Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1161: : Someone's predecessor

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Feng Xi thought that he would use it for a long time to digest this matter, but I didn't expect it to be used to it after only a few months.

In fact, experts have said that the limit of human grief is five days. If it exceeds five days, you should eat, drink, and drink.

This is true, but Feng Xi is not a heartless person. She buries her best friend, Hua Sheng, in her heart, and occasionally recalls and misses.

Then I thought that Huasheng was such a powerful person, and I wanted to follow her as an example, and I wanted to work hard to be a good person and a good person.

It didn't take long for Jiangcheng's most famous Feng Shui master to become famous.

After all, Feng Xi is the nameless granddaughter of the wind, so more and more people come to the door and the business is getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, I also asked a solution assistant to help myself take care of some simple things. Of course, these are people who can do some tricks.

"Boss Feng, does big business do?"

A guy in Jiangcheng who specializes in making money by pairing with him took the initiative to find the door. He did introduce a lot of business to Feng Xi and then pumped some money.

Feng Xi didn't like him very much, and he felt stupid, and he was too lazy to say a word.

"how much is it?"

"This time the other party's asking price is three million."

"Oh? What kind of business?" The wind froze slightly, expressing interest in the number.

"It's Huanyang's business. I know a big boss who loves his wife very much, but his wife died in a car accident last month. He misses his wife very much and asks if I can borrow a dead body."

"Fart, the corpses are rotten, how come you are still sunny?" Feng Xi glanced.

"You can borrow someone's body."

"Rolling, this kind of business lady doesn't do it, doesn't do much money, I don't hurt people, I will not help people to repay the sun, this is a taboo of the Feng family."

"Eh, eh, don't, Boss Feng, don't you Feng family have the art of rejuvenating Yang?"

"Then she is forbidden, understand? It is not usable. It has been banned by my grandfather... Helping the dead to repay the sun is to meet retribution."

"Uh... well, boss Feng, don't be angry, I will go back and tell you, you just don't take this business, don't get angry."

"Go fast."

The wind is grumpy, and there is always a curse.

She likes money, but she also has principles, okay?

After the man left, Feng Xi continued to close his eyes and lay down on the glass hanging chair, squinting his eyes and rejuvenating.


She thought of a question. Is Qin Wanyu's favorite woman, Qiao Xue, a dead soul?

Over the years, Qiao Xue didn't know if he was reborn?

Qin Wanyu seemed to have a deep affection for her. Thinking of these, the wind actually turned up sour water. Is that a little bit of vinegar?

"Qingfeng No. 1."

"The boss is here."

"Go and find out, the woman Qin Wanyu used to like, the one named Qiao Xue, where is it now? Has it been reincarnated?"

Feng Xi originally thought that if he was reincarnated, he was quite old and could help them form a marriage again.

It was just a thank you for Qin Wanyu taking care of her for so long?

Who knows, Qingfeng One brought shocking news.

"Boss boss, Qiao Xue has not been reborn, her soul wanders around, there are no relatives to sacrifice, no one practices, and there is no home, so still wandering on the banks of the Forgotten River in the underworld, sometimes picking up some other ghosts to eat leftovers Wild food."

"And this thing? Why didn't you reincarnate? Lord Pluto doesn't care?"

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