Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1404: : Really mad

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

This action almost didn't make Hua Sheng laugh to death. She was so serious that she leaned forward and back while covering her abdomen.

Jiang Liu looked at Ginkgo with an innocent look, "What the **** is going on? Come to tell us, you know, A Sheng and I have always treated you like a family. If you are bullied, our brothers and sisters Certainly will not be ignored."

"Okay, Grandpa, since you asked, then I will say it. Come, you see, this is what we found on the WeChat account of logging in to Gao He half an hour ago."

"Are you logging in to his WeChat account?" Hua Sheng was a little weird.

Although Ginkgo has a bad temper, it is not a girl who does not respect people, but the operation of logging in to her boyfriend's WeChat is really...

"Miss, it’s not like that. I didn’t check him on purpose. He asked me to log in, because he was still playing in the wilderness version of the wilderness, and a group of pig teammates in the wild with unstable signals. I was afraid his parents would not find it. In a hurry, let me go to WeChat and reply to WeChat urgently."

"Oh, this is the case." Hua Sheng nodded thoughtfully.

"And then? What did you find wonderful?" Jiang Liu was really handsome when she seemed to laugh.

Even Huasheng looked at her husband's face, and he was so lost for a moment.

"Oh, I'm too lazy to say, aunt and lady, look at it yourself."

After talking, Gingko threw the phone over and Jiang Liu reached out to catch it and saw dozens of unread WeChat messages in Gao He’s WeChat account.

And looking at the avatars, they are all women, or young women, women with net red faces.

Especially the top one, she made eight posts by herself.

The WeChat nickname is also interesting, called a lonely little woman.

Unwilling little lonely woman: Hehe, long time no see, what are you busy with?

Unwilling little lonely woman: I heard that you talked about a girlfriend who is a babysitter from someone else's house. Is it true? Haha?

Unwilling lonely little woman: right? Don't you taste like such a rough person? Did you stop contacting Liu Mengjie? What happened to you two was very sensational at the time. I heard that she will return to China next week. Do you want to get together?

Unwilling little lonely woman: Seriously, I always think you two are quite worthy, after all, she is also a little princess, her father and your father are buddies. Why do you spoil yourself? Find a babysitter, where is it? If the picture is really fresh, just play it. If you really get married, you will be dumbfounded. You will know which poor people, especially how poor the daughters of the poor family are, not only the scum of the dress, but also the advantage. Will lose your face, and then continue to ask you for money, only money. Don’t ask me how I knew it. I had a cousin. I married a college classmate and said it was true love. In the end, the woman’s house cost millions of dollars just for the ceremony. In the end, they were squandered by the woman's brother and younger brother, and took my cousin's money to support the third year. Even her dad still put a lot of money in the village to spread money for the villagers. That ugly face is really chilling, I advise you not to suffer, I said good things. "

This little woman who is unwilling to be lonely looks like a classmate of Gao He.

With this message, it is no wonder that Ginkgo will be angry, and the amount of information in it is really huge.

First, it involved a woman named Liu Mengjie. Gao He never mentioned it, but listening to this tone seemed ambiguous with Gao He.

Second, this woman has always devalued Ginkgo as a nanny, and then satirized the poor, meaning that she is not worthy of Koga.

Third, this woman's avatar is a typical net red face, and Gingko was very angry when she looked at the photo.

"Who is Liu Mengjie?" Hua Sheng looked at Jiang Liu and asked, thinking he knew.

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