Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1194: : Doomed Entanglement

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!


Feng Xi felt that he had failed again and shouted several times, but there was no response.

In order to find A Sheng, she thought of many ways, and she felt that she would soon become Iron Man.

Yesterday, she used Ashe's body to be contaminated with Asheng's breath, and placed it in the condensed soul lamp.

Whenever the bell wobbled, she injected spiritual power into the soul lamp.

At the same time shouting A Sheng's name, with a bang, she felt that if A Sheng was still between these three realms and six Dao, she would definitely hear it.

If the other party hears a response, then there should be a response in the soul lamp.

But she just shouted a few times, and there was no response from A Sheng. Maybe... this prop you created failed?

Feng Xi held the rebellion bell and sat on the sofa in frustration, shaking it.


The doorbell rang, and the wind was really startling. You know it was 11:50 late at night.

At this time, I haven't ordered any takeaway, which fairy is it?

The place where the wind lived was the neighborhood where Qin Wanyu first lived together.

However, in order to avoid seeing things, Feng Xi did not choose the original house. Besides, that house was already under the name of Qin Wanyu. She could not find Qin Wanyu to rent it.

Just in the same community, I still feel comfortable living here.



"Fart, the old lady is unsure."

"Girl, don't yell at you, it's really takeaway, your friend asked me to give it to you."

"my friend?"

Feng Xi hiccupped her heart. Since that incident, she has almost broken all contact with her previous friends.

"If you find it inconvenient, then I will put it in the door, you will get it later, and go first."

The courier brother saw that the girl was too prepared and was too lazy to lobby.

Waiting for him to leave for a long time, the wind opened the door. In fact, she was not afraid of robbery or theft.

After all, ten gangsters will not be her opponent, she is too lazy to move.

Unbearably curious, I still opened the door and took the courier in.

It's actually pork feet rice, my god.

Even if the pig's feet rice, or Li Ji pig's feet rice, is this poisonous?

Li Ji is well-known in this city. It is a century-old restaurant. The ancestral cooking of pig's feet is extremely delicious and comparable to the world.

Feng Xi used to take Qin Wanyu to eat and Huasheng to eat, but Huasheng didn't like to eat meat.

Feng Xi took out the pork leg rice, and it was still warm inside.

There is a card underneath, which is pressed down by the food container.

There is only one sentence above-thank you that day. If it were not for you, I guess it would have become a local dog's supper.

Seeing this, Feng Xi understood that this was sent by Qin Wanyu.

He actually found out the status of her family, and knew that she loves pig's feet rice?

In fact, this is not difficult, the wind is too lazy to cook, often take out, and in a month, the most frequent is pig feet rice.

Qin Wanyu's big boss would not find this impossible.


As of today, things are right and wrong, and after eating pork leg rice sent by Qin Wanyu, I always feel a bit bitter taste.

So although the wind is a bit hungry, just take a bite, put down the chopsticks, put the pig's foot rice on the table, and give a few fresh breeze to eat.

"Master Fengxi, what's wrong with you?"

Qiao Xue came down from the scarecrow and a transparent soul appeared beside the wind.

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