Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1402: : Raising a child

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Zhi has been soaking in the spring breeze for ten days, and finally does not want to leave.

He also said that he wanted to live in Shilichunfengke bedroom, and Huasheng didn't want to stay, just know that Wang Junxian certainly couldn't agree.

As expected, when Jiang Liu came to get off work, Wang Junxian's car came directly in.

Two tens of millions of luxury cars entered the parking lot of Shilichunfeng one after another.

"Aunt is back, eh? Mr. Wang is also here." Ginkgo looked on the tiptoe out of the window.

At this time, it was already snowy outside, and the winter in the north was long.

Huasheng always feels extremely cold this winter, so the indoor temperature is adjusted higher than every year.

The thing she likes to do most is actually sitting in front of the fireplace and roasting the fire, sitting in a rocking chair.

There was a thin blanket on his lap and his favorite book.

Recently, Huasheng is fascinated by constellations and horoscopes. Whether it is Jessica, Susan Miller or Penny, she takes it very seriously.

I also learned some Western astrologers and found it very interesting.

Jiang Liu looked at her like a little girl and was very happy with these daily interests.

So when I came back every day, I also actively bought some snacks and desserts for Huasheng and Ginkgo.

The two little girls tweeted while watching TV while eating snacks, which was very pleasant.

Wang Junxian entered the door without saying a word, directly picked Hua Zhi and went out.

"Sister Five, let's go first, see you tomorrow."

Aojiao's overbearing president Lao Wang, after leaving such a sentence and ran away, Hua Zhi didn't even have time to say goodbye to Hua Sheng.

"Huh? Mr. Wang really laughs." Ginkgo likes Wang Junxian and Hua Zhi's CP very much, and always feels sweet.

On the contrary, Ginkgo is not very optimistic about Qin Wanyu and the wind. To be honest, not only Ginkgo, even Huazhi and Hualin, and even Yu Ping, feel that Qin Wanyu is actually not worth the wind, why is it not good enough,

It is not because Qin Wanyu is not good, but Qin Wanyu's understanding and trust in the wind is far less than Wang Junxian and Jiang Liu did well.

That's why he was always stunned by the **** Qiao Xue, and was even provoked.

And Feng Xi's character is arrogant and strange, and he is even more disdainful of explaining and coaxing men by means.

So every time the two split up and close, they are actually very hurt.

Hua Zhi and Wang Junxian have also made a few troubles before, but every time others can go smoothly.

But Qin Wanyu's breeze this time was obviously not compounded.

Qin Wanyu actually admits that he is wrong and wants peace, but the wind doesn't want to be reasonable at all.

Feng Xi has also been scorched recently. First, there was a spooky incident of the funeral of the Xie family, and then there was a group of corpse mutations, which almost bloodied Jiangcheng.

She didn't dare to relax her vigilance in one heart, and wished she could learn what grandpa had learned all her life.

"Hua Zhi came here to stay for a day, did the two quarrel?" Jiang Liu took off his suit jacket and hugged Huasheng's shoulders with a smile.

"No, she just came to play."

"This is the best way, so as not to harass us both every day."

The first thing Jiangliu got off work was to talk to his wife greasy.

Hua Sheng looked at the familiar face of Jiang Liu and always felt that this was a beautiful dream, that was not true.

Will I really get such happiness?

"Mr. Jiang."

"Call her husband."

"Husband." Hua Sheng is a rare clever.

"Good boy, just from your husband, what do you have, the husband agrees." Jiang Liu raised her hand very fondly and pinched Hua Sheng's face.

"My third sister said...she has a few more children in the future, give us one, what do you think?" Hua Sheng looked at Jiang Liu's eyes one by one, and asked this sentence. In fact, before asking, she was It's been a long time, but the third sister is right. The child always needs to have one, even if it's adopted, and one. It's impossible to have a two-person world in a lifetime.

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