Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1398: : Hua Zhi is pregnant

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

It was a rare clear sky on this day, but after seeing the Spring Festival, Jiangcheng was already full of snow.

Hua Sheng was wearing a long black down jacket and wearing black woolen gloves, and stood at the entrance of the main entrance, fearing changes.

Feng Xi opened the way ahead, sending the last ride for the late Xie family.

Xie Dongyang holding his father's picture.

Feng Yu was holding Xie Dongze's photo, and looked thin and uncomfortable.

Xie Ning followed Mrs. Xie and was held by her grandmother. She said nothing, but bit her lip and said nothing.

Xie Dongyao stood on his stomach, crying, and got into a black Bentley behind.

Relatives of Xie's family even coaxed them up. Xie Dongyao's husband was still very sensible and busy Zhang Luo.

Hua Sheng nodded without saying a word.

Jiangliu did not come, and explained to Xie Dongyang before, always feeling afraid of those unscrupulous media writing indiscriminately.

With Hua Sheng, there will certainly be no more trouble.

"You can figure out the best, you can't be resurrected from death. Don't be too obsessed... Even if it is you, you won't live for a long time. The most feared thing in the world is the six reincarnations, so... relax yourself. "

"A Sheng, you are right, I'm too dumb. Fortunately, I woke up and didn't cause you too much trouble?"

"No, I'm not so weak."

"I heard you forgive me, or did my niece plead for me?" Xie Dongyang was very embarrassed.

"Well, it's Ning Ning, so you have to treat her better."

"It's already fine, okay?"

In fact, Hua Sheng can forgive him, come to Xie's house to attend the funeral, and continue to talk to him. Xie Dongyang is already satisfied.

It's just doesn't matter how much he wants, it's impossible, he knows it all.

"Have my third sister sent you a WeChat?"

Hua Sheng asked softly, Xie Dongyang nodded, "It's a good thing, she is pregnant, but this is really not suitable for the funeral. I will definitely understand this, I won't think about it, my friendship with Hua Zhi , I know."

Hua Sheng sighed slightly, "The time is really embarrassing for you two. When she got married, something happened in your family. Now that Uncle Xie is in the funeral, she suddenly became pregnant again, so she naturally missed it. Not limited to formalism."

"That's natural. Your third sister is the majority shareholder of our company."

Hua Sheng saw that Xie Dongyang was in a much better state, so he was relieved to help Xie's family to finish the funeral together with the wind.

In fact, it is also because there have been too many changes recently, and Huasheng is afraid that something will go wrong.

After all, all of the corpses that were transformed into corpses were those who died with Xie's family. This cannot be said to be a coincidence.

Fortunately, in the end, all the way to the burial, it is also the cusp of criticism.

In order to be afraid of sabotage, Hua Sheng also enchanted the tomb of the father and son of the Xie family, making it difficult for those demons to get close.

However, they didn't tell Xie Dongyang, they didn't have to say anything, and they didn't want him to appreciate it.

At this moment, the Wang's old house

Hua Zhi vomited dimly, and Mrs. Wang was kind enough to get Hua Zhi a pig's foot soup for a night, thinking to make her up.

Who would have thought that as soon as she smelled that smell, she would spit out her stomach.

Wang Junxian was distressed when he saw it.

"Otherwise, don't you want this kid?"

He said aloud that the Wang family was almost scared to death.

"What are you talking about? Is your child stupid?" Mrs. Wang's face changed, and she scolded her son.

Wang Junxian still didn't change his face, "Where do I know that having a child will make Xiaozhi so hard? It's only been a month, and it will be paid afterwards? How can she carry this body? Or should we go back to the doctor and take Forget it."

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