Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1333: : Best man substitutions

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To use Xie Dongyao's words, my brother's life is not afraid of fear, he was afraid that Sister Huasheng would not speak.

As long as Hua Sheng speaks, Xie Dongyang really has a bad idea. Of course, it may be exaggerated to say so.

But this critical moment, this difficult moment, really only Hua Sheng can make Xie Dongyang not so desperate.

Otherwise, such a big blow would be unbearable for him and the Xie family.

Hua Sheng lifted Xie Dongyang who had been kneeling for a long time, knowing that he had numb his knees.

"Get up first, don't kneel, you know what you think about your uncle and your elder brother, no matter what the form."

Xie Dongyang slowly got up with Huasheng's help.

The two went to the glass flower room beside them, and Huasheng poured a cup of hot tea to Xie Dongyang.

"You drink first and warm your body. I will tell you slowly."

Xie Dongyang didn't speak, but he took the tea cup and took a few sips. He felt his stiff body warm up.

"This matter is very complicated, and there is no specific investigation in the Underworld. I finished with Feng Xi. She will investigate with me. We will definitely help you restore the truth. Because this is also related to the lives of many Jiangcheng people, your father has an accident. Forty-nine people died in that construction site. Such a big accident, at first glance, there are conspiracies behind it. Of course, these conspiracies are impossible for you to find. The collapsed place has been murdered by twelve people, let alone you Father, even if anyone is present, it is a dead end."

"Twelve fierce evil, what is that?" Xie Dongyang, a layman, was indeed unheard of.

"Twelve fierce evils, I don’t know much, and Lord Pluto didn’t say much. But I asked the downwind. The old man of the Feng family had some records before his death. After the demonization, the infamous formation method created by the formation is huge. It can trap hundreds of people at a time, and once those people are killed, their grievances will be left, and they will explode to a certain extent. It was that year. It is used to deal with Maoshan orthodox. It is estimated that it is also the battle of the masters? But fortunately, the humanitarianism of the formation is not high enough. It is said that the real twelve evils are once screaming and wailing everywhere. , Cruel creatures everywhere. The scene is extremely tragic. Although this formation is twelve fierce, but it has no essence at all, so your father and elder brother went to the underworld to report, just... because it takes seven days to reach the underworld gate, so I haven't seen them before."

Xie Dongyang is a wise man. After listening to Hua Sheng's words carefully, he probably understands what it means.

People who can use such a vicious array are certainly not opponents, and even if they go to check, they will certainly not find anything.

Only let Feng Xi and Huasheng intervene to have the opportunity to restore the truth.

"Sheng Sheng, then trouble you to help me with the wind. I don't want my father and elder brother to die." Xie Dongyang's eyes turned red, and it was from the edge of collapse.

Hua Sheng felt uncomfortable when she saw it, and she nodded.

"Leave it to us, you can rest assured that we will help you track it down, just..."

"Sheng Sheng, there is nothing to say to you, but it's okay. Until now, I have nothing to bear."

Seeing Hua Sheng still have something to say, Xie Dongyang took the initiative to confess his thoughts.

Originally, the approaching Hua Zhi wedding was a great happy event. Xie Dongyang also agreed to be a best man.

Everything is ready, but the Xie family has such a funeral, which is really unexpected.

Of course, this incident is a huge accident for Jiangcheng, and it is more than a question of Xie's father and son.

The emergence of the twelve evils is itself a bad sign.

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