Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1358: : The first show

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"I'm okay, I can live one by one, hurry and go, don't talk nonsense." Xie Dongyang said after pushing hard, Xie Dongyao's husband was pushed out and surrounded.

He was alone, with a big brother in the front and a father in the end, but his former relatives are now zombies without any feelings.

The kind that can kill him at any time...

"Wind, save people quickly." Hua Sheng was also anxious to see this scene, and quickly let Feng Xi save people.

She directly used Reiki to circle this place with an enchantment. Then all innocent people are sent out of the enclave, free from attack.

And Feng Xi took out the Fengjia magic weapon and directly used two black dog blood-programmed collars to trap the two corpses into death, unable to move.

Hua Sheng raised his hand, a seven-color ribbon floated in the air, directly entangled the besieged Xie Dongyang, and dragged him from the desperate situation into the sky.

These actions were almost done in one go, even Xie Dongyang was too late to respond.

When he came back to God, he saw Hua Sheng's alluring face.

"Sheng Sheng..." He felt aggrieved immediately, even thinking that if he had just died, he would have no time to see the last side of A Sheng.

Hua Sheng was silent for a few seconds and watched Xie Dongyang say nothing.

A few seconds later, she raised her hand and gave Xie Dongyang a slap in the face.

The slap was strong, thorough, and exhausted.

"Wow, some people are up."

Feng Xi didn't expect Huasheng to beat Xie Dongyang. She was also shocked. Then she threw out her tongue and quietly went to clean up the Xie family's father and son.

Dare not to approach Hua Sheng, after all, this sister's surging look is terrifying.

After being beaten, Xie Dongyang kept his face silent for a long time.

"It doesn't matter if you die yourself. You almost killed your whole family. Do you really want your family to die? The Xie family came to you and cut off the incense?" Hua Sheng asked, waiting with eyes.

"Sheng Sheng, I actually..."

"Shut up for me, listen to me, and Xie Dongyang, I will tell you. The thing about Xie's family is not just a family matter. There are too many things involved in it. I have said that clearly that day. Arrange it with the wind. I also told you why. You don’t believe me and bury your father and brother privately. That’s even if you want to carry me and the wind. You are bold and you look at the enchantment. Outside, how many people have given their lives for your stupid behavior? Your elderly mother, your poor niece, your big-bellied sister... do you really bear it?"

"I didn't expect this to happen, I just..."

Xie Dongyang was dumbfounded. Where would he think that it would be like this if he simply buried his father and brother.

"Don't you think? Will you say that I believe it? Did you choose to bury at this time? Isn't it intentional? You are optimistic that it is not suitable for entry into the soil today, but you still have to enter the soil. I also chose to leave at noon. You all know that I told you that the corpse must be far away from living creatures, and you look at the cemetery over there, how many wild cats?"

Hua Sheng pointed angrily at the other side, and Xie Dongyang still saw it clearly.

It turned out that by the nearby cemetery, I didn't know when more than a dozen stray cats had gathered.

And those cats are weird in color, each one is black and white, and the eyes show strange light.

Fresh corpses will use the spirit of spiritual animals to rejuvenate the air. This is something that has always been circulated among the people.

Xie Dongyang never dreamed that it would happen in his own home.

"Speak, who gave you this idea, I know you won't." Huasheng's eyes were cold, Xie Dongyang was uncomfortable, he was really shocked by Huasheng's aura, and then looked back subconsciously Family members outside the boundary.

Hua Sheng's heart moved, and suddenly thought of Ling Xiao's words, Xie's family has an inner ghost... Is it really...?

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