Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1388: : No regrets for you

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That's right, when the wind finished these words, the cat spirits were approaching step by step.

"These meows are so scary, I am a ghost, I'm scared." A breeze **** is nagging.

"Did you have anything to do with it? If you pass it, where would you let our wind house's face go? You are a ghost who is still afraid of cats and even throwing people to death." Qingfeng scolded beside him.

"Aren't you scared? Didn't you look at the eyes of those guys? It scared people to death. I feel so much tonight."

After the third breeze was over, everyone looked towards him, the kind of eyes that would kill.

"Shut up for me, crow's mouth." The wind is about to get drunk.

These three guys usually have a great fighting power. How can they become so useless today? Is it really because the enemy is too strong?

"Come on, did you call Huasheng? Or let her be safe." Qin Wanyu also thought these cat spirits were scary, plus the monsters that were coming out, so reminded me.

"You don’t have to remind me, I’ve called someone to report, but my people haven’t come back...I guess...not so optimistic. And if I step back 10,000 steps, even if my people are intercepted halfway, then Sheng also has a way of knowing that I am in danger. This is what she said before. The reason why Ashen didn’t come now is definitely in trouble."

"Then... is it possible that Huasheng was afraid to come?" Qin Wanyu asked this question.

It was asked by a breeze next to him. After finishing this, Feng Xi returned his hand with a big mouth, and his eyes were venomous.

"Come on, please shut up for me. I am so irritable today. You will not understand my relationship with Huasheng. So you are not qualified to evaluate her. How many times has she saved me in a crisis, saying By the way, she is not afraid of the **** Shura evil spirit of Shura Dao, she is not even afraid of the road of reincarnation, she will be afraid of a few cat spirits and zombies? Can you ask this enough proof that you grew up eating farts."

After being scolded by the wind, the breeze quickly lowered his head and stopped talking.

Qin Wanyu took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Jiangliu... He knew that if he found Jiangliu, he would definitely find Huasheng.

It's a pity that the phone hasn't been connected...

"Strange... this brother never shuts down, nor will he no longer be in the service area. The signals are all 5G, why can't it be connected? There is no electricity? Shouldn't... Jiangliu's mobile phone is solar powered , There will be no electricity, and there will never be a business delay due to lack of electricity. This is something everyone in the circle knows."

"Jiang Liu and A Sheng must be together. If A Sheng is in trouble... Then...Jiang Liu must have encountered it too. You don't have to call. Think about how to deal with these cat spirits first."

The wind looked cold and looked forward, and the dozens of cat spirits surrounded them in groups without any gaps.

"These little pets are quite tactical." Qin Wanyu rubbed his eyebrows and didn't know what to say. He could only tease himself and be brave.

The wind also raised the corner of his mouth, "pets? They are not, no one will have such a vicious pet, Qin Wanyu...I may not care about you in a while, you ask for more blessings."

"Come on, I dare to come tonight, I’m not afraid of dying, I’ll never regret it for can do it with confidence, you give birth to me, you die to die... These cats and dogs, I I’m not afraid, I am also a big man and I have to do it with them."

After finishing talking, Qin Wanyu pressed the start button in his hand, and the chainsaw rotated again.

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