Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1369: : How about divorce?

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"Yuan Shao, your mother..."

Yu Ping did not know about the death of Yuan Shao's mother, because Yuan Shao's family lived abroad.

Although there are still real estate and business in China, they are rarely in Jiangcheng.

So I didn't know the news that Yuan Shao's mother had passed away, so I was shocked after hearing it.

"She suddenly became unwell a year ago and was already in advanced cancer when she checked it out. She had an operation abroad, but the effect was not satisfactory. After the operation, she started to have rashes, fever, and severe rejection. Even anticancer drugs Can’t eat anymore. She passed away less than three months after the operation. My dad was uncomfortable. He buried her abroad and didn’t bring it back. My dad is also in poor health and sometimes confused. Alive..."

When Yuan Shao said these words, he had been holding a coffee cup in his hand and looked at the snowy snow outside the window.

But it seems that there is not much sorrow in the eyes. Perhaps the saddest time has passed.

Yu Ping felt uncomfortable and even wanted to cry.

She opened her mouth, a little dry, "Yuan Shao, you have to mourn, people can't be reborn."

"Relax, I've long wanted to open up. My mother has passed away so long, and the most uncomfortable days have passed. It is pity my father and miss my mother, so I often feel trance, not as wise as before, I’m doing business at home, but I don’t have much thought. I have been thinking about a question, Xiaoping, you said, do we come to suffer in this world?"

Yu Ping held the coffee cup in both hands and didn't know how to answer it.

It's just that I really dislike Yuan Shao, the former school grass, the pride of the heavens, the boy with the halo.

So many boys like girls, after experiencing all this now, it is no longer the sunshine boy.

Yuan Shaoyan's value hasn't changed, but the sense of youth in his body and the original innocence and enthusiasm have already been wiped out by the years.

Yu Ping suddenly felt that he was lucky.

Yuan Shao was born with everything, but now has nothing but money.

And she obviously has nothing, but now she has everything.

Yu Ping's family can't afford any storms, so she has already lived a long life.

Apart from the child, she has everything now.

Therefore, compared with Yuan Shao, Yu Ping felt too lucky.

It seems that the ancestor said that in 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, this statement is not false.

If you don’t live to the end, you really don’t know what your life will become.

Yuan Shao saw Yu Ping not speaking, smiled bitterly, and continued, "I think we are born to suffer and torture, happiness and happiness are short-lived, pain and torture are permanent, I actually want to open , I admire my mother, she left at least this place of suffering, and went to the eternal kingdom, there will be no more troubles."

"Yuan Shao, people always have to look forward. You are still young..." Yu Ping comforted softly.

"Yes, the past is bitter, some words shouldn't be told to you, but now I see you, I can't control my emotions. My mother didn't like you back then, and I said a lot of things that hurt your self-esteem, I’m sorry for hurting you, I apologized for her. She told me before she left, let me apologize to you, and regretted that she was stopped by us. If you are still by my side, maybe our children are all well. At a few years old, my mother may have seen her grandchildren...but I know that life has no ifs, only consequences and results."

Yu Ping just listened quietly without saying a word.

"Xiaoping, if... I let you divorce and go with me, would you still be willing? I know I'm selfish but I can't let go, I'm not afraid of what others say about me, hate me, I just want to be with you. "

Yuan Shao suddenly grabbed Yu Ping's hand, and his paranoid confession made Yu Ping caught off guard.

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