Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1165: : My name is Fengxi

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

When the wind went down, the monster was holding a live fish into the girl's mouth.

The girl cried in fright, shaking her head and refusing to eat.

The monster finally ran out of patience, and directly pinched the girl's mouth, plugging it in, almost maddened.

"Yeah, it’s really amazing. It’s been so long since I slayed the demon and removed the demon. It’s my first time to meet real toad essence. I used to say that toad wanted to eat swan meat. I haven’t really said that you stinky toad really wants to eat swan meat, what about your face?"

"Who's coming?" The brother Frog turned his head, his face full of blame, the whole face looked human and inhuman, extremely terrifying, and most importantly disgusting.

"Can your grandma ask?" The wind lifted his chin.

She was wearing a black night coat.

There were ropes and diving equipment under the river.

There is a waterproof bag around the waist, inside the bag is the treasure chest necessary for the wind to kill the monster.

"Oh, it's a big tone... It looks like you're looking good too, just because the uncle is tired of this, how about you?"

The toad seemed to be a young girl, so he quickly underestimated the enemy.

I thought I could deal with it easily, but I knew that it was only a few times, the pustule on my face was scratched by the windy cat claw artifact, and the blood was flowing.

This time, the toad essence can be stimulated.

It directly embodies the prototype, which is as big as an eight immortal table.

To tell the truth, the wind has never seen such a big toad, it is really terrifying.

Especially when it glares at you with its evil eyes, you will feel hairy behind.

The toad looked at the timing and spit in the wind.

The wind knew it was poisonous, and immediately opened a waterproof umbrella to block the venom.

A demon rune followed, and the toad was also extremely fast, leap forward and escape the attack of the rune.

Where do you know that Feng Xi still has a hand, that is, I don't know when I put a rope on the stinky foot.

It jumped so high in itself, but it fell back into the water as soon as the wind dragged.

Then the wind sprinkled a handful of cinnabar powder into the water. The shoal of the dark river was not very deep, and the cinnabar immediately dispersed.

The burning monster was howling and howling.

Without giving the thing a chance to breathe, the wind leaned on one hand and stood in the air.

Thinking of Fengjiakoujue, I saw a flash of electricity, and directly fixed the monster.

Make it motionless, then wind up and clap his hands, grab a yellow charm from the treasure chest, and throw it away.

The spell was directly attached to the monster's body, and it instantly turned into thick water, sending out a stinking stench.

Before the monster died, I remembered faintly, the woman said, "Remember, my auntie is my name."

Afterwards, Feng Xi took the girl to the dark river, washed away the girl's horrible memory, and handed her over to her parents.

The girl's family is in a privileged position, and the parents of the child give out one million yuan in reward.

Feng Xi only received 100,000 in the end, which is considered the risk cost of going under the river. I don't know why. I am obviously a person who loves money, but now I feel more and more righteous. Feng Xi thinks that these should be transmitted to her by A Sheng, right?

After the wind finished, he drove the black Toyota jeep and went directly to the Ling's old house.

Ling Jiuzhou was lying on the clothes and was dying, only to hang in one breath.

"Old man Ling, I think your yang will be exhausted, so I have come to watch you... This is my long-cherished wish."

Feng Xi moved a small bench, sitting in front of Ling Jiuzhou's window, and said with a smile.

If Grandpa hadn't explained the matter at the beginning, Feng Xi had buried the old man alive, and it was not worthy of forgiveness for him to damage Ashen.

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