Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1385: : My woman

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"A Sheng seems to be in danger, Xiao Hei, you are hiding in the car and don't move. I'll go out and see."

Seeing that the battle outside was dim and dark, how could the river still be able to sit still?

He didn't dare to be able to fight, but he also had to stand beside his wife...

Who knows, before Jiangliu got off the bus, he heard a sound from the car, "Why are you going to die?"

"Who? Who is talking?"

For the first time, Jiang Liu was so scared, that face was scared pale.

To know that there is no third person in the car, except that he and Huasheng are Xiaohei, and there is no possibility of any dirty things, because where Huasheng is, there will not be any evil spirits. Therefore, in such an unprepared situation, Jiang Liu was so scared that he almost lost his soul when he heard someone talking.

It’s not that it’s timid, it’s really totally unexpected.

"When you get to the world, you can't read it stupidly..."

When the sound rang again, Jiang Liu searched for it according to the source of the sound, and finally found the target.

That... actually... Xiao Hei?

Jiang Liu thought he was wrong, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then took a closer look.

"Don't rub it, I'm right."

Xiao Hei lazily got up from the co-pilot, yawned, and stretched a lazy waist.

Then glanced at the river lightly.

"Xiaohei... Are you talking? God... Are you actually able to speak? Can you speak human language?" Jiang Liu is still very ignorant. I really didn't expect that at this time, the black cat around me actually spoke human language. But he clearly remembered before. Even if Xiaohe talked to Huasheng and the wind, they were all translated by the cat demon? Doesn’t Xiaohei only speak cat language?

"These are not the scope of your worries. I will explain slowly later... You can't go out now, and I can't go out now. I believe my master will get it done, just waste some time. If you go out, the female spider Grab it, it's tantamount to grab my master's weakness. So you can only add chaos when you go out, not save people."

Jiang Liu was slightly startled, and didn't know what to say.

"Don’t doubt me, you can look out on your own? How many spiders are that? Didn’t even burn my master’s fire? Do you know how tenacious those things are? If I guess right, they still have It is highly toxic, and once the skin is contaminated, it will rot through the stomach."

"How do you know this?" Jiang Liu told the truth, not knowing whether to believe Xiaohei.

Is a cat who can talk suddenly still trustworthy?

"Also, you can not believe me, but you can't put my owner in danger... The car is protected by the owner's light shield. As long as you don't go out, those things will not enter. You might as well squat with me In the car, how about waiting for everything to end?"

"Little Black..."

"Don't call me Xiao Hei, I'm already tens of thousands of years old, you can call me Hei Ye, or Hei Shao... or... the most handsome and handsome black adult in the universe.

River flow: ...

Suddenly the black cat can talk, which is beyond the cognition of Jiang Liu, and now it is found that this is not only a talking cat, but also a narcissistic cat...

Huasheng is even more powerful. This time, he still didn't get away from his opponent quickly, so he was dragged on.

The other party hasn't hurt her yet, just keep using spiders and spider webs, wrapping them layer by layer.

Huasheng continues to burn flames with spiritual force, but in the end it is the cotton body, which cannot support such a powerful overdraft...

In this case, the wind is even more miserable, because the corpse-changing things continue to escape the formation, and it is already more difficult for the wind to deal with the two alone. A few breezes can hardly resist.

At this time, a figure came running not far away, shouting while running, "My woman, I will protect myself."

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