Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1183: : Ten thousand people expect

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Bi-lu is silent for Miss Qi along the way, because she is very nervous, after all, testing attributes for the first time.

But Hua Sheng is because there is nothing to say, and she is not nervous. When she came back after a thousand years, she had long discovered that her spiritual power did not disappear.

On the contrary, it has become stronger and stronger, especially in this fantasy continent. It seems that the terrain and feng shui are particularly helpful for practicing spiritual power.

In the morning, the old lady announced that she would let the Huasheng housekeeper pass the key of the Tianshu Pavilion to her.

She is the only person who can freely enter the bookstore of the Tianshu Pavilion, which is a collection of pavilions of the Chinese family.

Only the owner can enter. After the war five years ago, the Chinese family suffered heavy losses, and both the master Hua and his wife returned to the west.

The old lady is in charge, but the old lady is very old, and it is impossible to go to the heavenly books and cultivate the undead.

Therefore, in the past five years, the Tianshu Pavilion has also been worshipped by adults and has been secretly enshrined.

Today, only Hua Sheng can enter. There are people from the Hua family. For thousands of years, different internal skills and mental methods, as well as family secret techniques.

Hua Sheng is not very interested, because she feels that she can use many, many powerful moves casually.

To make people here look at each other, she was not nervous on the way to the test, and even slept.

She didn't know that this was the place until Green told her what to do inside.

Tianshi Mansion is also in the capital, so it’s really not far from Wuji Tower.

But because I have long heard that the prince-in-law is coming to test the attributes, the people in Beijing, including those monks of the big family, have been watching the crowds impatiently.

Therefore, the water around these main roads could not be leaked, and it was only a moment when Huasheng lifted the curtain.

"Green, there are so many people here today, why?"

"Miss Hui, this is the people in the city who have heard that the lady is coming to test the attributes, so they have been waiting here for a long time."

"Uh... everyone comes to test, are they all so interested?"

"No, your identity is different, because you are a prince-like prince, who was chosen by the Holy King and the Holy Queen for the Crown Prince, so it is so valued, but it does not matter, everyone can only wait outside, You can’t go inside, only the tester can enter. Although every time you test there are dozens or even hundreds of people, but you are a prince, so I heard that Wuji Tower is only open to you today."

"It turned out to be like this." Hua Sheng spoke lightly, ignoring the audience.

"Miss, there is another sentence, it is the old lady who takes me to explain to you."


"The old lady said that we have people in Wuji Tower, so test your relaxation today, even if... the final result is not satisfactory, Wuji Tower will not be truthfully announced, and will save face for us."

"This means that even if I am the waste of the next three paragraphs, eight or nine paragraphs, those people will give me four paragraphs and five paragraphs, does that mean?"

"Yes, Miss is clever, it's clear at all." Green smiled.

The old lady deserves to be the helm of the Hua family today. It is indeed well-considered, and of course Wuji Tower will not sell this face.

Hua Sheng is now not only the family member of Tianshi Mansion, but also the royal hostess of the future, the woman of His Royal Highness, so who dares not follow?

"Grandma was really bothered. Well, I went in."

Hua Sheng felt that Grandma was really prepared enough, and even thought of this, she did not feel much pressure.

In this way, in the eyes of everyone, she walked into the Wuji Tower slowly.

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