Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1173: : A strong wind

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Feng Xi took the spell out of his pocket and threw it into the air, "Enchant, go."

A shimmering protective cover directly protected Qin Wanyu inside.

"You are here to wait and don't move, don't walk out of this aperture, you will not be in danger." After Feng Xi whispered, he pulled out the little paper man again, and then a dozen paper man warriors suddenly turned out. Go up and fight with those dogs.

Qin Wanyu has seen this skill for many years because he likes to use yellow paper to make soldiers.

This is very famous among the secretaries of the Feng Family – summoning Yin soldiers.

It was originally capable of controlling five or six at the same time, but it is already very powerful, but the wind is because of the talents, and the demon Dan given by Huasheng is in the body. At most, it can control 17 Yin soldiers. The weak combat strength, but once on the field, it is enough for those dogs to drink a pot.

"Women, we have no injustice, no hatred, why are you going to kill us?"

The headed dog, while fighting with the paper people, is very unwilling to question the wind.

"First, to fight against the people, a group of foreign aggressors, after coming to Jiangcheng, they wantonly killed and abused, and they are not tolerated."

"Second, Xiaohei, which is the black cat and white cat and two little milk cats that were chased by you before. They are my friends’ pets. You killed Xiaohei’s family. Take your dog's head and go back to explain."

The wind winds his hands around his chest, and Da Yi stands in awe-inspiring words.

The earth dog smiled evilly, exposing the horrible fangs, comparable to vampires.

"Haha, what am I supposed to do, it turned out to be revenge for the stupid black cat? Very good... Since you have to blend in, then the few of us don’t care about killing one more person, although our master said that we shouldn’t provoke humans. , But you take the initiative to come to your door, this is not our fault, brothers... come up with your strength, today we kill these men and women, and there is delicious meat at night."

The local dogs led by the order, the few local dogs were as powerful as stimulants, and their power was greatly increased, and the paper people were all torn apart in a short time.

The wind pulled out the yellow rune, "Tianshi Town demon rune, rise."

A yellow spell lifted into the air and instantly became larger, covering five earth dogs.

Before waiting to explode, the headed soil dog blew into the yellow charm.

The breath was purple-black, and the yellow charm touched the tone of his posture and was melted away.

"Oh, you are the earth dog who is good at using poison, and the little black leg is the one you bite?" The wind swept the aired earth dog indifferently, showing his killing intention.

"How is it, you are not my opponent at all? My South Xinjiang Gu poison, there is no solution, the last cat in the cat was only a primary poison, and this time I want to give you some fierce material, which can make you become Carrion."

After that, the Tu Goblin sighed again against the wind.

At the same time, the wind pulled out a fan who didn't know where to get it, and was forced to face the mist.

The gusty wind suddenly rose, directly changing the direction of the wind and returning all the purple and black poisonous mist.

The five earth dogs all made moves in an instant, and howling.

"My God, this is a banana fan? Are you... the wife of the Devil King of Niu?" Qin Wanyu looked stunned.

The wind:...

"Shut up if you can't speak, I think you are like a bull demon king." Feng Xi stared at Qin Wanyu fiercely.

When the wind saw several earth dogs wailing on the ground, they walked over to prepare to receive the gourd.

But as soon as the Tudog was approaching, suddenly, the Tugou jumped up with his eyes open, biting against the windy neck.

"Be careful……."

While Qin Wanyu was speaking, he forgot the warning of the girl and rushed out directly, pulling the tail of the soil dog from behind and dragging it back.

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