Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1400: :Pregnant woman

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Wang Junxian's words really caused anger in the Wang family.

He was right to hurt his daughter-in-law, but she wanted to get rid of her when she was pregnant, and he said that she wanted a surrogate.

Hua Zhi was about to cry because of him. Really, although he knew that he was kind to himself, he didn't let himself suffer.

But such a tiger's husband is also rare, and finally Father Wang couldn't help but slap in the back of Wang Junxian's head.

"Shut up for me, something that doesn't matter."

"Dad, why are you hitting me? I'm not wrong... Using the seeds of our two, using other people's land, the children that come out are also the genes of our royal family, and they won't change. How can I say that I am invincible?"

"Should you shut up for me, your kid looks like a little talker, how come you are so jerk? You look at your grandma. I tell you Wang Junxian, if your grandmother and your mother have today Three long and two short, do you think I will not interrupt your dog legs?"

Although Dad retired, no matter what the company does, he is still very dignified at home.

There has always been one thing, including Hua Zhi, who respects his father-in-law. After all, he is a figure of the older generation.

Even in many cases, Hua Zhi admires Father Wang very much, and thinks that if his father is just like Father Wang, there will not be so many tragedies afterwards, and they are all born in wealthy homes. Daddy Wang did not raise Primary Three in his life, did not have extramarital affairs, did not go out to steal food, and did not go to the monthly market, but other people's business was still very big, usually at home, only love Mrs. Wang.

Although they are all old, they still buy gifts on their wedding anniversaries and Valentine's Day.

Hua Zhi sometimes tears her eyes when she sees it. She always feels that if her father is so dedicated, her mother will not fall into today's fields. But now his father has passed away, saying everything is in vain.

"My grandma was excited. When she woke up, I would brainwash her and she would accept it."

"You still say?" Hua Zhi punched Wang Junxian with a punch.

"I'm not for you yet. Look at your face... scare people... I haven't eaten or spit in the last few days. If you go on like this, if the child is not born, you will starve to death first."

In the end, I care too much about my wife, so I have the idea of ​​killing the child.

Of course, Wang Junxian was the first person to destroy the Son, and this matter continued long afterwards.

They will also be teased by Jiang Liu and Qin Wanyu and run against him. In fact, this matter does not blame Wang Junxian, because he has too little knowledge about women giving birth to children. If he knows, morning sickness is very natural. Pregnancy reaction, certainly would not say that.

Because of the turmoil caused by Wang Junxian, the Wang family was in chaos.

Hua Zhi later simply drove to Shilichunfeng alone.

"Five sisters, it is still you who are clean here."

Hua Sheng smiled, poured a glass of warm water to Hua Zhi and handed it over.

"I want to drink coke with ice." Hua Zhi asked with a big voice.


Hua Sheng also felt that he directly rejected Hua Zhi's request.

"Five sisters, don't you like this. How did you react to Wang Junxian, did you react too much?" Hua Zhi couldn't help crying.

"Pregnant women can't drink carbonated cola, it will cause calcium loss, please go and see the basic knowledge of pregnant women. Too lazy to talk to you, if you don't listen to me, I will call Wang Junxian to let him take you home now ."

Hua Sheng also has a very good way to scare Hua Zhi with Wang Junxian.

Hua Zhi was not angry, she was used to it, but she suddenly thought of something, so she lowered her voice and said, "Five sisters, I plan to have a few more children, regardless of sex, and then... give you and Jiangliu one Raise, you are so young, you can’t have no children for a lifetime. The report outside is no better than our own. My children are kind of blood related to you anyway, what do you say?"

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