Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1329: : Yangshou has been exhausted

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Listening to Huasheng's initiative, Pluto looked up at her, "Oh? Come and listen."

"Then you can't blame me for being talkative." Huasheng was naughty and said deliberately ugly ahead.

Pluto will have the heart to blame her, seeing her become gentle all over.

"That's natural. How can you blame you for your idea?"

With the words of Pluto, Hua Sheng looked at the man on his knees without any care, "Give him Meng Po soup, two bowls for one bowl, three bowls for two bowls, I don’t believe him. After drinking Meng Po Tang, what big grief curse can I still remember? How to deal with it at that time, it will be easy."

After hearing a few bad things, my heart was filled with joy.

"It's still the Huasheng girl."

"You stinky woman, who are you, and why did you hurt me? Look at me not killing you..." The man on the knees was watching someone deliberately gossiping, naturally angry, taking advantage of the misunderstanding, and got up directly , Breaking free from the imprisonment of the impermanence, he moved toward Huasheng with great momentum.

Hua Sheng sat there quietly, watching the fat body pounce, and there was no meaning to hide.

But there is a slight blue flame at the fingertip of the right hand...

That's the fire of the sea soul. It only takes a little ignition to burn this man's soul, and all three souls and seven souls dissipate.

It's a pity that someone can't sit still without waiting for Huasheng to start.

A picture of black gas directly anchored the man so that he could not move in front of Hua Sheng within half a meter.

The next second, the black gas took him directly to a height of more than ten meters, and immediately fell... he fell seven and eight.

Then the black gas turned into a steel circle again in a second, and surrounded the soul of the man.

The dense triangles on the iron ring began to breed the tiny triangle iron, which pierced the man's body a little bit, and he cried and howled in pain.

"Take it to Meng Po, fill a few more bowls, wait for him to forget the past, and clean up a little bit, all the criminal laws are over, and then go to the fifteenth hell, don't give him the opportunity to be reborn, so ugly The soul is not worthy of reincarnation and unworthy of reincarnation."

"Yes, sir."

Several ghosts took the man's soul and dragged it out directly.

There was a whispered whisper, "Wow, this buddy is really unlucky, who is not good to move, actually hit the Huasheng girl's idea, but that is our cusp's heart. Didn't you see the adult's face was dark just now?"

"I saw it, so the big talents used it for thousands of years to not use the weapon-the soul chasing bone ring, that is an artifact that can make any demon ghost tremble, oh, our adults are really fond of Huasheng girl."

Hua Sheng's words were heard more or less, so he lowered his head uncomfortably.

At this time, the two of them were already in the hall.

"You come to me, there must be something, say it." Ming Yan looked at Hua Sheng.

"I want to ask about my friend Xie Dongyang's father and his brother. They died not long ago. I think it's a little weird... I want to check it out."

"it is good."

Pluto had no excuses, no excuses, directly said a good, let Hua Sheng feel a lot easier.

Pluto turns the life and death book based on the address and name provided by Hua Sheng.

"Although they have died of Yangshou, but... it is indeed an abnormal death. The above records are that the two of them are going to die in traffic accidents."

"That's not right. My friend said they died because of the collapse of the construction site, and there were more than two of them dead." After hearing the inside story, Huasheng immediately returned and ignited a glimmer of hope in his heart.

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