Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1395: : You come with me

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Huasheng took the fire of light and shadow and turned the entire funeral home into ashes...

Even if the building was turned into nothing, it seemed like a magic. If it wasn’t seen with my own eyes, I really couldn’t imagine what a powerful force it was. Qin Wanyu was dumbfounded. He even patted the river. 'S back teased, "Brother, take care of yourself in the future, try not to cheat, don't cause trouble, don't block your wife, otherwise... your wife will really cremate you directly."

Jiangliu turned around with just one foot, slammed into Qin Wanyu's ass.

This is the price he can't speak. This kind of scene is still a joke, and I have to say that Qin Wanyu is a person who has no heart or heart.

"My goddess, you know that you will smooth everything." Feng Xi sighed around Huasheng's neck.

God knows how hard these corpses after the mutation are, and she nearly vomited blood when she was tired.

Even, she already thought very pessimistically, will she and Qin Wanyu hang here tonight.

Fortunately, at the last minute, white dye came, bringing the power of the white fox family.

Those foxes restrained spirit cats, they really can't leave their scum left.

Especially white dyeing, a young boy in white clothes, the aperture protected by the powerful spiritual force circled all the difficult zombies inside.

Only then did Huasheng buy time and delay it.

Suddenly, the wind's affection for Master Bairan has increased by hundreds of times. Of course, it used to be very good.

But it's not the kind of love between men and women, she just simply worships white dye.

I feel that he is born with the power of God, and has a face that is a disaster to the country and the people. It is simply. If you don’t go to pick up the girl, I’m sorry for my beautiful face. However, it is a pity that Bai Ran does have something wrong today. Stay.

White dye can come because of Pluto's timely notification.

Therefore, Huasheng is actually very grateful to Pluto, but because of the fact that Mr. Jiang is still jealous in their family, he dare not say too much gratitude to Pluto, otherwise it will be bad if it is misunderstood.

"Everything is over, let's go." Hua Sheng looked at the last trace of fire and went back with everyone.

It was already 3:40 in the morning, and it was not yet dawn.

But Feng Xi and Qin Wanyu didn't feel sleepy either, and they went to Shili Chunfeng for a meal.

With so many people coming in and going out, it is natural to wake up Ginkgo.

So the girl woke up in a daze and saw these people, dumbfounded.

She thought she had seen the wrong time, picked up her phone and looked at it again, "Uh... three o'clock in the morning, what are you doing? Is this going to go to morning exercises early?"

"Haha, yeah, the four of us just came back from the morning exercise, and now our stomach is really hungry. Gingko girl is doing well, can you make us something to eat?" Qin Wanyu was shameless and really invincible.

Gingko is used to him eating and drinking, so he is too lazy to take care of it.

"Sister Feng Xi, why is there blood in your hand?" Ginkgo stared at Feng Xi's fingers with blood on his fingers.

Ginkgo reminded everyone that he noticed that there was a slow blood drop between Feng Xi's left **** and ring finger.

Qin Wanyu was distressed at that time, and he twitched silently.

Hua Sheng took the windy hand and glanced at the wound before frowning slightly, "Mao Ling?"

The wind was a little embarrassed, and quickly pulled back, "Oh, it's nothing, what a fart thing, just turn back on the medicine."

"You come with me."

Hua Sheng's face was not very good-looking, and he went upstairs with a cold face.

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