Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1214: : Unwilling

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

After Feng Wuming sighed deeply, he dropped the chess pieces on the chessboard and opened his eyes again without looking at the wind. "We Feng family members are Feng Shui masters for generations, but no matter how powerful they are, they are only mortal bodies. I always tell you that you don’t dare to feel the deepest feelings, and you’re afraid of a big dream.

"Grandpa, remember."

"Well, just remember, then do you still remember that your master once divination for Huasheng and her husband?"

"Grandpa, are you saying...?"

"Yes, your master doesn't look crazy, but it is a metaphysical wizard. He has long concluded that the ending of Huasheng and Jiangliu will not be very good. I don't need to say more about the meaning of deep love, you should understand. Since the two People have been destined, why should you force it?"


"Although Huasheng is trapped in an illusion, she is not thin for her, and she must have had a good life. Jiangliu, as a mortal, has long forgotten the past and the loved ones, and will marry in the future. Wife has children and leads a mortal life. There is a destiny in the sky, what do you think you can change?"


Feng Xi has never seen Grandpa talk to himself so formally. It seems that when his old man was alive, he never talked to her so formally about **** between men and women.

"Well, I won't say much. You can figure it out for yourself. How can I interfere with living things when I am a dead person?"

The wind waved its name without name, and the wind only felt a gust of wind blowing, and it immediately fascinated.

She rubbed her eyes, and when she opened her eyes again, she saw the ceiling.

She knew that the dream was over and she was back.

She took a deep breath...the words that Grandpa just said seemed to echo in her ears.


The sound of the doorbell was heard outside the door, and the wind got up and started to open the door without trimming.

"Miss Fengxi, your breakfast."

"I didn't order it."

"It was given to you by Mr. Qin."

"Isn't it pig's foot rice?" The wind was ashamed.

"No, no, it's shrimp dumplings and seafood porridge."

"Oh, well, thank you."

The wind stumbled to pick up breakfast, and at this time, the person who delivered the meal took off the helmet and raised his head to smile at her.

Scared that she almost spilled the porridge on the ground.

"you you you……."

"Huh, the messenger's clothes are pretty handsome. I came from the battery car all the way, and I didn't block it at all."

Qin Wanyu said with a smile.

In this way, Feng Xi reminded them of their past all at once, Qin Wanyu likes this kind of prank, and then sticks to her, cheeky.

But he obviously didn't remember himself. He obviously lost his memory.

"What are you doing here?" The wind bit her lips and froze her face.

"Bring you breakfast."

"I don't eat, you go."

Feng Xi stuffed the breakfast directly into Qin Wanyu's hands and put down the door directly.

Qin Wanyu was also stunned after eating a closed door soup, only to feel a bit strange.

He even took out his mobile phone and opened the camera to look at his face.

"Weird... It's so handsome, how could it be so to me?" Qin Wanyu touched his chin, puzzled.

The wind is leaning against the door, and the mood is complicated.

It shouldn't have been intersected with Qin Wanyu again. How do you feel it is hard to escape?

If she really went to save A Sheng, then Qin Wanyu...

Thinking of this, Feng Xi opened the door again, but unfortunately Qin Wanyu was gone.

She was slightly disappointed, thinking that it might have gone away.

Just before closing, Qin Wanyu jumped out from the side, "Are you looking for me?"

Feng Xi's eyes were full of tears, and she didn't know what to say. She put Qin Wanyu's neck around her and wept in a low voice.

"Why...why did you cry? Was it scared?" Qin Wan panicked, and he felt that this girl was very fun and wanted to get in touch, but she didn't expect her to hug herself directly, this It's really embarrassing.

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