Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1219: : Descendants of Xuan Nu

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

After the three men made their final plans, Feng Xi entered the seventy-two illusion with the mortal body and followed the two great gods without returning.

Did not even leave any words...

Including Feng Xi, I didn't explain what happened at home, what should I do after I didn't explain?

Today's Fengxi family, there is only one black cat, a few breezes and the housed Qiao Xue.

Xiaohei can't speak, just as usual, lying silently under the sofa and pretending to sleep.

In fact, these breezes don't know about black cats. Xiaohe used to be obviously not like this.

When Hua Sheng was still there, it walked horizontally.

Later, the owner was gone. He took Xiaobai and the children to hide in Xie Dongyang's house, but didn't want to be chased down by Zhuoman's Tugu demon.

Then the family broke down and was eventually taken in by the wind.

"Does the wind boss have a boyfriend?" Qiao Xue suddenly asked a few breezes.

"Why are you asking this?"

"It's okay, just ask. I think the boss seems to cry as soon as he sees the man...why?"

Qiao Xue asked this intentionally, she knew who Qin Wanyu was.

"Do you think this is ridiculous? Isn't that your ex-boyfriend?"

Qiao Xue continued to pretend to be innocent, "I wandered in the underworld for so many years, where do you remember what ex-boyfriend, you are so funny."

A few breezes did not say anything. To be honest, none of them particularly liked Qiao Xue.

I always feel that this woman is a little unhappy, but there is no way. The windy adults sympathize with others, and took her great.

"Feng Xi told me when he left, saying that when she is away, you have to listen to me."

"who do you think You Are?"

"Yeah, are you lying?"

"Bullshit, can Windy Master explain you? What can you do for us?"

Qiao Xue took out an amulet, and several breezes were dumbfounded. It was something that was inseparable from the wind and would be worn on the body almost every day.

That was given to Master Fengxi by Huasheng girl. Although I don't know what magical power, Master Fengxi attaches great importance to it.

But that thing was in Qiao Xue's hands, why?

"Take this out, do you believe it? This is really from Master Fengxi. I didn’t lie to you... Master Fengxi is also for everyone’s sake. Once Master Fengxi doesn’t come back this time, someone in this family will always be in charge. That’s all, I’m responsible for you."

Qiao Xue said the awe-inspiring, although a few breezes are not convinced, but after all there are symbols.

In fact, this token was stolen by Qiao Xue. Before the wind left, he took a bath, and the amulet was placed in the bathroom.

But Qiao Xue took it while he wasn't paying attention, and the wind went hurriedly, and he didn't think about it.

Qiao Xue knew that Feng Xi might go back and forth this time, so he took out his tokens in advance, fool these breezes, and made a blessing.

After all, the wind is not at home, no one knows the truth.

Feng Xi didn't even notice that the amulet was stolen until...

Within Seventy-two Illusions

As soon as he landed, Bairan disappeared with an illusionary fox girl.

Only Pluto and the wind are left.

"Master Hades, you said, my family is really a descendant of Jiu Tianxuan Maiden?"

"It can't be wrong. After all, there is no Jiutian Xuanhuo in these three realms and six paths. It is very rare that Huasheng can drive to the sixth floor."

"Don't you, can I walk sideways afterwards? My friend is the true God, hahaha..."

"Don't be too happy first, let's try to get out here alive." Lord Pluto looked sad.

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