Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1322: : Homeless

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Zhi wanted to lie down on Hua Sheng tiredly, but she forgot that she was transparent, and she slammed her head directly into the arm of the sofa.

With a thud, Sei is gone. Hua Sheng wanted to laugh, but he didn't bother to laugh.

"Woo, it hurts me."

Hua Zhi covered her head and became dizzy, and Hua Lin quickly got an ice towel and applied it to her.

"Sister Sister, what's wrong with you? You're about to get married, too happy?" Hua Lin laughed.

"Why, I'm tired, okay? I didn't want to invite friends in the circle. You know, I have been out of the circle for several years. I didn't even accept reporters' interviews, but the news of the wedding is now being used by major media. Reprinted, alarmed the whole country. My phone was going to be burst for a while."

"Understandable, after all, you are the king of connections." Hua Sheng smiled.

Hua Zhi sighed, "Which network is the king? Our circle is the most realistic. After I retired, I almost didn't interact with those friends. Even film and television dramas refused to invest in filming. I didn't even think of being a director. I don’t like to play tickets, I pretend I’m prettier. If I’m miserable now, or if I’m returning to the bland, let alone getting married, nobody will come even if I have twins. After all, can’t you use me... ."

As Hua Lin gave Hua Zhi a soft bruise on her forehead, she also said, "Understood, now you are married, and married to the chairman of the Wang Group, and you are a top rich lady. Doing business on your own is Big profits, so those people, don’t dare to stifle your celebrity."

"That's right, they are all snobbish, you have money and status to come naturally, no money and no power, you see who will take care of you?" Hua Zhi sneered.

Since those people want to come, come.

Anyway, this wedding was originally held grandly, not hiding. Hua Zhi is not afraid of being seen or photographed.

However, there is less contact with people in the circle, and now with such a connection, it is inevitable that they will feel hypocritical.

For example, those actresses who haven’t been in contact for a long time immediately snorted and said, "Sister Hua Zhi, you don’t even talk about such a big thing as your marriage. We still read it on the news. It’s true. Are we sister?"

Look at what is said to be hypocritical. Hua Zhi really wanted to ask, since you are my sisters, when you came to Jiangcheng for publicity, why did you not even see a ghost or call, let alone condolences .

At first, those people only knew that Hua Zhi retreated and found a rich boyfriend.

But there was no movement for the next three years, and I thought about breaking up and being dumped, so low-key?

After all, Hua Zhi rarely publishes news, so they naturally do not take Hua Zhi seriously.

In the past week, the national entertainment headlines were Wang Hua's two marriages.

Since the Wang Group started last year, Wang Junxian has already become the chairman. Neither the father nor his sister will interfere in any of his decisions.

Believing that the power is directly in the palm of hand, Wang is now the top ten consortium in the country.

Hua Zhi can hold the position of Mrs. Wang Jiashao, which shows this status...

In addition, the Fahrenheit Group's refinancing and integration of listings also caused a lot of trouble.

Hua Zhi's mother-in-law is more beautiful now, and her mother-in-law's is even more beautiful. Seeing that she wants to get married, who wouldn't want to come to her?

Thinking of this, Hua Zhi looked back at Hua Sheng behind her. She was wearing an apricot-colored dress and had a delicate hairpin stuck in her ear.

But I really want to dress up like the girls in the Republic of China period, which makes people happy when they see it.

"A Sheng, fortunately with you, let me have a home...Whether today or today, even if I am married, it is estimated that I can't stare at the name of the Hua family. I have to say that our family is bankrupt. Yes, our Hua family is not underestimated because of you."

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