Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1185: : Suddenly

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

When Huasheng's spiritual power was launched, the evaluators of Wuji Building really didn't see clearly what it was.

In the past, those masters could still see white light, aperture, halo, and even the speed of light.

But when Huasheng launched, they saw nothing.

When Hua Sheng's spiritual power fell on the black iron furnace, the black iron furnace did not react at all.

This...doesn't quite conform to common sense, even the second and third sections of the next three sections can make the black iron furnace rock gently.

However, after Huasheng launched the spiritual power, everything was as if it had not happened, which was very embarrassing.

"This... Isn't Her Royal Highness a waste piece?"

"This...impossible, didn't that day say she destroyed Miss Xiahou's long whip?"

"But I really didn't see the form of spiritual power, and the black iron furnace didn't move."

"Is it true that Her Royal Highness is a mortal? Not even a paragraph?"

After several reviewers finished, all of them were embarrassing. If they knew that the prince was a mortal and a waste person who didn't have a paragraph, how could you report it?

If you really report it, will you be killed by jokes all over the country?

"You said that the matter with Miss Xia Hou that day was deliberately fabricated by the Hua family in order to put gold on their faces?"

"It's possible to say that, hey..."

Just after this sigh of sigh, suddenly, the mountain shook.

These people thought what was happening, and they saw the black iron furnace hanging in the middle and suddenly clicked.

A crack slowly split from the middle...

"How can it be?"

"Am I dazzled? Have you seen it? How can I see the black iron furnace crack?"

"Fuck, it's really cracked, it's not your eyesight, I saw it too."

"Mother, isn't it? It can make the black iron furnace crack, this is... what kind of position is this?"

The voices of several reviewers did not fall. After a loud noise, the huge black iron furnace suddenly exploded.

The iron body with cold light instantly split into countless pieces and flew in all directions, extremely fast.

At almost the same time, Hua Sheng supported a huge golden aperture, which was regarded as a shield supported by spiritual force.

She protected all living creatures in this building.

Avoid being injured by the tens of thousands of black iron fragments, otherwise you will be killed immediately if you are hit.

After waiting for the debris to fall to the ground, Huasheng closed the aperture.

I looked apologetically at the space where the reviewers were, and nodded slightly to apologize, "Are you all okay?"

All those people were dumbfounded, even the black-and-white mask people who just guided Huasheng just now were stunned.

It took a long time for me to recover.

"Your Highness..."

"I'm sorry, I may have used too much force and ruined the black iron furnace. How much silver is this? I will pay you?"

"His Royal Highness, you... we haven't seen how you are using your spiritual power? How much spiritual power are you, which can destroy our artifact?"

Huasheng: ...

To be honest, she was also embarrassed, but clearly it was they who told her that they should use all their energy to release spiritual power.

"Sir, how do you measure this?" After the guider was shocked, he asked several high-level assessors.

"This... this is indeed no precedent, but according to the records of our Promise House Ancient Book, once the spiritual power can destroy the black iron furnace, the rank has broken through nine, this should be the legendary source of spirit? It’s not something that our mainland can test, so there are still a few paragraphs to be considered."

After the older evaluator had said this, several others were going to boil.

Those who broke through the ninth stage had been there 10,000 years ago, and in the more than 10,000 years later, there has never been another one.

Now the Highness Concubine... Where is this mortal body? Is this Nima a fairy?

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