Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1239: : Meet the master and servant

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng is extremely fast, so when she arrived, the thing had not left.

The scene she saw could be described as tragic.

In a nameless small alley three or four miles away, a woman was lying on the ground, no longer alive.

Her clothes were neat and neat, lying on the concrete road, and she even saw the color of her hair dyed.

However, when I looked down, I found that my abdomen was completely hollowed out, and my internal organs were gone.

It's weird that even a drop of blood can't be seen, which is extremely scary.

And not far from the woman, stood a three-year-old boy, who looked clean.

Big eyes, white and white, wearing a small red suit, and even a little dark circles.

At first glance, Hua Sheng felt that the child was familiar.

But I did not remember where I saw it.

"Aunt... What's wrong with my mother?" The child suddenly said, his voice soft and soft.

"Did you see anything just now?"

"No. On the way home, my mother and I suddenly blew a lot of wind. Later, my mother was like this. Was she asleep?"

The child pointed to the female body next to him, with an innocent look.

Hua Sheng didn't say anything, and the child looked at Hua Sheng's grievances, "Auntie, I'm a little cold... I want to go home... Can you take me home?"

Hua Sheng glanced at the child, "Yes."

"Then can you hug me? I'm a little cold... My mother used to hug me... Since my mother was asleep, let her sleep first, you take me home, aunt, wait for me to return My family found my family to pick up my mother."

There is no flaw in the child's words, including the appearance of a three-year-old child regardless of appearance and voice.

Even an accidental pronunciation can be ambiguous.

Hua Sheng nodded, she squatted down, opened her arms...

"Come on, I will hug you."

The little black smiled evilly as he walked toward Huasheng with his head down slowly.

He grew up eating these things in the past three years because he was not interested in other foods.

In the past, it was enough to eat one at a time, but now the appetite is wide, and sometimes two to three at a time.

And his godmother was extremely forgiving towards him, and even helped his father to catch prey with him.

Tonight is not a full moon night, but he still feels a little hungry.

So I ran out and looked for food immediately. I didn't expect a beautiful meal and I found a more beautiful aunt.

He likes all beautiful things, including women.

So he felt his stomach became hungry again. He thought this beautiful and beautiful aunt must be delicious.

So he pretended to be a victim, confused this aunt, and tempted this aunt.

In the past, he also used this method to deceive his food. Every time it went smoothly, women had maternal feelings. As long as they saw children, they would unconsciously lower their guard. Who can think of a three-year-old child as a magic tire? What about super monsters that have been cultivated?

The child approached Huasheng a little bit, and when he was close to her, he slowly opened his mouth, exposing sharp fangs.

At the moment when he was about to bite, he was suddenly pinched his chin.

He was surprised, "How did you find the flaw?"

"Because there is a black malaria on your head."

"You actually have yin and yang eyes?" The devil was stunned. The mortal naked eye could not see the black gas on his head.

Unless it is a person with yin and yang eyes and possessing different spells.

"You can also call it Tianyan." Hua Sheng said quietly.

The child smiled evilly, "It makes no difference, even if you are a Heavenly Master, it will be my delicious meal will not be my opponent."

"Who is Chuntao?"

As the child was about to launch a second attack, Hua Sheng's words made him rigid again.

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