Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1226: : Lost amulet

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The sudden appearance of the cut moon surprised both Pluto and Fengxi.

"Master Hades, Master Bairan..." Feng Xi didn't dare to ask if he was dead or something. He always felt particularly unacceptable.

Pluto knew what the wind had to say, and immediately rejected, "No, don't think about it."

"Ming Yan, it's boring that you deceive yourself so much... Don't worry about the fox now, you two will die here too. But I suddenly changed my mind a moment ago, I think maybe it will be more interesting for Asheng to kill you by hand. ."

After talking, Cut Moon raised his hand, gently.

The red light quickly entered Huasheng's eyebrows, and suddenly a red lotus flower slowly emerged from the eyebrows.

Pluto was shocked, "Hua Sheng's magic was triggered."

"What magic?" Feng Xi didn't even know the origin of this lotus flower.

"It's too late to explain. Simply put, Hua Sheng doesn't know why it was injected with magic, but usually it can't be seen. As long as the lotus comes out, she will become very strange, and the whole person is very magic. In short, you have to be careful ."

The words of Pluto had just fallen, and Hua Sheng suddenly threw a flame.

Almost blooming Pluto and the wind almost bloomed, but fortunately, Pluto was clever enough to block it with a ghost umbrella before he burned.

"Asheng, you can't kill us, but we are your friends. Look at me, Asheng."

The wind won't give up, shouting A Sheng's name.

But at this time, Hua Sheng's pupils are red, and the lotus blooming is extremely beautiful.

The powerful Huasheng itself and the magical trigger are basically unmatched. Pluto suddenly thought of her on that day, in order to protect the performance of Jiangliu’s killing in the Shura hell, he was a bit desperate.

"The wind is over, Huasheng is demonized, we two may..."

"Master Pluto does not have to say much, I think of a way."

Feng Xi suddenly thought of the amulet on his neck, thinking that this was made by Hua Sheng himself, and it would definitely be a bit useful.

So he reached out and touched his neck. Unexpectedly, the touch turned out to be empty.

This reminded me of leaving the house that day, as if I had forgotten to bring it, Emma, ​​suddenly the wind was desperate.

"It's over, Master Pluto, this time we are really dead."

She cried with a sad face, and was desperate with Lord Pluto.

A Sheng is already invincible in the world, plus a month cut, almost no way to live.

Pluto whispered, "I will hold on for a while, you escape with my mirror of reincarnation, don't look back... As long as you go back to the world, the moon will not chase him, he is so conceited, no Will chase down a mortal who is inconspicuous. When I came out, your grandpa once asked me, and I promised to let you go home safely..."

"Master Hades..."

"Go back, the incense of the Feng family can't be broken."

"What about you?" The wind was tearful.

"I'm fine, they can't kill me. I'm already a Lord of the Underworld, and it won't treat me like that."

Having said that, Feng Xi doesn't believe it. That moon-cutting look is not a irritating thing. Even if he can't kill Pluto, he will make Pluto die better.

"Go away."

Pluto urged, but the wind still felt that he just ran like this, too unyielding.

So he carried the Pluto and took advantage of the moon to pay attention, and threw out a secret prop he developed, a super explosive symbol.

This spell has the function of stealth, so it sticks to the body without knowing it.

When the curse fell on the shoulder of the cut moon, Feng Xi's hands sang the chant: explode.

Then there was a loud noise, and several people were suddenly shrouded in thick black smoke.

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