Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1354: : Not cruel enough

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jiang Mu looked smug, "No, how could it be? I asked Mr. Ling to come out of the mountain, did you know? He is the only true descendant of Mr. Ling Jiuzhou's true biography, but he has real skills. "

"Yes, I know him." Hua Sheng smiled slightly, his eyelashes curled up, and Ling Xiao looked at him again.

Not seen in a few years, Hua Sheng is still beautiful and moving, so he will lose his soul at first glance.

"Since the descendants of the Ling family, please please... verify that I am harmful, so I can tell my mother-in-law and let her elderly people rest assured."

Hua Sheng is very calm, let alone a Ling Xiao, even if Ling Jiuzhou is still alive.

Nor can it be Huasheng's opponent. In the words of the wind, Huasheng can burn the entire Ling family to ashes.

What qualifications can he have to identify whether Huasheng is harmful?

However, after Jiangliu's mother listened to the accusations, she was embarrassed by her daughter-in-law.

"I need to say a few words to the young lady alone."

Ling Xiao proposed to talk to Huasheng alone. Jiang Liu just wanted to refuse, but he was persuaded by Huasheng.

"My husband is fine, don't worry."

Hua Sheng's appeasement, so that Jiang Liu didn't say what he refused, but he was not at ease, still decided to guard at the door, afraid of any changes, so he could rush in at any time.

In the study room on the top floor of the old house of Jiang family

Hua Sheng wore a lilac Luo skirt, her long hair was simply tied up, and when walking, she was all kind of immortal.

Ling Xiao's suit and leather shoes, carrying a black password box, followed Huasheng into the study.

After the door closed, Huasheng turned to sit on the sofa and raised his head slightly, "What do you want to say?"

"At that time, my grandfather united the Nanyang Four Ghosts, and Wu Nan, who was dead, framed you and the river. At that time, I remember my grandfather said that he wanted to open the road of reincarnation. How did you escape?"

"Can I not answer these, no matter how I escape, these are not important, the important thing is that me and the river are still alive."

"Then the Nanyang Four Ghosts, did you do it?"


"My grandpa..."

"Your grandpa is Yang Shou, but..."

Hua Sheng said here, hesitated.

"How? You continue to say it." Ling Xiao was a little nervous. In fact, he still wanted to know if the old man is now in the underworld.

"But his mental skills are not correct, and it hurts me and hurts himself. He also suffered a lot after he arrived in the underworld, and he could not be reborn in a reincarnation within a few hundred years. You Ling family will not be reborn again. Don’t expect the mystery to continue.”

In fact, you don’t have to think about it. The relationship between the Underworld and Huasheng is so good, will you let Ling Jiuzhou pass?

Ling Kyushu did not suffer much in the underworld, and was temporarily ineligible for reincarnation within a hundred years.

Not only that, Pluto also warned the following, not to allow any gifted soul to reincarnate the Ling family, that is, to break the meaning of the Ling family aura.

Since then, there is no more south wind and north wind in this world, because the wind family belongs to one person.

Feng Xi is already the only feng shui master from the orthodox family in this world, really the first person.

"It turns out..."

"How about you? What is the thought of the mother who approached Jiangliu approaching me? If you want to deal with me, let alone you, your grandfather is alive and not my opponent. I advise you not to make fearless sacrifices.

"Huasheng doesn't like Ling Xiao, and he never likes it, but because this person didn't do anything harmful to the sky, he still kept his life.

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