Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1408: : Great Revenge

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Actually? I always thought he had gone back." Hua Sheng was also surprised.

After finishing the incident before, Hua Sheng had never seen Feng Xi mention, thinking that he had returned to the Feng family.

"I thought he went to the underworld to report to my grandfather, and waited a few days, but later I didn't see anyone coming back. I felt a bit wrong, and went to psychic to see my grandfather. Then I asked and found out that my grandpa just I haven’t seen him before. Feng Jiping is from my Feng family ancestors. He is very qualified. When my grandfather was alive, he was a good assistant. Therefore, I was in a critical situation that day, so I let him go to you and talk to you. Strangely missing."

"Don't worry, do you know the real name and birthday of this person?"

"I know, my grandfather gave me, and our Feng family also has divination techniques, but we have limited abilities and can't get divination. Even my grandfather can't find his clues, I can only help you."

The wind came to Huasheng when he realized that the breeze in his home was dangerous.

Therefore, it will appear in the early spring wind of ten miles in the early morning, otherwise it will not be embarrassed to disturb the Huasheng and Jiangliu couples.

"Well, don't worry, I will try it."

Hua Sheng first calculated it with Zhou Yi, but found no trace.

It was unsuccessful to use copper coins for divination, which is also a evil way.

"A Sheng, have you encountered this situation before?"

Hua Sheng shook his head, "To be honest, no."

"What can I do?"

"Don't worry, I will try other methods. Do you have the breath of this breeze?" Hua Sheng asked the wind.

Feng Xi thought about it for a long time before taking out a small doll from the treasure chest. "Does this work? This is an object that he used to possess. I thought it should have his breath."

"Yes, give me."

Hua Sheng took the puppet in Feng Xi's hand, meditated on the spell, and then concentrated his spiritual power to start searching for the trace of this breath master.


Hua Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, his face pale for a moment.

As if something frightened, Feng Xi quickly grabbed Huasheng's hand, "Asheng, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine."

"what happened?"

"I saw something that should be related to him."


"Blood, a lot of blood, and terrible black...that should be the breath of death..."

"Do you mean that my breeze is dead?" The wind was shocked.

Hua Sheng didn't speak, and slowly began to speak, "It's almost fierce, and it's impossible to find it. It's impossible to find it. He's gone. Even a little bit of breath is attached to other breaths. That may be The smell of the person who killed him."

"Can you find the person who killed him?" Feng Xi was extremely angry. Over the years, this was the first dead breeze, and she died in her hands. If the ancestors of the wind ancestors knew it, it wouldn't be. Scolded her, called her extremely incompetent, and even her own men were not well protected.

"I can't find it, but I probably know who it is?" Hua Sheng remembered the woman in red that day and the huge spider web.

Afterwards, the incident was followed as usual.

After listening to the wind, to tell the truth, that expression is very desperate.

"At the time of the war between the gods and demons, my ancestor Feng Qingcheng was just a pawn, little hello... more said to us. If the people of the devil really killed my breeze, then... this hatred may be reported for my whole life. No more." Feng Xi lowered his head in shame.

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