Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1412: : Black Corpse Python

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As soon as Hua Sheng's words fell, he saw Xiao Hei's smug smile. Yes, you read that right, the cat would laugh.

Not to mention Hua Lin, even the wind was shocked, "I'm leaning, A Sheng, am I right? Is that cat black?"


"It's so big?" The wind was shocked.


"Is it still laughing? I'm leaning, it's terrible, it's fine." All of Feng Xi's energy is on Xiaohei, so he didn't pay attention to the snake.

With the master's order, Xiaohei certainly won't play. In fact, he should have killed the snake.

It's because of his sudden playfulness, he hangs it all the time, so that it doesn't die so fast, just a little teasing it.

Now that the master has spoken, Xiao Hei must be face-saving.

So the original sharp claw suddenly mutated again.

The fingertip, which was originally several centimeters long, suddenly grew more than half a meter, and became sharp like steel.

Where Xiaohe was preparing for the seven inches of the serpent, he lifted a fingertip and pierced deeply...

The snake was killed instantly, everything just happened at the fingertips of the electric light flint, making it too late to react.

The last big snake was also dead, and the **** battle in the morning was completely over. Hua Lin ran out from behind the big tree.

Grasp the hand of Hua Sheng with excitement, "Five sisters, you can be counted, I thought I couldn't see you anymore, I really don't know how I persevered, Xiao Hei also said human words, those snake scares Dead people, and fangs. I think about my son and husband. I thought I was going to die."

Hua Lin was terrified, her face pale, her lips slightly purple, and she spoke incoherently.

Hua Sheng took hold of Hua Lin's hand, "Sister Four, you say slowly, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Hoo... No, I'm so nervous, you take me out of here first, I'm so scared."

Hua Lin vowed not to go to the cemetery in the future, nor to come to this wilderness and wilderness, which is too scary, especially for the snake to have an unspeakable fear.

"Well, let's go."

Huasheng and Hualin took Hualin away, and the magical thing is that no one knows when Xiaohei transformed, and it actually returned to its original size, silently following behind Huasheng, just like usual, There were no waves on his face.

The wind couldn't help it, squatted on the ground, and hugged Xiaohei with his waist.

It was a sip to the cat's face, Xiao Hei was very disgusted, stared at the wind for a while, and the expression Hua Sheng wanted to laugh.

"What do you think of me, I'm so rare, can't you kiss me? Hahaha, Xiao Hei, you were so handsome just now, hey my little heart, you are so handsome, do you know? You How could it be so big, did you eat ant Dali pill?"

After listening to his skeptical life, Xiaohei finally kept silent and closed her eyes silently, no matter what the wind said.

"Lin Lin, you just said that Xiao Hei can talk?"

Feng Xi was very interested in this matter, but Hua Sheng was silent, but she suddenly thought in her heart that Jiang Liu had just mentioned this problem not long ago, Jiang Liu said, Hua Lin also said, it seems that Xiao Hei really speaks, but it is magical The thing is, Hua Sheng has never heard it speak.

As its owner, he said he was also very hurt.

"Yes, Xiaohei has spoken. Can you still say Xiaohei? What would you say to everyone?" Hua Lin lay cautiously in Xiaohei's ear.

But Xiaohei didn't open his mouth or open his eyes, just like he really fell asleep.

"Don't ask anymore, it is starting to pretend to be dead again." Hua Sheng reminded friendlyly.

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