Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1341: : Too calm

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Brother Wanyu, I'm sorry, I secretly possessed a girl, otherwise I wouldn't be able to devote myself during the day, the sunshine is too full here. I came to you to tell you that I decided to go back to the underworld."

"Ah? Why?" Qin Wanyu stunned, knowing that the soul in this strange body was Qiao Xue.

"Brother Wanyu, you all know what you are doing, I don’t want to be because I am like this. If someone lives in your house temporarily, if you have anything to do with you, it will definitely be done for you. Fengjia Qingfengdu I won’t let you go, so for your safety, I can’t continue to pester you anymore. I’d rather go back to the underworld to suffer.” Qiao Xue’s character looks very weak, and he cries if he doesn’t move, and he says well every time. Pitiful.

After listening to Qin Wanyu, she understood what she meant.

"What do you mean by this? The Feng Family Qingfeng asked you to settle the bills?" Qin Wanyu stared at the eyes, and really thought that the wind made people go to pack up Qiao Xue in his back, and he was a little angry.

Qiao Xue's face changed deliberately and explained, "No, no, no, don't go to them, please, my brother Anhui. It's really all my fault, even if it's the wind, I'm dead. , I have no complaints, really, I should have been damned."

Qiao Xue's remarks seemed to excuse the wind, but in fact it vaguely implied that the wind asked people to clean her up.

Can it be cleaned up?

There are indeed a few breezes. I didn't listen to the wind and asked Qiao Xue to settle the account, but Qiao Xue's IQ must not be at a loss.

So let Qin Wanyu know that this is a confession of the wind, so as to provoke the relationship between the two.

After listening to Qin Wanyu, there was already a cloud over his face.

"I'll go to the wind and ask clearly."

Qin Wanyu felt that it was wrong for the wind to bully a soul like this. This was to force Qiao Xue to die.

"No need to find it, I'm here."

Before the wind came into the women's toilet, it was really about to let go.

But after hearing Qiao Xue's voice, she peeed.

Hiding behind the bathroom, she heard all the words just now, but she was not as excited as before.

Perhaps it is that Qin Wanyu believed the slut's words five times and five times, but not herself.

Can such a man be considered true love?

So when the wind came out of the toilet, his face was cold, even without a trace of expression, which was different from the past.

Feng Xi glanced at Qiao Xue, she stepped back a few steps in shock, and ran behind Qin Wanyu.

The two hands were also deliberately placed on Qin Wanyu's shoulders, and the wind was burning in his eyes.

However, Qin Wanyu is definitely not a person who loves contact with strange girls, so he directly avoids Qiao Xue's intimacy.

Whether it is Qiao Xue's possession of a strange woman, or Qiao Xue's own body, Qin Wanyu will not have any interest.

He and Jiangliu Wang Junxian have the same personality, either they don’t love, and once they love, they will never die in love.

"So, did you hear those words just now?" Qin Wanyu frowned and asked the wind.

"Yes." She nodded, calmer than ever.

The failure to see anger on Feng Xi's face made Qin Wanyu a little uneasy.

It is said that sadness is more than death, perhaps that is the case.

If the wind can still be noisy and noisy, it may be because it cares, but when it is really calm, it may not be a good thing.

Qin Wanyu is not stupid, so he doesn't want to let the two go that far.

"Feng Xi, did you ask Qingfeng to avenge Xiaoxue?"

"You think it is." Feng Xi smiled. This smile made Qin Wanyu even more depressed.

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