Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1369: : How about divorce?

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Yu Ping was indeed dumbfounded. She looked at Hua Sheng's profile and her lips were pale.

The low-key she wore today may also be to set off Hua Sheng's beauty, Yu Ping has always known gratitude.

Without Huasheng in her mind, there would be no today she, so she always let Huasheng, but also maintain Huasheng.

Wearing a military green halter dress, still half-sleeved, most of his arms were covered.

High-heeled shoes are also ordinary black models, there is no place to shine, not even jewelry.

Hua Sheng didn't bring it, because he felt that those things were cumbersome, so he was still comfortable and dressed well.

Yu Ping's hair has been cut and has never grown too long.

But it seems that she is getting younger. Maybe her classmates wouldn't recognize it when she saw it. This was Yu Ping.

Four years later, Huasheng has not changed at all, not only is not old, but also like a little girl.

But Yu Ping has changed a lot, and there are quite a few stars. When she came, she asked specifically, saying that Yuan Shao would not come back.

Unexpectedly, he came back suddenly, which made Yu Ping really unprepared.

"I thought he wouldn't come back, if I knew that..." Yu Ping's voice was low, and the rest of the words were not finished.

Hua Sheng took the initiative to hold her hand, "Don't be afraid, even if you see it, it's gone, so why not say hello?"

Yu Ping hesitated and nodded.

The two walked in all the way to the innermost private room, where they were all students from their class.

Hua Sheng and Yu Ping were surrounded as soon as they entered, no matter how the relationship was originally. After all, I haven't seen each other for four years, so I must be more enthusiastic.

Hua Sheng is still the same as before, and the students are known to have such indifferent temperament.

Yu Ping has changed a lot. From the beginning, he dared not deal with his classmates and was not confident. Now he talks and laughs and behaves gracefully.

It really shocked a group of classmates. They all praised Yu Ping, but made Hua Sheng clean a lot.

She took the opportunity to get up and go to the bathroom to make up, and she saw Yuan Shao oncoming.

I haven’t seen it in four years, but Yuan Shao hasn’t changed much. But if you look closely at the corner of your eyes, you still have more years of vicissitudes.

"Student Huasheng." He greeted himself with a smile.

"Student Yuan Shao."

"Hello, I haven't seen you in four years. You are still so beautiful. It hasn't changed at all." Yuan Shao has been abroad for four years, and now he sees Huasheng, he still feels very delicate and moving, but he won't have any other thoughts because he later Hua Sheng is not the one who loves it.

So the two are not embarrassed, at least not as embarrassed as Hua Sheng and Xie Dongyang.

"I may use skin care products better." Hua Sheng touched his cheek.

Yuan Shao chuckled, "You'll be joking, oh my god, time can really change a person."

"Yeah, nothing can withstand the passage of time..."

After Hua Sheng finished speaking, the two fell into a brief silence.

"Are you here to see Xiaoping?" Hua Sheng knew that Yuan Shao was not in their class, but came here deliberately at this time, and it must be to see Yu Ping.

"Yes, I'll take a look at her."

Yuan Shao did not conceal, and directly explained the intention.

This calm look made Hua Sheng appreciate it. She picked up her phone and just sent WeChat to Yu Ping.

I saw her coming out of the door and walking all the way between them.

Her breathing was a little quick, and her eyes did not dare to look at Yuan Shao, and her voice dropped a few degrees.

"What a coincidence, you are also back." Yu Ping's hand secretly pulled the fabric of the dress. She could see that she was very nervous.

Yuan Shao stared at Yu Ping's face without saying a word, without saying a word, just staring all the time.

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