, In order to please Xiahou, he gave this thing to Xiahou's favorite lady.

Xia Houyan has indeed relied on the long whip in recent years to take advantage of the advantage and beat the world invincible.

What's more, Liuyunguo, everyone talks about whip discoloration. No one wants to compete with Miss Xiahou. After all, they can't afford to offend or dare to offend.

Where did you know that the silent Chinese Miss Wu Jia met her as soon as she woke up.

"Hua Yunluo, don't you deceive people too much?" Xia Hokian was annoyed to see her sister's long whip destroyed.

Pointing at Hua Sheng, the eyes hated and killed her in minutes.

"Tea." Hua Sheng pursed his lips, ignoring that Xiahouku, and only said a word of tea.

Bi-lu quickly grasped the enlightenment, immediately served a cup of hot tea, Hua Sheng picked up the tea cup, and gently took a sip.

Then a pair of jade hands put the tea cup on the table and took the handkerchief, and wiped the corner of the mouth elegantly.

"Sorry, I have a bad memory, what did you just say?"

Hua Sheng raised his head and asked the Xiahouku.

Xiahouku: ...

"My brother said, you don't want to bully people too much." Xiahou Hongqi's cheeks were flushed, and he couldn't wait to repeat it for his brother.

Hua Sheng nodded, "Well, that's a good word. It's too deceiving. Do you know how to write these four words? And ah, you two now come to my house to find fault, bully my family, and then say we deceived People are too terrified, I am afraid not fool?"

Xia Houyan and his brother looked at each other, they were both startled, and they didn't seem to know how to answer the call?

"Then I lost, jumped on my feet, and lost things... I was helpless."

"Who said you can't lose?" Miss Xiahou turned green.

"Isn't this the right seat?" Hua Sheng reached out and pointed to Miss Xiahou.

There was a lot of ridicule in the room, and even the greens couldn't help but laugh out loud. I always felt that the current Miss Wu was too bullish, too powerful, and had sharp teeth and a sigh of relief.

The old lady and the priest looked at each other deeply, and then did not speak.

"Lady Hua, how did you educate your granddaughter?"

Xia Houqian was quite dissatisfied to see the old lady not speaking.

"Master Xiahou laughed. My granddaughter was in a coma for five years before waking up. Where does the old man still have time to educate? Isn't this the case that he was confiscated as a prince just after waking up? It is estimated that the Holy Mother and the Queen Mother will be educated in the future, Why, adult, do you have any objections?"

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