Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1410: : Xiaohei is here

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Second Sister, if it's you... return me a sentence... OK?"

Hua Lin was terrified, and her voice was crying. In this inhuman place, there was a sense of sight as a silent mountain.

It was surrounded by dense forests, dark and dark, with no sound of birds singing, quiet and terrible.

She confirmed that she was not dazzling, that she really saw it before she followed.

But he always followed the man like the second sister, but ignored the sense of direction and distance, just like a ghost, and was led to this ghost place. At this moment, she regretted that she should not be so impulsive. She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Bai Hao.

But the frightening thing is that when I took out my mobile phone, I found out that the mobile phone has no signal and no longer serves the service area.

She wanted to object in the same way, but was surprised to find that the original way was gone.

Yes, there is no way. The road when she came did not know when it had disappeared.

Just like a ghost hitting a wall, she was trapped in place and panicked.

Hua Lin clenched her hands, and the only thought was that if Sheng was there.

On Hua Lin, in fact, Hua Sheng used a spell. That was a magic spell. It was a spell cast for her in order to retain her soul.

But it was because of this spell that Hua Lin was protected.

She will not be possessed by those evil demons, but she is still a mortal body, fear is certain.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound all around, as if there was something to climb, especially horrible.

Hua Lin looked around in a panic, all her heart was mentioned in her throat.

And the magic is that the mist suddenly disperses at this time, and the sight becomes clear at once.

Hua Lin quickly turned the flashlight out of her phone and took a photo.

It’s okay not to take a photo. This photo almost fainted.

It turned out that four large snakes appeared on the surrounding trees.

In the four directions of southeast and northwest, the color of the shot is very strange, the upper body is red, and Yin Hong Yin Hong. The lower body is black, extremely dark.

The body is particularly large. The head of a snake is just as big as a 7- or 8-year-old child. The length is two or three meters.

And four, four, in four directions, this completely blocked Hua Lin's life.

She has a magic charm on her body, not afraid that ghosts and gods are real, but... she is afraid of these poisonous snakes.

After all, from small to large, I haven't experienced such a horrible scene.

Warin suddenly felt his scalp tingle, his body was shaking, and his legs were soft.

"A Sheng, come and save me... I'm so scared..." Hua Lin knew that the fifth sister was not an ordinary person, so she thought about it and didn't know if A Sheng would hear it.

The eyes of the four serpents were fierce, and they stared at Hualin as if they were staring at the delicious breakfast.

And she kept vomiting the huge letter, making Hualin dare not move a step, she always felt that she might be swallowed in minutes.

In a critical moment, there was a cat meow in the woods...

With a meow... Normally Hualin was afraid of meowing and felt horrified, but today she felt that the sound was familiar and warm.

When approaching, Warin suddenly shouted with joy in his heart, "Xiaohei, are you?"

The little black is very recognizable, the whole body is black, and the eyes are different from ordinary black cats.

So recognized by Hua Lin at a glance, it slowly walked in with a lazy pace and walked to Hua Lin's side.

"Xiaohei, you're here. Isn't Asheng here too?" Hua Lin suddenly felt rescued and wept with joy.

"No, the master didn't come, only me."

Xiaohei spoke again, yes, it did. Hualin suddenly felt like her brain was about to explode. Can the cat talk?

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